// Sandbox area for testing/debugging stuff, not used
        private void chart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (chart_gui.logfile != null)
                Timeslice max_timeslice;
                max_timeslice.start = 0;
                max_timeslice.end   = chart_gui.logfile.point_list[chart_gui.logfile.point_list.Count - 1].timestamp;


                //    using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("test.txt"))
                //    {
                //        foreach (Logfile_Point point in logfile.point_list)
                //        {
                //            /*
                //            string raw_data = "";
                //            for (int i = 0; i < point.num_bytes; i++)
                //                raw_data += point.data[i].ToString() + " ";
                //            file.WriteLine("Message Number: " + point.point_number + " Timestamp: " + point.timestamp + " Raw Data: " + raw_data);

                //            foreach (Logfile_Signal_Point signal_point in point.signal_point_list)
                //            {
                //                file.WriteLine("\t" + signal_point.name + ": " + signal_point.value);
                //            }
                //            */

                //            int index = point.signal_point_list.IndexOf(point.signal_point_list.Find(signal => !Convert.ToBoolean(string.Compare(signal.name, "Total_Engine_Hours"))));

                //            if (index != -1)
                //            {
                //                string raw_data = "";
                //                for (int i = 0; i < point.num_bytes; i++)
                //                    raw_data += point.data[i].ToString() + " ";
                //                file.WriteLine("Message Number: " + point.point_number + " Timestamp: " + point.timestamp + " Raw Data: " + raw_data);

                //                file.WriteLine("\t" + point.signal_point_list[index].name + ":\t\t\t" + point.signal_point_list[index].value);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

             * for (int i=0; i<checkedListBox_signals.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  MessageBox.Show(checkedListBox_signals.CheckedItems[i].ToString());
             * }
Exemple #2
        private void parser_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Populate logfile object
            chart_gui.logfile.num_points         = 0;
            chart_gui.logfile.num_unique_signals = 0;

            // Find number of messages in file
            string[] lastLine            = File.ReadLines(chart_gui.logfile.path).Last().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int      num_bytes_last_line = int.Parse(lastLine[4]);
            int      num_messages        = int.Parse(lastLine[5 + num_bytes_last_line]);

            // Keep track of progress percentage
            int progress_percentage      = 0;
            int progress_percentage_prev = 0;

            // Populates database_ object with database data
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(chart_gui.logfile.path))
                // Continue reading if not at end
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    // Read next line
                    string   curr_log_line  = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] log_line_words = curr_log_line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Checks if it not trigger line, if is, skip
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(string.Compare(log_line_words[1], "Trigger")))
                        // Add and populate new logfile point
                        Logfile_Point new_point = new Logfile_Point();

                        // Initialize signal_point list
                        new_point.num_signal_points = 0;

                        new_point.timestamp = Double.Parse(log_line_words[0]);
                        new_point.channel   = Int32.Parse(log_line_words[1]);
                        int index_of_x = log_line_words[2].IndexOf(@"x");

                        if (index_of_x != -1) // Valid IDs end in x
                            new_point.id = Int64.Parse(log_line_words[2].Remove(index_of_x, 1));
                            new_point.id = Int64.Parse(log_line_words[2]);

                        if (Equals(log_line_words[3], "Rx"))
                            new_point.direction = 0;
                        else if (Equals(log_line_words[3], "Tx"))
                            new_point.direction = 1;
                            new_point.direction = 2;

                        new_point.num_bytes = int.Parse(log_line_words[4]);

                        new_point.data = new int[new_point.num_bytes];

                        for (int i = 0; i < new_point.num_bytes; i++)
                            new_point.data[i] = int.Parse(log_line_words[5 + i]);

                        new_point.point_number = int.Parse(log_line_words[5 + new_point.num_bytes]);

                        // Matches point with corresponding message_format in database file
                        // Finds and stores database and database message indices used by point
                        new_point.database_index         = -1; // These are initially set to not found, but if found in any database, will be updated
                        new_point.database_message_index = -1; // These are initially set to not found, but if found in any database, will be updated

                        foreach (Database current_database in chart_gui.database_set.databases)
                            if (current_database.message_list.IndexOf(current_database.message_list.Find(x => x.id == new_point.id)) != -1)
                                new_point.database_index         = chart_gui.database_set.databases.IndexOf(current_database);
                                new_point.database_message_index = current_database.message_list.IndexOf(current_database.message_list.Find(x => x.id == new_point.id));

                        // Convert bytewise data representation into bit array
                        bool[] data_bit_array = new bool[new_point.num_bytes * 8];

                        for (int i = 0; i < new_point.num_bytes; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                                data_bit_array[(i * 8) + j] = Convert.ToBoolean(new_point.data[i] & (1 << j));

                        // If database message format not found for point
                        if (new_point.database_index == -1 || new_point.database_message_index == -1)
                            //MessageBox.Show("Not Decoding logfile line number <" + new_point.point_number + "> with Timestamp <" + new_point.timestamp + ">");
                            // Populate signal point list with all signals contained in logfile point
                            int num_signals = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].num_signals; // Number of signals in current point

                            for (int i = 0; i < num_signals; i++)
                                // Calculate raw value using little endian
                                int start_bit = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].signal_list[i].start_bit;
                                int num_bits  = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].signal_list[i].length;

                                long raw_value = 0; // Raw little-endian value of signal

                                for (int bit_array_index = start_bit; bit_array_index < start_bit + num_bits; bit_array_index++)
                                    raw_value += Convert.ToInt64(data_bit_array[bit_array_index]) * Convert.ToInt64(Math.Pow(2, bit_array_index - start_bit));
                                //MessageBox.Show("Logfile Message #: " + new_point.point_number + " Timestamp: " + new_point.timestamp + " Signal Value: " + raw_value);

                                // Apply scaling, and offset (note, endian is not considered because I don't know what it does)
                                double scale  = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].signal_list[i].scale;
                                double offset = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].signal_list[i].offset;

                                double final_value = (raw_value * scale) + offset;

                                // Add new signal to signal list and store values in new signal
                                Logfile_Signal_Point new_signal_point = new Logfile_Signal_Point();
                                new_signal_point.name  = chart_gui.database_set.databases[new_point.database_index].message_list[new_point.database_message_index].signal_list[i].name;
                                new_signal_point.value = final_value;

                                // Check if signal is new signal and if so, add to unique_signal list
                                if (chart_gui.logfile.unique_signals.Exists(x => x == new_signal_point.name) == false)

                        // Adds logfile point to point list

                        // Track progress and update progress bar
                        progress_percentage = (chart_gui.logfile.num_points) * 50 / num_messages; // Half of work done here, half done below
                        if (progress_percentage > progress_percentage_prev)
                        progress_percentage_prev = progress_percentage;

                        // Checks if cancelled
                        if (parser.CancellationPending)
                            e.Cancel = true;

                            // Reverts all changes to logfile
                            chart_gui.logfile = new Logfile();


            // Chart_GUI update_logfile begin

            // Populate list of series, one series for each unique signal
            foreach (string unique_signal_name in chart_gui.logfile.unique_signals)
                Series new_series = new Series(unique_signal_name);

                // Stylize new series
                new_series.Enabled   = true;
                new_series.ChartArea = ""; // Set to zero length string for it to not be plotted

                new_series.ChartType      = SeriesChartType.Line;
                new_series.MarkerStyle    = MarkerStyle.Square;
                new_series.MarkerColor    = Color.White;
                new_series.Color          = Color.White;
                new_series.LabelBackColor = Color.White;


            int point_num = 0;

            // For every signal in every message, add the data to that signal's series
            foreach (Logfile_Point point in chart_gui.logfile.point_list)
                foreach (Logfile_Signal_Point signal_point in point.signal_point_list)
                    chart_gui.series.Find(x => !Convert.ToBoolean(string.Compare(signal_point.name, x.Name))).Points.AddXY(point.timestamp, signal_point.value);

                // Track progress and update progress bar
                progress_percentage = (point_num) * 50 / num_messages + 50; // Other half of work done here
                if (progress_percentage > progress_percentage_prev)
                progress_percentage_prev = progress_percentage;


                // Checks if cancelled
                if (parser.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                    // Reverts all changes to logfile
                    chart_gui.logfile = new Logfile();


            // Set timeslice initially to max width of logfile
            Timeslice max_timeslice;

            max_timeslice.start = 0;
            max_timeslice.end   = Convert.ToInt32(chart_gui.logfile.point_list[chart_gui.logfile.point_list.Count - 1].timestamp * 1.1);
