Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The issue vote to save.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SaveOrUpdate(IssueVote entity)
            if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
            if (entity.IssueId <= Globals.NEW_ID) throw (new ArgumentException("Cannot save issue vote, the issue id is invalid"));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.VoteUsername)) throw (new ArgumentException("Cannot save issue vote, the voters user name is null or empty"));

            var tempId = DataProviderManager.Provider.CreateNewIssueVote(entity);

            if (tempId <= 0) return false;

            entity.Id = tempId;
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the new issue vote.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newIssueVote">The new issue vote.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override int CreateNewIssueVote(IssueVote newIssueVote)
            // Validate Parameters
            if (newIssueVote == null) throw (new ArgumentNullException("newIssueVote"));

                using (var sqlCmd = new SqlCommand())
                    AddParamToSqlCmd(sqlCmd, "@ReturnValue", SqlDbType.Int, 0, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, null);
                    AddParamToSqlCmd(sqlCmd, "@IssueId", SqlDbType.Int, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, newIssueVote.IssueId);
                    AddParamToSqlCmd(sqlCmd, "@VoteUserName", SqlDbType.NText, 255, ParameterDirection.Input, newIssueVote.VoteUsername);

                    SetCommandType(sqlCmd, CommandType.StoredProcedure, SP_ISSUEVOTE_CREATE);
                    return ((int)sqlCmd.Parameters["@ReturnValue"].Value);   
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ProcessException(ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the issue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SaveIssue()
            decimal estimation;
            decimal.TryParse(txtEstimation.Text.Trim(), out estimation);
            var dueDate = DueDatePicker.SelectedValue ?? DateTime.MinValue;

            var issue = new Issue
                    AffectedMilestoneId = DropAffectedMilestone.SelectedValue,
                    AffectedMilestoneImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    AffectedMilestoneName = DropAffectedMilestone.SelectedText,
                    AssignedDisplayName = DropAssignedTo.SelectedText,
                    AssignedUserId = Guid.Empty,
                    AssignedUserName = DropAssignedTo.SelectedValue,
                    CategoryId = DropCategory.SelectedValue,
                    CategoryName = DropCategory.SelectedText,
                    CreatorDisplayName = Security.GetDisplayName(),
                    CreatorUserId = Guid.Empty,
                    CreatorUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                    DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = DescriptionHtmlEditor.Text.Trim(),
                    Disabled = false,
                    DueDate = dueDate,
                    Estimation = estimation,
                    Id = 0,
                    IsClosed = false,
                    IssueTypeId = DropIssueType.SelectedValue,
                    IssueTypeName = DropIssueType.SelectedText,
                    IssueTypeImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    LastUpdate = DateTime.Now,
                    LastUpdateDisplayName = Security.GetDisplayName(),
                    LastUpdateUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                    MilestoneDueDate = null,
                    MilestoneId = DropMilestone.SelectedValue,
                    MilestoneImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    MilestoneName = DropMilestone.SelectedText,
                    OwnerDisplayName = DropOwned.SelectedText,
                    OwnerUserId = Guid.Empty,
                    OwnerUserName = DropOwned.SelectedValue,
                    PriorityId = DropPriority.SelectedValue,
                    PriorityImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    PriorityName = DropPriority.SelectedText,
                    Progress = Convert.ToInt32(ProgressSlider.Text),
                    ProjectCode = string.Empty,
                    ProjectId = ProjectId,
                    ProjectName = string.Empty,
                    ResolutionId = DropResolution.SelectedValue,
                    ResolutionImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    ResolutionName = DropResolution.SelectedText,
                    StatusId = DropStatus.SelectedValue,
                    StatusImageUrl = string.Empty,
                    StatusName = DropStatus.SelectedText,
                    Title = Server.HtmlEncode(TitleTextBox.Text),
                    TimeLogged = 0,
                    Visibility = chkPrivate.Checked ? 1 : 0,
                    Votes = 0

            if (!IssueManager.SaveOrUpdate(issue))
                return false;

            if (!CustomFieldManager.SaveCustomFieldValues(issue.Id, ctlCustomFields.Values, true))
                return false;

            IssueId = issue.Id;

            //add attachment if present.
            if (AspUploadFile.HasFile)
                // get the current file
                var uploadFile = AspUploadFile.PostedFile;
                string inValidReason;
                var validFile = IssueAttachmentManager.IsValidFile(uploadFile.FileName, out inValidReason);

                if (validFile)
                    if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0)
                        byte[] fileBytes;
                        using (var input = uploadFile.InputStream)
                            fileBytes = new byte[uploadFile.ContentLength];
                            input.Read(fileBytes, 0, uploadFile.ContentLength);

                        var issueAttachment = new IssueAttachment
                            Id = Globals.NEW_ID,
                            Attachment = fileBytes,
                            Description = AttachmentDescription.Text.Trim(),
                            DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                            ContentType = uploadFile.ContentType,
                            CreatorDisplayName = string.Empty,
                            CreatorUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                            FileName = uploadFile.FileName,
                            IssueId = issue.Id,
                            Size = fileBytes.Length

                        if (!IssueAttachmentManager.SaveOrUpdate(issueAttachment))
                            Message1.ShowErrorMessage(string.Format(GetGlobalResourceObject("Exceptions", "SaveAttachmentError").ToString(), uploadFile.FileName));

                    return false;

            //create a vote for the new issue
            var vote = new IssueVote { IssueId = issue.Id, VoteUsername = Security.GetUserName() };

            if (!IssueVoteManager.SaveOrUpdate(vote))
                return false;

            if (chkNotifyOwner.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue.OwnerUserName))
                var oUser = UserManager.GetUser(issue.OwnerUserName);
                if (oUser != null)
                    var notify = new IssueNotification { IssueId = issue.Id, NotificationUsername = oUser.UserName };
            if (chkNotifyAssignedTo.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue.AssignedUserName))
                var oUser = UserManager.GetUser(issue.AssignedUserName);
                if (oUser != null)
                    var notify = new IssueNotification { IssueId = issue.Id, NotificationUsername = oUser.UserName };

            //send issue notifications

            return true;
Exemple #4
 // IssueVote
 public abstract int CreateNewIssueVote(IssueVote newIssueVote);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the issue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The issue to save.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SaveOrUpdate(Issue entity)
            if (entity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");
            if (entity.ProjectId <= Globals.NEW_ID) throw (new ArgumentException("The issue project id is invalid"));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Title)) throw (new ArgumentException("The issue title cannot be empty or null"));

            if (entity.Id <= Globals.NEW_ID)
                var tempId = DataProviderManager.Provider.CreateNewIssue(entity);

                if (tempId > 0)
                    entity.Id = tempId;

                    //add vote
                    var vote = new IssueVote { IssueId = entity.Id, VoteUsername = entity.CreatorUserName };

                    //TOOD: handle adding an attachment for new issue.

                    //send notifications for add issue

                    return true;

                return false;

            var issueChanges = GetIssueChanges(GetById(entity.Id), entity);

            if (issueChanges.Count > 0)
                var result = DataProviderManager.Provider.UpdateIssue(entity);
                if (result)

                    IssueNotificationManager.SendIssueNotifications(entity.Id, issueChanges);
                    if (entity.SendNewAssigneeNotification)
                        //add this user to notifications and send them a notification
                        var notification = new IssueNotification() { IssueId = entity.Id, NotificationUsername = entity.AssignedUserName };

                return result;

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the VoteButton control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void VoteButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("~/Account/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl={0}", Server.UrlEncode(Request.RawUrl)));

            var vote = new IssueVote { IssueId = IssueId, VoteUsername = Security.GetUserName() };

            var count = Convert.ToInt32(IssueVoteCount.Text) + 1;

            IssueVoteCount.Text = count.ToString();
            VoteButton.Visible = false;
            VotedLabel.Visible = true;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the issue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool SaveIssue()
            decimal estimation;
            decimal.TryParse(txtEstimation.Text.Trim(), out estimation);
            var dueDate = DueDatePicker.SelectedValue == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)DueDatePicker.SelectedValue;

            var isNewIssue = (IssueId <= 0);

            // It expects raw input. So pass through a raw string.
            // This is a potential XSS vector as the Issue Class should
            // handle sanitizing the input and checking that its input is HtmlEncoded
            // (ie no < or > characters), not the IssueDetail.aspx.cs

            var issue = new Issue
                                AffectedMilestoneId = DropAffectedMilestone.SelectedValue,
                                AffectedMilestoneImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                AffectedMilestoneName = DropAffectedMilestone.SelectedText,
                                AssignedDisplayName = DropAssignedTo.SelectedText,
                                AssignedUserId = Guid.Empty,
                                AssignedUserName = DropAssignedTo.SelectedValue,
                                CategoryId = DropCategory.SelectedValue,
                                CategoryName = DropCategory.SelectedText,
                                CreatorDisplayName = Security.GetDisplayName(),
                                CreatorUserId = Guid.Empty,
                                CreatorUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                                Description = DescriptionHtmlEditor.Text.Trim(),
                                Disabled = false,
                                DueDate = dueDate,
                                Estimation = estimation,
                                Id = IssueId,
                                IsClosed = false,
                                IssueTypeId = DropIssueType.SelectedValue,
                                IssueTypeName = DropIssueType.SelectedText,
                                IssueTypeImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                LastUpdate = DateTime.Now,
                                LastUpdateDisplayName = Security.GetDisplayName(),
                                LastUpdateUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                                MilestoneDueDate = null,
                                MilestoneId = DropMilestone.SelectedValue,
                                MilestoneImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                MilestoneName = DropMilestone.SelectedText,
                                OwnerDisplayName = DropOwned.SelectedText,
                                OwnerUserId = Guid.Empty,
                                OwnerUserName = DropOwned.SelectedValue,
                                PriorityId = DropPriority.SelectedValue,
                                PriorityImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                PriorityName = DropPriority.SelectedText,
                                Progress = Convert.ToInt32(ProgressSlider.Text),
                                ProjectCode = string.Empty,
                                ProjectId = ProjectId,
                                ProjectName = string.Empty,
                                ResolutionId = DropResolution.SelectedValue,
                                ResolutionImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                ResolutionName = DropResolution.SelectedText,
                                StatusId = DropStatus.SelectedValue,
                                StatusImageUrl = string.Empty,
                                StatusName = DropStatus.SelectedText,
                                Title = Server.HtmlEncode(TitleTextBox.Text),
                                TimeLogged = 0,
                                Visibility = chkPrivate.Checked ? 1 : 0,
                                Votes = 0

            if (!IssueManager.SaveOrUpdate(issue))
                return false;

            IssueId = issue.Id;

            if (!CustomFieldManager.SaveCustomFieldValues(IssueId, ctlCustomFields.Values))
                return false;

            //if new issue check if notify owner and assigned is checked.
            if (isNewIssue)

                //add attachment if present.
                if (AspUploadFile.HasFile)
                    // get the current file
                    var uploadFile = AspUploadFile.PostedFile;
                    string inValidReason;
                    var validFile = IssueAttachmentManager.IsValidFile(uploadFile.FileName, out inValidReason);

                    if (validFile)
                        if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0)
                            byte[] fileBytes;
                            using (var input = uploadFile.InputStream)
                                fileBytes = new byte[uploadFile.ContentLength];
                                input.Read(fileBytes, 0, uploadFile.ContentLength);

                            var issueAttachment = new IssueAttachment
                                Id = Globals.NEW_ID,
                                Attachment = fileBytes,
                                Description = AttachmentDescription.Text.Trim(),
                                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                                ContentType = uploadFile.ContentType,
                                CreatorDisplayName = string.Empty,
                                CreatorUserName = Security.GetUserName(),
                                FileName = uploadFile.FileName,
                                IssueId = IssueId,
                                Size = fileBytes.Length

                            if (!IssueAttachmentManager.SaveOrUpdate(issueAttachment))
                                Message1.ShowErrorMessage(string.Format(GetGlobalResourceObject("Exceptions", "SaveAttachmentError").ToString(), uploadFile.FileName));

                        return false;

                //create a vote for the new issue
                var vote = new IssueVote { IssueId = IssueId, VoteUsername = Security.GetUserName() };

                if (!IssueVoteManager.SaveOrUpdate(vote))
                    return false;

                if (chkNotifyOwner.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue.OwnerUserName))
                    var oUser = UserManager.GetUser(issue.OwnerUserName);
                    if (oUser != null)
                        var notify = new IssueNotification { IssueId = IssueId, NotificationUsername = oUser.UserName };
                if (chkNotifyAssignedTo.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue.AssignedUserName))
                    var oUser = UserManager.GetUser(issue.AssignedUserName);
                    if (oUser != null)
                        var notify = new IssueNotification { IssueId = IssueId, NotificationUsername = oUser.UserName };

                // add all users subscribed at the project level to the issue level
                IEnumerable<ProjectNotification> subscriptions = ProjectNotificationManager.GetByProjectId(ProjectId);
                foreach (ProjectNotification sub in subscriptions)
                    IssueNotificationManager.SaveOrUpdate(new IssueNotification()
                        IssueId = IssueId,
                        NotificationUsername = sub.NotificationUsername

                //send issue notifications

            return true;