static void Main() { LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies = new LinkedList <Bunny>(); Bunny[,] bunniesGrid = new Bunny[GridSize, GridSize]; // Place a dragon on the grid. (Using the Bunny class). The dragon will be at least 2 spaces from the edges. dragonX = new Random().Next(2, GridSize - 2); dragonY = dragonX; Dragon dragon = new Dragon(RandomString(10)); dragon.Direction = 0; bunnies.AddLast(dragon); bunniesGrid[dragonX, dragonY] = dragon; // Inializing the list, creating 8 bunnies. One male and one female for each Noble house. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { string sex; if (i % 2 == 0) { sex = "Male"; } else { sex = "Female"; } string color = Enum.GetName(typeof(Color), new Random().Next(6)); Bunny bunny = null; switch (i / 2) { case 0: bunny = new Stark(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case 1: bunny = new Baratheon(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case 2: bunny = new Lannister(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case 3: bunny = new Targaryen(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; } bunnies.AddLast(bunny); PlaceBunnyOnGrid(bunniesGrid, bunny); PrintANewbornBunny(bunny); } PrintBunniesGrid(bunniesGrid); NextTurnController(bunnies, bunniesGrid); }
// Load a saved game state from a json file. public static void LoadSavedGame(LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies, Bunny[, ] bunniesGrid) { // Clear current game data. bunnies.Clear(); Array.Clear(bunniesGrid, 0, bunniesGrid.Length); // Deserialize the data from the json file. string json = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\itiel\Desktop\BunnyWorldSavedGame.json"); Bunny[,] savedBunniesGrid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Bunny[, ]>(json); for (int x = 0; x < savedBunniesGrid.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < savedBunniesGrid.GetLength(1); y++) { if (savedBunniesGrid[x, y] != null) { Bunny bunny = null; switch (savedBunniesGrid[x, y].HouseName) { case "Stark": bunny = new Stark(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].sex, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].color, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].age, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); break; case "Baratheon": bunny = new Baratheon(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].sex, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].color, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].age, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); break; case "Lannister": bunny = new Lannister(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].sex, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].color, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].age, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); break; case "Targaryen": bunny = new Targaryen(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].sex, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].color, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].age, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); ((Targaryen)bunny).Invincible = savedBunniesGrid[x, y].Invincible; break; case "White Walker": bunny = new WhiteWalker(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].age, savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); break; case "Dragon": bunny = new Dragon(savedBunniesGrid[x, y].name); dragonX = x; dragonY = y; ((Dragon)bunny).Direction = savedBunniesGrid[x, y].Direction; break; } bunnies.AddLast(bunny); bunniesGrid[x, y] = bunny; } } } PrintBunniesGrid(bunniesGrid); NextTurnController(bunnies, bunniesGrid); }
// Create a new baby bunny. private static void CreateABabyBunny(int motherX, int motherY, Bunny[,] bunniesGrid, Bunny fatherBunny, LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies) { Space emptySpace = GetASpaceFromSurrounding(motherX, motherY, bunniesGrid, true); if (emptySpace != null) { string sex; if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.5) { sex = "Male"; } else { sex = "Female"; } Bunny babyBunny = null; string color; // 2% chance the bunny will be a white walker. if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.98) { color = bunniesGrid[motherX, motherY].color; switch (fatherBunny.HouseName) { case "Stark": babyBunny = new Stark(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Baratheon": babyBunny = new Baratheon(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Lannister": babyBunny = new Lannister(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Targaryen": babyBunny = new Targaryen(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; } } else { babyBunny = new WhiteWalker(0, RandomString(10)); } bunniesGrid[emptySpace.x, emptySpace.y] = babyBunny; bunnies.AddLast(babyBunny); PrintANewbornBunny(babyBunny); } }
// Attack bunnies. private static void AttackBunnies(Bunny attackerBunny, int attackerX, int attackerY, Bunny[,] bunniesGrid, LinkedList <Bunny> bunnies) { // Get a space of a surrounding bunny to attack. Space victimBunnySpace = GetASpaceFromSurrounding(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, false); if (victimBunnySpace != null) { Bunny victimBunny = bunniesGrid[victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y]; // Do something only if they're not from the same house. (Skip if victim is a dragon). if (victimBunny.HouseName != attackerBunny.HouseName && !(victimBunny is Dragon)) { // A Targaryen affected by the dragon wins every attack, as attacker or defender. if (attackerBunny is Targaryen && ((Targaryen)attackerBunny).Invincible) { KillBunnyAtIndex(victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else if (victimBunny is Targaryen && ((Targaryen)victimBunny).Invincible) { KillBunnyAtIndex(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else if (victimBunny is WhiteWalker) { // Turn the attacker bunny into a White Walker. bunniesGrid[attackerX, attackerY] = null; bunnies.Remove(attackerBunny); Bunny whiteWalker = new WhiteWalker(attackerBunny.age,; bunniesGrid[attackerX, attackerY] = whiteWalker; bunnies.AddLast(whiteWalker); if (!AutoTurns) { if ( == "Male") { Console.WriteLine("Lord {0} of bunny house {1} turned to a White! Kill him and burn his body!",, attackerBunny.HouseName); } else { Console.WriteLine("Lady {0} of bunny house {1} turned to a White! Kill her and burn her body!",, attackerBunny.HouseName); } } } else if (victimBunny.age < 2) { bunniesGrid[victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y] = null; bunnies.Remove(victimBunny); PrintADeadBunny(victimBunny); } // Attack on an adult female from another house. else if ( == "Female") { // Kill the mother. bunniesGrid[victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y] = null; bunnies.Remove(victimBunny); PrintADeadBunny(victimBunny); // Create a new bastard baby bunny in the mother space. string sex; if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.5) { sex = "Male"; } else { sex = "Female"; } Bunny babyBunny = null; string color; // 2% chance the bunny will be a white walker. if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.98) { color = victimBunny.color; switch (attackerBunny.HouseName) { case "Stark": babyBunny = new Stark(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Baratheon": babyBunny = new Baratheon(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Lannister": babyBunny = new Lannister(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; case "Targaryen": babyBunny = new Targaryen(sex, color, 0, RandomString(10)); break; } } else { babyBunny = new WhiteWalker(0, RandomString(10)); } // Insert the newborn bastard instead of the mother. bunniesGrid[victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y] = babyBunny; bunnies.AddLast(babyBunny); PrintANewbornBunny(babyBunny); } else { switch (attackerBunny.HouseName) { case "Stark": if (victimBunny is Baratheon || victimBunny is Lannister) { KillBunnyAtIndex(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else { KillBunnyAtIndex(victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } break; case "Baratheon": if (victimBunny is Stark || victimBunny is Targaryen) { KillBunnyAtIndex(victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else { KillBunnyAtIndex(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } break; case "Lannister": if (victimBunny is Stark || victimBunny is Baratheon) { KillBunnyAtIndex(victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else { KillBunnyAtIndex(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } break; case "Targaryen": if (victimBunny is Stark || victimBunny is Baratheon) { KillBunnyAtIndex(attackerX, attackerY, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } else { KillBunnyAtIndex(victimBunnySpace.x, victimBunnySpace.y, bunniesGrid, bunnies); } break; } } } } }