Exemple #1
        private void CheckDll(FileInfo fi)
            Logger.Debug("CheckDll(" + fi.FullName + ")");

            Assembly plugIn;

                plugIn = Assembly.LoadFrom(fi.FullName);
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                // Swallow this because we could just step over an unmanaged dll

            if (plugIn == null)
                foreach (Type t in plugIn.GetTypes())
                    // Is it a "generic" plugin?
                    if (t.IsDefined(typeof(PluginAttribute), true))
                        PluginAttribute attr =
                            (PluginAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(PluginAttribute), true);
                        Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [Plugin]");

                        MethodInfo miStart = t.GetMethod("Start", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                        if (miStart == null)
                            Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " seems suitable as a plugin but is missing the Start() method");
                        MethodInfo miEnd = t.GetMethod("End", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                        if (miStart == null)
                            Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " seems suitable as a plugin but is missing the End() method");

                        if (miStart != null && miEnd != null)
                            // We have a class
                            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                            if (ctor != null)
                                object     instance = ctor.Invoke(null);
                                MethodInfo mi       = t.GetMethod("Start");
                                object ret = mi.Invoke(instance, null);

                                // TODO: Do something with the return value
                                Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                    // Or is it an attributed CommandPlugin ?
                    else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(CommandPluginAttribute), true))
                        CommandPluginAttribute attr =
                            (CommandPluginAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(CommandPluginAttribute), true);
                        Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [CommandPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID + ", Name=\"" +
                                     attr.Name + "\")]");

                        if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(CommandData)))
                            // Register the command plugin
                            string     name;
                            BaseBitmap bmp;
                            GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);
                            // Fallback help text
                            string helpText = attr.HelpText;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                                helpText = "Execute the " + name + " command.";

                            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                            if (ctor != null)
                                CommandData commandData = (CommandData)ctor.Invoke(null);
                                C4dApi.RegisterCommandPlugin(attr.ID, name, 0, bmp, helpText, commandData);
                                Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                            Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                        " is attributed with [CommandPlugin] but does not inherit from CommandData");
                    // Or is it an attributed ObjectPlugin ?
                    else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(ObjectPluginAttribute), true))
                        ObjectPluginAttribute attr = (ObjectPluginAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(ObjectPluginAttribute), true);
                        Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [ObjectPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID + ", Name=\"" +
                                     attr.Name + "\")]");

                        if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(ObjectDataM)))
                            // Register the object plugin
                            string     name;
                            BaseBitmap bmp;
                            GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);

                            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                            if (ctor != null)
                                PluginAllocator   pa  = new PluginAllocator(ctor);
                                NodeDataAllocator nda = pa.Allocate;
                                C4dApi.RegisterObjectPlugin(attr.ID, name, attr.Info, nda, "obase", bmp, 0);
                                Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                            Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                        " is attributed with [ObjectPlugin] but does not inherit from ObjectDataM");
                    // Or is it an attributed TagPlugin ?
                    else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(TagPluginAttribute), true))
                        TagPluginAttribute attr = (TagPluginAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(TagPluginAttribute), true);
                        Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [TagPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID + ", Name=\"" +
                                     attr.Name + "\")]");

                        if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(TagDataM)))
                            // Register the tag plugin
                            string     name;
                            BaseBitmap bmp;
                            GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);

                            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                            if (ctor != null)
                                PluginAllocator   pa  = new PluginAllocator(ctor);
                                NodeDataAllocator nda = pa.Allocate;
                                // C4dApi.RegisterTagPlugin(attr.ID, name, attr.Info, nda, "tbase", bmp, 0);
                                C4dApi.RegisterTagPlugin(attr.ID, name, attr.Info, nda, "", bmp, 0);
                                Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                            Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                        " is attributed with [TagPlugin] but does not inherit from TagDataM");

                    // Or is it an attributed SceneSaverPlugin?
                    else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(SceneSaverPluginAttribute), true))
                        SceneSaverPluginAttribute attr =
                            Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(SceneSaverPluginAttribute), true);
                        Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [SceneSaverPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID +
                                     ", Name=\"" +
                                     attr.Name + "\")]");

                        if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(SceneSaverData)))
                            // Register the object plugin
                            string     name;
                            BaseBitmap bmp;
                            GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);

                            ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                            if (ctor != null)
                                PluginAllocator   pa  = new PluginAllocator(ctor);
                                NodeDataAllocator nda = pa.Allocate;
                                C4dApi.RegisterSceneSaverPlugin(attr.ID, name, attr.Info, nda, "obase", attr.Suffix);
                                Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                            Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                        " is attributed with [ObjectPlugin] but does not inherit from ObjectData");
            catch (System.TypeLoadException tlx)
                Logger.Warn("  EXCEPTION while attempting to check " + plugIn.CodeBase + " for managed C4D PlugIns. " + tlx);
Exemple #2
        private void CheckDll(FileInfo fi)
            Logger.Debug("CheckDll(" + fi.FullName + ")");

            Assembly plugIn;
                plugIn = Assembly.LoadFrom(fi.FullName);
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                // Swallow this because we could just step over an unmanaged dll

            if (plugIn == null)

            foreach (Type t in plugIn.GetTypes())
                // Is it a "generic" plugin?
                if (t.IsDefined(typeof(PluginAttribute), true))
                    PluginAttribute attr =
                        (PluginAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof (PluginAttribute), true);
                    Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [Plugin]");

                    MethodInfo miStart = t.GetMethod("Start", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    if (miStart == null)
                        Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " seems suitable as a plugin but is missing the Start() method");
                    MethodInfo miEnd = t.GetMethod("End", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    if (miStart == null)
                        Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " seems suitable as a plugin but is missing the End() method");
                    if (miStart != null && miEnd != null)
                        // We have a class
                        ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                        if (ctor != null)
                            object instance = ctor.Invoke(null);
                            MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("Start");
                            object ret = mi.Invoke(instance, null);

                            // TODO: Do something with the return value
                            Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                // Or is it an attributed CommandPlugin ?
                else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(CommandPluginAttribute), true))
                    CommandPluginAttribute attr =
                        (CommandPluginAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof (CommandPluginAttribute), true);
                    Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [CommandPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID + ", Name=\"" +
                                 attr.Name + "\")]");

                    if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(CommandData)))
                        // Register the command plugin
                        string name;
                        BaseBitmap bmp;
                        GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);
                        // Fallback help text
                        string helpText = attr.HelpText;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                            helpText = "Execute the " + name + " command.";

                        ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                        if (ctor != null)
                            CommandData commandData = (CommandData) ctor.Invoke(null);
                            C4dApi.RegisterCommandPlugin(attr.ID, name, 0, bmp, helpText, commandData);
                            Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                        Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                    " is attributed with [CommandPlugin] but does not inherit from CommandData");
                // Or is it an attributed ObjectPlugin ?
                else if (t.IsDefined(typeof(ObjectPluginAttribute), true))
                    ObjectPluginAttribute attr = (ObjectPluginAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(ObjectPluginAttribute), true);
                    Logger.Debug("  Class " + t.Name + " is attributed with [ObjectPlugin(ID=" + attr.ID + ", Name=\"" +
                                 attr.Name + "\")]");

                    if (InheritsFrom(t, typeof(ObjectDataM)))
                        // Register the object plugin
                        string name;
                        BaseBitmap bmp;
                        GetPluginDescription(t, attr, out name, out bmp);

                        ConstructorInfo ctor = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
                        if (ctor != null)
                            PluginAllocator pa = new PluginAllocator(ctor);
                            NodeDataAllocator nda = pa.Allocate;
                            C4dApi.RegisterObjectPlugin(attr.ID, name, attr.Info, nda, "obase", bmp, 0);
                            Logger.Warn("Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name + " is missing a parameterless constructor");
                        Logger.Warn("  Class " + t.Name + " in " + fi.Name +
                                    " is attributed with [ObjectPlugin] but does not inherit from ObjectData");
