private void loadData() { Partner_list szall = new Partner_list(new SqlConnection(DEFS.ConSTR)); szallitoBindingSource.Clear(); foreach (var c in szall.lSzallitok) { szallitoBindingSource.Add(c); } dynComboBindingSource.Clear(); StringEnum ct = new StringEnum(typeof(CimTipus)); for (int cy = 0; cy <= Enum.GetValues(typeof(CimTipus)).Length - 1; cy++) { int value = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(CimTipus), Enum.GetName(typeof(CimTipus), cy + 1)); dynComboBindingSource.Add(new DynCombo(ct.GetStringValue(Enum.GetName(typeof(CimTipus), cy + 1)), value.ToString())); } dynComboBindingSource1.Clear(); StringEnum mt = new StringEnum(typeof(MobilTipus)); for (int cy = 0; cy <= Enum.GetValues(typeof(MobilTipus)).Length - 1; cy++) { int value = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MobilTipus), Enum.GetName(typeof(MobilTipus), cy + 1)); dynComboBindingSource1.Add(new DynCombo(mt.GetStringValue(Enum.GetName(typeof(MobilTipus), cy + 1)), value.ToString())); } }
private void frmMegrendelesArchivum_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dsMegrendeles.MEGRENDELES_SOR' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.mEGRENDELES_SORTableAdapter.Fill (this.dsMegrendeles.MEGRENDELES_SOR); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dsMegrendeles.MEGRENDELES_FEJ' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. dynComboBindingSource.Clear(); StringEnum mt = new StringEnum(typeof(MegrendelesAllapot)); for (int cy = 0; cy <= Enum.GetValues(typeof(MegrendelesAllapot)).Length - 1; cy++) { int value = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MegrendelesAllapot), Enum.GetName(typeof(MegrendelesAllapot), cy )); dynComboBindingSource.Add(new DynCombo(mt.GetStringValue(Enum.GetName(typeof(MegrendelesAllapot), cy )), value)); } if (LoadType == { // Az 1-ES LEZART kodúak jönnek csak fel ezeket lehet bevételezni. this.mEGRENDELES_FEJTableAdapter.FillArch(this.dsMegrendeles.MEGRENDELES_FEJ); } else { this.mEGRENDELES_FEJTableAdapter.Fill(this.dsMegrendeles.MEGRENDELES_FEJ); } }