Exemple #1
        private static LoaderOptions ProcessOptions(string[] args)
            var options = new LoaderOptions();

            var showHelp = false;
            var noConfig = false;

            string configFile = null;
            string keyFile    = null;
            string cbPath     = null;
            string cachePath  = null;

            bool?writeKeyFile           = null;
            bool?verboseMode            = null;
            bool?forceUpdate            = null;
            bool?forceRemerge           = null;
            bool?launchBuilder          = null;
            bool?checkForUpdates        = null;
            bool?updateFirst            = null;
            bool?setFileAssociations    = null;
            bool?dumpTemporaryFiles     = null;
            bool?createUpdateIndexFiles = null;

            var opts = new OptionSet()
                "Usage: CBLoader [-c <config file>]",
                "A homebrew rules loader for the D&D Insider Character Builder",
                { "h|?|help", "Shows this help message.",
                  value => showHelp = true },
                { "v|verbose", "Enables additional debugging output.",
                  value => verboseMode = true },
                { "c|config=", "A config file to use rather than the default.",
                  value => SetUniqueString(ref configFile, "-c", value) },
                { "no-config", "Do not use a configuration file.",
                  value => noConfig = true },
                { "a|set-assocations", "Associate .dnd4e and .cbconfig with CBLoader.",
                  value => setFileAssociations = false },
                "Path management:",
                { "u|cache-path=", "Sets where to write temporary files.",
                  value => SetUniqueString(ref cachePath, "-u", value) },
                { "cb-path=", "Sets where character builder is installed.",
                  value => SetUniqueString(ref cbPath, "--cb-path", value) },
                { "f|folder=", "Adds a directory to search for custom rules in.",
                  value => options.AddPath(value) },
                { "ignore-part=", "Adds a part file to ignore.",
                  value => options.IgnoreParts.Add(value) },
                "Keyfile options:",
                { "k|key-file=", "Uses the given keyfile.",
                  value => SetUniqueString(ref keyFile, "-k", value) },
                { "r=", "Updates a keyfile at the given path. Implies -k.",
                  value => {
                      SetUniqueString(ref keyFile, "-r", value);
                      writeKeyFile = true;
                  } },
                "Execution options:",
                { "update-first", "Update before merging, rather than after.",
                  value => updateFirst = true },
                { "force-update", "Redownload parts files.",
                  value => forceUpdate = true },
                { "e|force-remerge", "Always regenerate merged rules file.",
                  value => forceRemerge = true },
                { "d|no-update", "Do not check for updates.",
                  value => checkForUpdates = false },
                "Development options:",
                { "n|no-run", "Do not actually launch the character builder.",
                  value => launchBuilder = false },
                { "dump-temporary", "Dumps raw rules data to disk.",
                  value => dumpTemporaryFiles = true },
                { "create-update-indexes", "Create update version indexes.",
                  value => createUpdateIndexFiles = true },

            var execArgs = opts.Parse(args);

            if (showHelp)

            // Load a configation file.
            if (!noConfig)
                if (configFile == null)
                    options.AddOptionFile(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "default.cbconfig"));

            // Copy configuration options from console.
            if (keyFile != null)
                options.KeyFile = keyFile;
            if (cbPath != null)
                options.CBPath = cbPath;
            if (cachePath != null)
                options.CachePath = cachePath;

            if (writeKeyFile != null)
                options.WriteKeyFile = (bool)writeKeyFile;
            if (verboseMode != null)
                options.VerboseMode = (bool)verboseMode;
            if (forceUpdate != null)
                options.ForceUpdate = (bool)forceUpdate;
            if (forceRemerge != null)
                options.ForceRemerge = (bool)forceRemerge;
            if (launchBuilder != null)
                options.LaunchBuilder = (bool)launchBuilder;
            if (checkForUpdates != null)
                options.CheckForUpdates = (bool)checkForUpdates;
            if (updateFirst != null)
                options.UpdateFirst = (bool)updateFirst;
            if (setFileAssociations != null)
                options.SetFileAssociations = (bool)setFileAssociations;
            if (dumpTemporaryFiles != null)
                options.DumpTemporaryFiles = (bool)dumpTemporaryFiles;
            if (createUpdateIndexFiles != null)
                options.CreateUpdateIndexFiles = (bool)createUpdateIndexFiles;

            if (options.CBPath == null && (options.CBPath = Utils.GetInstallPath()) == null)
                throw new CBLoaderException(
                          "CBLoader could not find an installation of Character Builder.\n" +
                          "Please specify its path with <CBPath>path/to/builder</CBPath> in the configuration " +
                          "or reinstall Character Builder.");

            // Default cache Path
            if (options.CachePath == null)
                options.CachePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Cache");

            // Default keyfile location.
            if (options.KeyFile == null)
                options.KeyFile = Path.Combine(options.CachePath, "cbloader.keyfile");

            // Default part directory.
            if (options.MergeDirectories.Count == 0 && options.UpdateDirectories.Count == 0)
                options.AddPath(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Custom"));
            options.AddPath(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "ddi"), "CBLoader"));

            // Update first anyway if LaunchBuilder isn't set -- we don't need this optimization.
            if (!options.LaunchBuilder)
                options.UpdateFirst = true;

            // Check configuration option consistancy.