private void ShareNotes_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (emailList.Count > 0) { ShareNotes message = new ShareNotes(); //sms.SendSms(currentCourse.Notes, InstructorPhone.Text); message.SendEmail("'Student Name' - " + currentCourse.Name + " Notes", currentCourse.Notes, emailList); EmailList.Text = ""; } else { DisplayAlert("No Emails Selected", "Enter email address(es) to send notes to.", "OK"); } }
private async void Save_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool emailValidate = true; bool phoneValidate = true; if (InstructorEmail.Text != null) { emailValidate = Email_Validate(InstructorEmail.Text); } if (InstructorPhone.Text != null) { phoneValidate = Phone_Validate(InstructorPhone?.Text); } if (emailValidate == false) { DisplayAlert("Invalid Email", "Invalid email address for course instructor.", "OK"); } else if (phoneValidate == false) { DisplayAlert("Invalid Phone", "Invalid phone number for course instructor.", "OK"); } else { if (CourseTitleEntry.Text != null && CourseTitleEntry.Text != "") { currentCourse.Name = CourseTitleEntry.Text; } currentCourse.StartDate = StartDatePicker.Date; currentCourse.EndDate = EndDatePicker.Date; currentCourse.StartNotification = StartSwitch.IsToggled; currentCourse.EndNotification = EndSwitch.IsToggled; if (NotesSwitch.IsToggled) { currentCourse.NotesPublic = true; ShareNotes sms = new ShareNotes(); //sms.SendSms(currentCourse.Notes, InstructorPhone.Text); List <string> email = new List <string>(); email.Add(InstructorEmail.Text); sms.SendEmail("'Student Name' - " + currentCourse.Name + " Notes", currentCourse.Notes, email); } else { currentCourse.NotesPublic = false; } if (currentCourse.StartNotification) { CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("Course Started", currentCourse.Name + " starts today", 101, currentCourse.StartDate); } else { try { CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Cancel(101); } catch { //ignore } } if (currentCourse.EndNotification) { CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("Course Ended", currentCourse.Name + " ended today", 102, currentCourse.StartDate); } else { try { CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Cancel(102); } catch { //ignore } } if (currentCourse.StartNotification || currentCourse.EndNotification) { CrossLocalNotifications.Current.Show("Notifications Set", "Course notifications have been turned on", 103, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1)); } if (CourseStatusPicker.SelectedIndex != -1) { currentCourse.Status = CourseStatusPicker.SelectedItem.ToString(); } if (InstructorPicker.SelectedItem != null) { var instructorName = InstructorPicker.SelectedItem.ToString(); Instructor instructor = await App.Database.GetInstructorAsync(instructorName); instructor.Name = InstructorName.Text; string phone = barePhone; if (phone.Length == 10) { phone = phone.Insert(0, "("); phone = phone.Insert(4, ")"); phone = phone.Insert(8, "-"); } else if (phone.Length == 7) { phone.Insert(3, "-"); } instructor.Phone = phone; instructor.Email = InstructorEmail.Text; await App.Database.SaveInstructorAsync(instructor); currentCourse.InstructorID = instructor.InstructorID; } if (NotesSwitch.IsToggled) { currentCourse.NotesPublic = true; // add code for sending sms here } else { currentCourse.NotesPublic = false; } if (Notes.Text != null) { currentCourse.Notes = Notes.Text; } if (Assessment1.Text != null && Assessment1.Text != "No assessment assigned") { var assessment1 = await App.Database.GetAssessmentAsync(Assessment1.Text); currentCourse.AssessmentID = assessment1.AssessmentID; } if (Assessment2.Text != null && Assessment2.Text != "No assessment assigned") { var assessment2 = await App.Database.GetAssessmentAsync(Assessment2.Text); currentCourse.Assessment2ID = assessment2.AssessmentID; } await App.Database.SaveCourseAsync(currentCourse); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync(); DisplayAlert("Saved", "Course edit has been saved.", "OK"); } } catch { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Error editing course. Check all input fields for accurate data.", "OK"); } }