Exemple #1
        // Adds a new emitter at runtime
        public void AddEmitter(ProjectileEmitterBase emitter, int allocation)
            // Default projectile if no projectile type set
            if (emitter.ProjectilePrefab == null)
                emitter.ProjectilePrefab = GetProjectilePrefab(0);

            // Increment group counter

            // Should be a way to not allocate more than projectile type will allow - across all emitters

    protected void Start()
        // Get the components attached to your character. Animator commented out for still sprite testing
        rigidbody2d = GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody2D>();
        //collider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
        sprite   = GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();
        shooter  = GetComponentInChildren <BulletHell.ProjectileEmitterBase>();
        instance = this;

        m_speed = GameplayParameters.instance.PlayerSpeed;

        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.PARAMETER_CHANGE, OnParameterChange);
        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.GAME_PAUSED, OnGamePause);
        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.SLOW_TIME, OnSlowTime);
        // When adding emitter during play mode - you can register them with this function
        public void RegisterEmitter(ProjectileEmitterBase emitter)
            // Should probably use Emittercount here
            int nextEmpty = -1;

            for (int n = 0; n < EmittersArray.Length; n++)
                if (EmittersArray[n] == null)
                    nextEmpty = n;

            if (nextEmpty == -1)
                Debug.Log("Max Emitters reached.  Raise MaxEmitters if you need more.  Max set to " + MaxEmitters + ".");
                EmittersArray[nextEmpty] = emitter;

                int projectilesToAssign = emitter.ProjectilePoolSize;

                if (projectilesToAssign == -1)
                    emitter.ProjectilePoolSize = 1000;
                    projectilesToAssign        = 1000;

                // Old code to auto assign pool sizes based on total Projectile Group -- would split allocation across all emitters.
                // This turns out to be problematic when adding/removing emitters on the fly.
                // New system will allocate per the emitter.

                // Total projectiles value not set on Emitter, Calculate max based on total groups even distribution
                //if (projectilesToAssign < 0)
                //    projectilesToAssign = emitter.ProjectileType.MaxProjectileCount / ProjectileTypeCounters[emitter.ProjectileType.Index].TotalGroups;
                // Initialize Emitter pool size
                ProjectileTypeCounters[emitter.ProjectileType.Index].TotalProjectilesAssigned += projectilesToAssign;

Exemple #4
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    protected void Start()
        if (m_sprite == null)
            m_sprite = this.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();

        if (m_emitter == null)
            m_emitter = this.GetComponentInChildren <BulletHell.ProjectileEmitterBase>();


        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.PARAMETER_CHANGE, OnParameterChange);
        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.GAME_PAUSED, OnGamePause);
        CustomEvents.EventUtil.AddListener(CustomEventList.SLOW_TIME, OnSlowTime);

Exemple #5
        // When adding emitter during play mode - you can register them with this function
        public void RegisterEmitter(ProjectileEmitterBase emitter)
            // Should probably use Emittercount here - find the next empty slot in the array
            int nextEmpty = -1;

            for (int n = 0; n < EmittersArray.Length; n++)
                if (EmittersArray[n] == null)
                    nextEmpty = n;

            if (nextEmpty == -1)
                Debug.Log("Max Emitters reached.  Raise MaxEmitters if you need more.  Max set to " + MaxEmitters + ".");
                EmittersArray[nextEmpty] = emitter;

                int projectilesToAssign = emitter.ProjectilePrefab.GetMaxProjectileCount();

                if (projectilesToAssign == -1)
                    //emitter.ProjectilePoolSize = 1000;
                    projectilesToAssign = 1000;

                // Initialize Emitter pool size
                ProjectileTypeCounters[emitter.ProjectilePrefab.Index].TotalProjectilesAssigned += projectilesToAssign;
