private void SetupControls()
            if (m_name != null)

            isVisible     = true;
            canFocus      = true;
            isInteractive = true;
            width         = parent.width;
            height        = 40;

            m_name                  = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(this);
            m_name.width            = 20;
            m_name.clipChildren     = false;
            m_name.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 13);

            m_name.eventCheckChanged += (c, state) =>
                if (m_building != null)
                    UIThemeManager.instance.ChangeBuildingStatus(m_building, state);

            m_steamIcon                  = m_name.AddUIComponent <UISprite>();
            m_steamIcon.spriteName       = "SteamWorkshop";
            m_steamIcon.isVisible        = false;
            m_steamIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(22, 0);

            UIUtils.ResizeIcon(m_steamIcon, new Vector2(25, 25));

            if (PlatformService.IsOverlayEnabled())
                m_steamIcon.eventClick += (c, p) =>
                    PlatformService.ActivateGameOverlayToWorkshopItem(new PublishedFileId(ulong.Parse(m_building.steamID)));

            m_size               = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            m_size.width         = 30;
            m_size.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            m_level               = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            m_level.width         = 30;
            m_level.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            m_category      = AddUIComponent <UISprite>();
            m_category.size = new Vector2(20, 20);
        private void SetupControls()
            if (m_noOption != null)

            // No option available
            m_noOption           = AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            m_noOption.textScale = 0.9f;
            m_noOption.text      = "No option available";

            // Include
            m_include           = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(this);
            m_include.text      = "Include";
            m_include.isVisible = false;

            m_include.eventCheckChanged += (c, state) =>
                UIThemeManager.instance.ChangeBuildingStatus(m_item, state);

            // Spawn rate
            UIPanel spawnRatePanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();

            spawnRatePanel.height    = 25;
            spawnRatePanel.isVisible = false;

            UILabel spawnRateLabel = spawnRatePanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            spawnRateLabel.textScale        = 0.9f;
            spawnRateLabel.text             = "Spawn rate:";
            spawnRateLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 5);

            m_spawnRate                  = UIUtils.CreateTextField(spawnRatePanel);
            m_spawnRate.size             = new Vector2(60, 25);
            m_spawnRate.padding          = new RectOffset(6, 6, 6, 0);
            m_spawnRate.numericalOnly    = true;
            m_spawnRate.tooltip          = "The higher the number, the more the building is likely to spawn.\nDefault value is 10. Maximum value is 100.";
            m_spawnRate.relativePosition = new Vector3(width - 70, 0);

            m_spawnRate.eventTextSubmitted += (c, s) =>
                int spawnRate;
                if (int.TryParse(m_spawnRate.text, out spawnRate))
                m_spawnRate.text = m_item.building.spawnRate.ToString();

            // Upgrade Name
            UIPanel upgradeNamePanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();

            upgradeNamePanel.height    = 50;
            upgradeNamePanel.isVisible = false;

            UILabel upgradeNameLabel = upgradeNamePanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            upgradeNameLabel.textScale        = 0.9f;
            upgradeNameLabel.text             = "Upgrade:";
            upgradeNameLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 5);

            m_upgradeName                  = UIUtils.CreateTextField(upgradeNamePanel);
            m_upgradeName.size             = new Vector2(width - 10, 25);
            m_upgradeName.padding          = new RectOffset(6, 6, 6, 0);
            m_upgradeName.tooltip          = "Name of the building to spawn when upgraded.\nLeave empty for random spawn.";
            m_upgradeName.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 25);

            m_upgradeName.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) =>
                if (!m_upgradeName.hasFocus && m_upgradeBuilding != null)

            m_upgradeName.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) =>

            m_upgradeName.eventEnterFocus += (c, p) =>
                if (!m_upgradeName.text.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            m_upgradeName.eventTextChanged += (c, name) =>
                if (m_upgradeName.hasFocus && !name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

            m_upgradeName.eventTextSubmitted += (c, name) =>
                if (m_dropDownList == null || !m_dropDownList.isVisible)


            var constructionPanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();

            constructionPanel.height    = 30;
            constructionPanel.isVisible = true;

            m_plop                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(constructionPanel);
            m_plop.width            = 60;
            m_plop.text             = "Plop";
            m_plop.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);;

            m_plop.eventClick += (c, p) =>

            m_destroy                  = UIUtils.CreateButton(constructionPanel);
            m_destroy.width            = 120;
            m_destroy.text             = "Bulldoze All";
            m_destroy.relativePosition = new Vector3(m_plop.width + 10f, 0);
            m_destroy.eventClick      += (c, p) =>

            // Base Name
            UIPanel baseNamePanel = AddUIComponent <UIPanel>();

            baseNamePanel.height    = 50;
            baseNamePanel.isVisible = false;

            UILabel baseNameLabel = baseNamePanel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();

            baseNameLabel.textScale        = 0.9f;
            baseNameLabel.text             = "Base:";
            baseNameLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 5);

            m_baseName                  = UIUtils.CreateTextField(baseNamePanel);
            m_baseName.size             = new Vector2(width - 10, 25);
            m_baseName.padding          = new RectOffset(6, 6, 6, 0);
            m_baseName.isEnabled        = false;
            m_baseName.tooltip          = "Name of the original building.";
            m_baseName.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 25);

            m_baseName.eventMouseEnter += (c, p) => UIThemeManager.instance.buildingPreview.Show(m_baseBuilding);
            m_baseName.eventMouseLeave += (c, p) => UIThemeManager.instance.buildingPreview.Show(m_item);