public void DoUpdate(int ID, int fareTypeId, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, decimal amount, decimal byFootAmount)
     FareItem fareItem = new FareItem().GetById(ID, true);
      fareItem.FareTypeId = fareTypeId;
      fareItem.RangeStart = rangeStart;
      fareItem.RangeEnd = rangeEnd;
      fareItem.Amount = amount;
      fareItem.ByFootAmount = byFootAmount;
 public FareItemDto(FareItem fareItem)
     _FareItemId = fareItem.ID;
     _FareTypeId = fareItem.FareTypeId;
     _FareId = fareItem.FareId;
     _Amount = fareItem.Amount;
     _RangeStart = fareItem.RangeStart;
     _RangeEnd = fareItem.RangeEnd;
     _ByFootAmount = fareItem.ByFootAmount;
     _RoundTripDiscount = fareItem.RoundTripDiscount;
        public static FareItem GetFareItemByValues(int fareTypeId, int fareId, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, decimal amount)
            OQL oql = new OQL(typeof(FareItem));
             oql.AddCondition(Condition.Eq(FareItem.Properties.FareTypeId, fareTypeId));
             oql.AddCondition(Condition.Eq(FareItem.Properties.FareId, fareId));
             oql.AddCondition(Condition.Eq(FareItem.Properties.RangeStart, rangeStart));
             oql.AddCondition(Condition.Eq(FareItem.Properties.RangeEnd, rangeEnd));
             oql.AddCondition(Condition.Eq(FareItem.Properties.Amount, amount));

             FareItemList list = new FareItem().GetList(oql);
             if (list.Count == 1)
                 return list[0];
             else if (list.Count > 1)
                 throw new Exception("Duplicate FareItem Found");
                 return null;
        public DataTable ImportFareDumpFile(string fileName)
            DataTable dt = null;
            DataTable dtErrInfo = new DataTable();
            dtErrInfo.Columns.Add("RowNumber", typeof(int));
            dtErrInfo.Columns.Add("ErrColumnName", typeof(string));
            dtErrInfo.Columns.Add("ErrColumnData", typeof(string));
            dtErrInfo.Columns.Add("ErrDescription", typeof(string));

            dt = this.GetDataTableFromExcel(fileName);

            //Check Column in imported Excel file match the template, no missing column
            string columnNames;
            columnNames = ",Dep,Arr,Dreg,Areg,Category,Facility,Minlength,Maxlength,Amount,Byfootamt,Startdate,Enddate,Recid,Description,";
            int rowNumber = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                if (columnNames.IndexOf("," + column.ColumnName + ",") < 0)
                    dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, column.ColumnName, "Template Error", "The column in XLS file does not match orinigal template" });
            if (dtErrInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                return dtErrInfo;

            //Check if column “Dep” and “Arr”(Port Code) exists in Port table.
            //If not then create port
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                string depPortId = row["Dep"].ToString();
                string arrPortId = row["Arr"].ToString();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(depPortId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(arrPortId))
                Port dport = new Port().GetById(depPortId, false);
                if (dport == null)
                    Port dp = new Port();
                    dp.DoInsert(depPortId, depPortId);
                Port aport = new Port().GetById(arrPortId, false);
                if (aport == null)
                    Port ap = new Port();
                    ap.DoInsert(arrPortId, arrPortId);

                //Select distinct column “Dep” and “Arr” from Route table, if not exist, insert into Route table
                Company c = Company.GetCompanyByShortName("AMHS");
                int operatorId = c.ID;

                Route r = Route.GetRouteByPortId(depPortId, arrPortId, operatorId);
                int routeId;
                if (r == null)
                    Route newRoute = new Route();
                    newRoute.OperatorId = operatorId;
                    newRoute.DeparturePortId = depPortId;
                    newRoute.ArriavlPortId = arrPortId;
                    newRoute.IsActive = true;
                    routeId = newRoute.ID;
                    routeId = r.ID;

                //Create a record in Fare table (RouteID, StartDate, EndDate)
                string strStartDate = row["Startdate"].ToString();
                string strEndDate = row["Enddate"].ToString();
                DateTime startDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                DateTime endDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strStartDate) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strEndDate))
                    dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, "StartDate/EndDate", "Null", " StartDate/EndDate is worng format or value" });

                if (DateTime.TryParse(strStartDate, out startDate) && DateTime.TryParse(strEndDate, out endDate))
                    int fareId;
                    Fare existingFare = Fare.GetFareByRouteAndDateRange(routeId, startDate, endDate);
                    if (existingFare == null)
                        Fare newFare = new Fare();
                        newFare.RoutesID = routeId;
                        newFare.StartDate = startDate;
                        newFare.EndDate = endDate;
                        fareId = newFare.ID;
                        fareId = existingFare.ID;

                    string strCategory = row["Category"].ToString();
                    FareCategory fareCategory = FareCategory.GetCategoryByName(strCategory);
                    if (fareCategory == null)
                        dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, "Fare Category", "Null", " Fare Category not found" });

                    int categoryId = fareCategory.ID;
                    string strFacility = row["Facility"].ToString();
                    string strDescription = row["Description"].ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFacility) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDescription))
                        int fareTypeId = 0;
                        int minLength = 0;
                        int maxLength = 0;
                        decimal amount = 0.0m;
                        decimal byFootAmount = 0.0m;
                        string strMinLength = row["Minlength"].ToString();
                        string strMaxLength = row["Maxlength"].ToString();
                        string strAmount = row["Amount"].ToString();
                        string strByFootAmount = row["Byfootamt"].ToString();
                        decimal.TryParse(strByFootAmount, out byFootAmount);
                        FareType existingFareType = FareType.GetFareTypeByValue(operatorId, categoryId, strFacility, strDescription);
                        if (existingFareType == null)
                            if (decimal.TryParse(strAmount, out amount))
                                int.TryParse(strMinLength, out minLength);
                                int.TryParse(strMaxLength, out maxLength);
                                if (strCategory == EnumFareCategory.CARDECK.ToString())
                                    VehicleType newVehicleType = new VehicleType();
                                    newVehicleType.OperatorId = operatorId;
                                    newVehicleType.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                    newVehicleType.FareTypeName = strFacility;
                                    newVehicleType.FareTypeDescription = strDescription;
                                    newVehicleType.MinLegth = minLength;
                                    newVehicleType.MaxLegth = maxLength;
                                    newVehicleType.ByFootAmount = byFootAmount;
                                    fareTypeId = newVehicleType.ID;
                                else if (strCategory == EnumFareCategory.PASSAGE.ToString())
                                    int defaultMinAge = 0;
                                    int defaultMaxAge = 0;
                                    switch (strFacility.ToUpper())
                                        case "ADT":
                                            defaultMinAge = 12;
                                            defaultMaxAge = 65;
                                        case "CHD":
                                            defaultMinAge = 6;
                                            defaultMaxAge = 12;
                                        case "SRC":
                                            defaultMinAge = 65;
                                            defaultMaxAge = 99;
                                        case "UND":
                                            defaultMinAge = 0;
                                            defaultMaxAge = 6;
                                    PassengerType newPassegerType = new PassengerType();
                                    newPassegerType.OperatorId = operatorId;
                                    newPassegerType.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                    newPassegerType.FareTypeName = strFacility;
                                    newPassegerType.FareTypeDescription = strDescription;
                                    if (minLength == 0)
                                        minLength = defaultMinAge;
                                        newPassegerType.MinAge = defaultMinAge;
                                        newPassegerType.MinAge = minLength;
                                    if (maxLength == 0)
                                        maxLength = defaultMaxAge;
                                        newPassegerType.MaxAge = defaultMaxAge;
                                        newPassegerType.MaxAge = maxLength;
                                    fareTypeId = newPassegerType.ID;
                                    FareType newFareType = new FareType();
                                    newFareType.OperatorId = operatorId;
                                    newFareType.CategoryId = categoryId;
                                    newFareType.FareTypeName = strFacility;
                                    newFareType.FareTypeDescription = strDescription;
                                    fareTypeId = newFareType.ID;
                                dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, "Minlength/Maxlength/Amount", "Null", "Minlength/Maxlength/Amount is worng format or value" });
                            int.TryParse(strMinLength, out minLength);
                            int.TryParse(strMaxLength, out maxLength);
                            decimal.TryParse(strAmount, out amount);
                            fareTypeId = existingFareType.ID;

                        if (FareItem.GetFareItemByValues(fareTypeId, fareId, minLength, maxLength, amount) == null)
                            FareItem newFareItem = new FareItem();
                            newFareItem.FareTypeId = fareTypeId;
                            newFareItem.FareId = fareId;
                            newFareItem.RangeStart = minLength;
                            newFareItem.RangeEnd = maxLength;
                            newFareItem.Amount = amount;
                            newFareItem.ByFootAmount = byFootAmount;
                        dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, "Facility/Description", "Null", " Facility/Description is worng format or value" });
                    dtErrInfo.Rows.Add(new object[] { rowNumber, "StartDate/EndDate", "Null", " StartDate/EndDate is worng format or value" });

            return dtErrInfo;
        private void UpdateFareItem(int id)
            int fareId;
            int fareTypeId;
            int rangeStart;
            int rangeEnd;
            decimal amount;
            decimal byFootAmount;

            TextBox lblFare = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("lblFare");
            DropDownList ddlFareType = (DropDownList)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("ddlFareType");
            TextBox txtRangeStart = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtRangeStart");
            TextBox txtRangeEnd = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtRangeEnd");
            TextBox txtAmount = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtAmount");
            TextBox txtByFootAmount = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtByFootAmount");

            fareId = (lblFare == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblFare.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(lblFare.Text));
            fareTypeId = (ddlFareType == null) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ddlFareType.SelectedValue);
            rangeStart = (txtRangeStart == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRangeStart.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtRangeStart.Text));
            rangeEnd = (txtRangeEnd == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRangeEnd.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtRangeEnd.Text));
            amount = (txtAmount == null) ? 0m : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmount.Text) ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(txtAmount.Text));
            byFootAmount = (txtByFootAmount == null) ? 0m : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtByFootAmount.Text) ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(txtByFootAmount.Text));

            FareItem updateItem = new FareItem();
            updateItem.DoUpdate(id, fareTypeId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, amount, byFootAmount);


            this.lblSubMessage.Text = "Update FareItem successfully";
            this.lblSubMessage.ForeColor = Color.Green;
        private void InsertFareItem()
            int fareId;
            int fareTypeId;
            int rangeStart;
            int rangeEnd;
            decimal amount;
            decimal byFootAmount;

            TextBox lblFare = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("lblFare");
            DropDownList ddlFareType = (DropDownList)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("ddlFareType");
            TextBox txtRangeStart = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtRangeStart");
            TextBox txtRangeEnd = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtRangeEnd");
            TextBox txtAmount = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtAmount");
            TextBox txtByFootAmount = (TextBox)this.FV_FareItem.FindControl("txtByFootAmount");

            fareId = (lblFare == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblFare.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(lblFare.Text));
            fareTypeId = (ddlFareType == null) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ddlFareType.SelectedValue);
            rangeStart = (txtRangeStart == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRangeStart.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtRangeStart.Text));
            rangeEnd = (txtRangeEnd == null) ? 0 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRangeEnd.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txtRangeEnd.Text));
            amount = (txtAmount == null) ? 0m : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAmount.Text) ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(txtAmount.Text));
            byFootAmount = (txtByFootAmount == null) ? 0m : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtByFootAmount.Text) ? 0m : Convert.ToDecimal(txtByFootAmount.Text));

            FareItem item = new FareItem();
            item.FareId = fareId;
            item.FareTypeId = fareTypeId;
            item.RangeStart = rangeStart;
            item.RangeEnd = rangeEnd;
            item.Amount = amount;
            item.ByFootAmount = byFootAmount;



            if (txtRangeStart != null)
                txtRangeStart.Text = string.Empty;
            if (txtRangeEnd != null)
                txtRangeEnd.Text = string.Empty;
            if (ddlFareType != null)
                ddlFareType.SelectedIndex = 0;
            if (txtAmount != null)
                txtAmount.Text = string.Empty;
            if (txtByFootAmount != null)
                txtByFootAmount.Text = string.Empty;

            this.lblSubMessage.Text = "Insert FareItem successfully";
            this.lblSubMessage.ForeColor = Color.Green;
 private void BindItemList(int fareId)
     FareItem fareItem = new FareItem();
     int categoryId = 0;
     if (this.ddlFareCategory.SelectedIndex != -1)
         int.TryParse(this.ddlFareCategory.SelectedValue, out categoryId);
     FareItemList list = fareItem.GetFareItemList(categoryId, fareId);
     this.GV_FareItemList.DataSource = list;
     this.lblSubMessage.Text = "";
 public void DoDelete(int ID)
     FareItem fareItem = new FareItem().GetById(ID, false);
 public static void DoInsert(FareItem fareItem)