A Ledger Transaction that represents a budgeted amount being credited to a ledger bucket.
Inheritance: LedgerTransaction
        private List<LedgerTransaction> IncludeBudgetedAmount(BudgetModel currentBudget, LedgerBucket ledgerBucket, DateTime reconciliationDate)
            var budgetedExpense =
                currentBudget.Expenses.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Bucket.Code == ledgerBucket.BudgetBucket.Code);
            var transactions = new List<LedgerTransaction>();
            if (budgetedExpense != null)
                BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction budgetedAmount;
                if (ledgerBucket.StoredInAccount.IsSalaryAccount)
                    budgetedAmount = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction
                        Amount = budgetedExpense.Bucket.Active ? budgetedExpense.Amount : 0,
                        Narrative =
                            budgetedExpense.Bucket.Active ? "Budgeted Amount" : "Warning! Bucket has been disabled."
                    budgetedAmount = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction
                        Amount = budgetedExpense.Bucket.Active ? budgetedExpense.Amount : 0,
                        Narrative =
                                ? "Budget amount must be transferred into this account with a bank transfer, use the reference number for the transfer."
                                : "Warning! Bucket has been disabled.",
                        AutoMatchingReference = ReferenceNumberGenerator.IssueTransactionReferenceNumber()
                    // TODO Maybe the budget should know which account the incomes go into, perhaps mapped against each income?
                    var salaryAccount =
                        this.newReconciliationLine.BankBalances.Single(b => b.Account.IsSalaryAccount).Account;
                        new TransferTask(
                                "Budgeted Amount for {0} transfer {1:C} from Salary Account to {2} with auto-matching reference: {3}",
                            Amount = budgetedAmount.Amount,
                            SourceAccount = salaryAccount,
                            DestinationAccount = ledgerBucket.StoredInAccount,
                            BucketCode = budgetedExpense.Bucket.Code,
                            Reference = budgetedAmount.AutoMatchingReference

                budgetedAmount.Date = reconciliationDate;

            return transactions;
            public TransactionTestDataBuilder WithBudgetCredit(decimal amount, DateTime? date = null, string automatchingRef = null)
                BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction budgetTxn = this.transactions.OfType<BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (budgetTxn == null)
                    budgetTxn = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction { AutoMatchingReference = automatchingRef, Date = date, Narrative = "Budgeted Amount" };

                budgetTxn.Amount = amount;
                return this;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Called by <see cref="LedgerBook.Reconcile" />. It builds the contents of the new ledger line based on budget and
        ///     statement input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previousEntries">
        ///     A collection of previous <see cref="LedgerEntry" />s to construct the running balance for
        ///     the entries this line contains.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="currentBudget">The current applicable budget</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The current period statement.</param>
        /// <param name="startDateIncl">The date for this ledger line.</param>
        internal void AddNew(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<LedgerColumn, LedgerEntry>> previousEntries, BudgetModel currentBudget, StatementModel statement, DateTime startDateIncl)
            if (!IsNew)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add a new entry to an existing Ledger Line, only new Ledger Lines can have new entries added.");

            DateTime finishDateExcl = Date;
            List<Transaction> filteredStatementTransactions = statement == null
                ? new List<Transaction>()
                : statement.AllTransactions.Where(t => t.Date >= startDateIncl && t.Date < finishDateExcl).ToList();
            foreach (var previousEntry in previousEntries)
                LedgerColumn ledger = previousEntry.Key;
                decimal balance = previousEntry.Value == null ? 0 : previousEntry.Value.Balance;
                var newEntry = new LedgerEntry(true) { Balance = balance, LedgerColumn = ledger };
                Expense expenseBudget = currentBudget.Expenses.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Bucket.Code == ledger.BudgetBucket.Code);
                var transactions = new List<LedgerTransaction>();
                if (expenseBudget != null)
                    var budgetedAmount = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction { Credit = expenseBudget.Amount, Narrative = "Budgeted Amount" };

                transactions.AddRange(IncludeStatementTransactions(newEntry, filteredStatementTransactions));

        /// <summary>
        ///     Use this method to remove all funds from this ledger. This is commonly used periodically if overbudgeted and funds
        ///     can be safely used elsewhere.
        ///     By zeroing the balance the surplus will increase.
        /// </summary>
        public void ZeroTheBalance(string narrative = null)
            if (!this.isNew)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This is not a new entry and therefore cannot be altered. Only newly created entries from creating a new reconciliation can use this operation.");

            if (Balance <= 0)

            var zeroTxn = new BudgetCreditLedgerTransaction { Debit = Balance, Narrative = narrative ?? "Zeroing balance - excess funds in this account." };
            Balance = 0;