Exemple #1
  /** ChatIM constructor. 
   *  @param core the main application
   *  @param r_add the recipient address
  public BrunetChatIM(User u, Buddy bud, BrunetChatMain bcm)
    _user = u;
    _recipient_buddy = bud;
    _bcm = bcm;
    string fname = "BrunetChat.glade";
    string root = "windowBrunetChatIM";

    Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (fname, root, null);
    //Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null,fname, root, null);
    _text_buf_display = textviewDisplay.Buffer;
    _text_buf_input = textviewInput.Buffer;
    _text_buf_recipient = textviewRecipient.Buffer;
    _text_buf_recipient.Text = _recipient_buddy.Alias;
    Gdk.Color red_color = new Gdk.Color (0xff, 0, 0);
    Gdk.Color blue_color = new Gdk.Color (0, 0, 0xff);
    TextTag sendercolor = new TextTag("Sender Color");
    sendercolor.ForegroundGdk = blue_color;
    TextTag recipientcolor = new TextTag("Recipient Color");
    recipientcolor.ForegroundGdk = red_color;
Exemple #2
 public int Add(Buddy bud){
   if( !Contains(bud) ) {
     _add_to_buddy[ bud.Sender.ToUri() ] = bud;
     _email_to_buddy[ bud.Email ] = bud;
     return buddyArrayList.Add(bud);
   return 0;
Exemple #3
 public bool Contains(Buddy b)
   if( b.Sender == null ) { return false; }
   return _add_to_buddy.ContainsKey(b.Sender.ToUri());
Exemple #4
  * Creates a new chat session or raises an existing one in response to a
  * new message.
  * @param recipient Buddy the message is from
 public BrunetChatIM OpenChatSession(Buddy recipient)
   bool doeswindowexist = _message_sinks.Contains( recipient );
   BrunetChatIM sink = null;
   if ( !doeswindowexist ) {
      sink = new BrunetChatIM(CurrentUser, recipient, this);
      _message_sinks.Add(recipient , sink );
   else {
     sink = (BrunetChatIM)_message_sinks[recipient];
     ///\todo raise window
   return sink;
Exemple #5
  * Close a chat session once we are done with it.
  * @param dest the destination address to close the chat session with
 public void CloseChatSession(Buddy b)