/// Simulator != thread-safe! protected static Address SimulatorCache(Address a) { int idx = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(a.ToMemBlock(), 0); Address tmp = _cache.GetValue(idx); if(a.Equals(tmp)) { return tmp; } _cache.Replace(idx, a); return a; }
/** * Read the address out of the buffer This makes a copy * and calls Parse on the copy. This is a "convienience" method. * @throw ParseException if the buffer is not a valid address */ static public Address Parse(MemBlock mb) { //Read some of the least significant bytes out, //AHAddress all have last bit 0, so we skip the last byte which //will have less entropy ushort idx = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, Address.MemSize - 3); Address a = _mb_cache[idx]; if (a != null) { if (a.ToMemBlock().Equals(mb)) { return(a); } } //Else we need to read the address and put it in the cache try { if (2 * mb.Length < mb.ReferencedBufferLength) { /* * This MemBlock is much smaller than the array * we are referencing, don't keep the big one * in scope, instead make a copy */ mb = MemBlock.Copy((ICopyable)mb); } int add_class = Address.ClassOf(mb); switch (add_class) { case AHAddress.ClassValue: a = new AHAddress(mb); break; case DirectionalAddress.ClassValue: a = new DirectionalAddress(mb); break; default: a = null; throw new ParseException("Unknown Address Class: " + add_class + ", buffer:" + mb.ToString()); } //Cache this result: _mb_cache[idx] = a; return(a); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) { throw new ParseException("Address too short: " + mb.ToString(), ex); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw new ParseException("Could not parse: " + mb.ToString(), ex); } }
/// Simulator != thread-safe! protected static Address SimulatorCache(Address a) { int idx = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(a.ToMemBlock(), 0); Address tmp = _cache.GetValue(idx); if (a.Equals(tmp)) { return(tmp); } _cache.Replace(idx, a); return(a); }
public static void Main(string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number edge protocol."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of p2p nodes."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of missing edges."); Environment.Exit(0); } string proto = "function"; try { proto = args[0].Trim(); } catch (Exception) {} bool tunnel = false; int base_port = 54000; int network_size = Int32.Parse(args[1]); int missing_count = Int32.Parse(args[2]); try { tunnel = args[3].Trim().Equals("tunnel"); } catch (Exception) {} Console.WriteLine("use tunnel edges: {0}", tunnel); Random rand = new Random(); ArrayList missing_edges = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = -1; int left, right; do { idx = rand.Next(0, network_size); left = (idx + 1) % network_size; if (idx == 0) { right = network_size - 1; } else { right = idx - 1; } } while (missing_edges.Contains(idx));// || //missing_edges.Contains(left) || //missing_edges.Contains(right)); Console.WriteLine("Will drop a left edge on idx {0}: ", idx); missing_edges.Add(idx); } // // Sort missing edges. // missing_edges.Sort(); SortedList dist = new SortedList(); // // Compute the average distance between missing edges. // if (missing_count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = (int)missing_edges[i]; int idx_next; int d; if (i == missing_count - 1) { idx_next = (int)missing_edges[0]; d = (network_size - 1) - idx + idx_next; } else { idx_next = (int)missing_edges[i + 1]; d = idx_next - idx - 1; } if (!dist.Contains(d)) { dist[d] = 0; } else { int c = (int)dist[d]; dist[d] = c + 1; } } } double sum = 0.0; int num = 0; Console.WriteLine("distribution of missing edges separation"); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dist) { int k = (int)de.Key; int c = (int)de.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", k, c); sum = sum + k * c; num = num + c; } Console.WriteLine("average separation: {0}", (double)sum / num); string brunet_namespace = "testing"; Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); var RemoteTA = new List <TransportAddress>(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { if (proto.Equals("udp")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } else if (proto.Equals("function")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); _sorted_node_list.Add((Address)address, node); _node_list.Add(node); RouteTestHandler test_handler = new RouteTestHandler(); node.GetTypeSource(new PType(routing_test)).Subscribe(test_handler, address.ToMemBlock()); RpcManager rpc_man = node.Rpc; rpc_man.AddHandler("rpc_routing_test", new RpcRoutingTestHandler(node)); } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(i); Console.WriteLine("Configuring node: {0} ", node.Address); TAAuthorizer ta_auth = null; if (missing_edges.Contains(i)) { int remote_port; if (i == network_size - 1) { remote_port = base_port; } else { remote_port = base_port + i + 1; } PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port); Console.WriteLine("Adding a port TA authorizer at: {0} for remote port: {1}", base_port + i, remote_port); ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList(); arr_tas.Add(port_auth); arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow)); ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas); } if (proto.Equals("udp")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i, null, ta_auth)); } else if (proto.Equals("function")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(base_port + i, -1.00, ta_auth)); } if (tunnel) { Console.WriteLine("Adding a tunnel edge listener"); node.AddEdgeListener(new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node)); } _node_to_port[node] = base_port + i; node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; } //start nodes one by one. for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node)_node_list[i]; Console.WriteLine("Starting node: {0}, {1}", i, node.Address); node.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 2 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } //wait for 300000 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 300000 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300000); bool complete = CheckStatus(); int count = 0; // // Send a large number of packets as exact packets to random destinations // and make sure exact routing is perfect. // for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address)dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); MemBlock p = dest_address.ToMemBlock(); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } //wait for 10 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); lock (_class_lock) { Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Wrongly routed: {2}", _sent, _received, _wrongly_routed); } int missing_rpcs = 0; int correct_rpcs = 0; int incorrect_rpcs = 0; Hashtable queue_to_address = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address)dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); RpcManager rpc_man = src_node.Rpc; Channel q = new Channel(); lock (_class_lock) { queue_to_address[q] = dest_address; } q.CloseAfterEnqueue(); q.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock (_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel)o; if (qu.Count == 0) { missing_rpcs++; } queue_to_address.Remove(qu); } }; q.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock (_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel)o; RpcResult rpc_reply = (RpcResult)qu.Peek(); byte [] result = (byte[])rpc_reply.Result; Address target = new AHAddress(result); if (target.Equals(queue_to_address[qu])) { correct_rpcs++; } else { incorrect_rpcs++; } } }; rpc_man.Invoke(s, q, "rpc_routing_test.GetIdentification", new object[] {}); } } //wait for 10 more seconds while (true) { int c = -1; lock (_class_lock) { c = incorrect_rpcs + missing_rpcs + correct_rpcs; } if (c < network_size * network_size) { Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); Console.WriteLine("correct rpcs: {0}, incorrect rpcs: {1}, missing rpcs: {2}", correct_rpcs, incorrect_rpcs, missing_rpcs); System.Environment.Exit(1); }
/** * Create a node with a given local address and * a set of Routers. * @param addr Address for the local node * @param realm the Realm or Namespace this node belongs to */ protected Node(Address addr, string realm) { //Start with the address hashcode: _sync = new Object(); lock (_sync) { DemuxHandler = new DemuxHandler(); /* * Make all the hashtables : */ _local_add = AddressParser.Parse(addr.ToMemBlock()); _realm = String.Intern(realm); /* Set up the heartbeat */ _heart_period = 500; //500 ms, or 1/2 second. _heartbeat_handlers = new Dictionary <EventHandler, Brunet.Util.FuzzyEvent>(); _task_queue = new NodeTaskQueue(this); _packet_queue = new BCon.LFBlockingQueue <IAction>(); _running = 0; _send_pings = 1; _LOG = ProtocolLog.Monitor.Enabled; _connection_table = new ConnectionTable(_local_add); _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += this.ConnectionHandler; //We start off offline. _con_state = Node.ConnectionState.Offline; /* Set up the ReqrepManager as a filter */ _rrm = new ReqrepManager(this); DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.ReqRep).Subscribe(_rrm, null); _rrm.Subscribe(this, null); this.HeartBeatEvent += _rrm.TimeoutChecker; /* Set up RPC */ _rpc = new RpcManager(_rrm); DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Rpc).Subscribe(_rpc, null); /* * Where there is a change in the Connections, we might have a state * change */ _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += this.CheckForStateChange; _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += this.CheckForStateChange; _connection_table.StatusChangedEvent += this.CheckForStateChange; _codeinjection = new Brunet.Services.CodeInjection(this); _codeinjection.LoadLocalModules(); /* * We must later make sure the EdgeEvent events from * any EdgeListeners are connected to _cph.EdgeHandler */ /** * Here are the protocols that every edge must support */ /* Here are the transport addresses */ _remote_ta = new ArrayList(); /*@throw ArgumentNullException if the list ( new ArrayList()) is null. */ /* EdgeListener's */ _edgelistener_list = new ArrayList(); _edge_factory = new EdgeFactory(); /* Initialize this at 15 seconds */ _connection_timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 15000); //Check the edges from time to time IAction cec_act = new HeartBeatAction(this, this.CheckEdgesCallback); _check_edges = Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoEvery(delegate(DateTime dt) { this.EnqueueAction(cec_act); }, 15000, 1000); } }
/** * Factory method to reduce memory allocations by caching * commonly used NodeInfo objects */ public static NodeInfo CreateInstance(Address a) { //Read some of the least significant bytes out, //AHAddress all have last bit 0, so we skip the last byte which //will have less entropy MemBlock mb = a.ToMemBlock(); ushort idx = (ushort)NumberSerializer.ReadShort(mb, Address.MemSize - 3); NodeInfo ni = _mb_cache[idx]; if( ni != null ) { if (a.Equals(ni._address)) { return ni; } } ni = new NodeInfo(a); _mb_cache[idx] = ni; return ni; }
/** * Create a node with a given local address and * a set of Routers. * @param addr Address for the local node * @param realm the Realm or Namespace this node belongs to */ protected Node(Address addr, string realm) { //Start with the address hashcode: _sync = new Object(); lock(_sync) { DemuxHandler = new DemuxHandler(); /* * Make all the hashtables : */ _local_add = AddressParser.Parse( addr.ToMemBlock() ); _realm = String.Intern(realm); /* Set up the heartbeat */ _heart_period = 500; //500 ms, or 1/2 second. _heartbeat_handlers = new Dictionary<EventHandler, Brunet.Util.FuzzyEvent>(); _task_queue = new NodeTaskQueue(this); _packet_queue = new BCon.LFBlockingQueue<IAction>(); _running = 0; _send_pings = 1; _LOG = ProtocolLog.Monitor.Enabled; _connection_table = new ConnectionTable(new DefaultERPolicy(addr)); _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += this.ConnectionHandler; LockMgr = new ConnectionLockManager(_connection_table); //We start off offline. _con_state = Node.ConnectionState.Offline; /* Set up the ReqrepManager as a filter */ _rrm = new ReqrepManager(this.ToString()); DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.ReqRep).Subscribe(_rrm, null); _rrm.Subscribe(this, null); this.HeartBeatEvent += _rrm.TimeoutChecker; /* Set up RPC */ _rpc = new RpcManager(_rrm); DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource( PType.Protocol.Rpc ).Subscribe(_rpc, null); //Add a map-reduce handlers: _mr_handler = new MR.MapReduceHandler(this); //Subscribe it with the RPC handler: _rpc.AddHandler("mapreduce", _mr_handler); /* * Where there is a change in the Connections, we might have a state * change */ _connection_table.ConnectionEvent += this.CheckForStateChange; _connection_table.DisconnectionEvent += this.CheckForStateChange; #if !BRUNET_SIMULATOR _codeinjection = new Brunet.Services.CodeInjection(this); _codeinjection.LoadLocalModules(); #endif /* * We must later make sure the EdgeEvent events from * any EdgeListeners are connected to _cph.EdgeHandler */ /** * Here are the protocols that every edge must support */ /* Here are the transport addresses */ _remote_ta = ImmutableList<TransportAddress>.Empty; /*@throw ArgumentNullException if the list ( new ArrayList()) is null. */ /* EdgeListener's */ _edgelistener_list = new ArrayList(); _co_list = new List<ConnectionOverlord>(); _edge_factory = new EdgeFactory(); _ta_discovery = ImmutableList<Discovery>.Empty; StateChangeEvent += HandleTADiscoveryState; /* Initialize this at 15 seconds */ _connection_timeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0,15000); //Check the edges from time to time IAction cec_act = new HeartBeatAction(this, this.CheckEdgesCallback); _check_edges = Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoEvery(delegate(DateTime dt) { this.EnqueueAction(cec_act); }, 5000, 500); } }