Exemple #1
        public static void PrintOffer(Offer o)
            PDFCreators creator = new PDFCreators(true, 15, 15, 15, 15);

            creator.SetTitle("Понуда: " + o.OfferNumber);
            creator.SetTitleLeft("Датум на понуда: " + o.OfferDate.ToShortDateString());

            string[] headers          = { "Ред. бр.", "Осигурителна компанија", "Класа на осигурување", "Подкласа на осигурување", "Износ" };
            float[]  widthPercentages = { 10, 20, 25, 35, 10 };
            creator.CreateTable_Facture(5, headers, widthPercentages);
            object[] values;
            int      i = 1;

            foreach (OfferItem oi in o.OfferItems)
                values    = new object[5];
                values[0] = i.ToString();
                values[1] = oi.InsuranceCompany.Name;
                values[2] = oi.InsuranceSubType.InsuranceType.Name;
                values[3] = oi.InsuranceSubType.Description;
                values[4] = oi.Cost;
                creator.AddDataRowForBillWithRigthAlligmentForValues(values, 5);
            values    = new object[5];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            values[2] = "";
            values[3] = "Вкупно:";
            values[4] = o.Cost;
            creator.AddDataRowForBillWithRigthAlligmentForValues(values, 5);
            creator.FinishPDF_FileName("Ponuda" + o.OfferNumber);
Exemple #2
        public static void CreateFileForPeriodAndBank(int bankID, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            DateTime dt1 = startDate;
            DateTime dt2 = endDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;

            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 25, 25, 25, 25);

            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("  ");

            pdf.SetTitle("Слипови во период  " + startDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString());

            List <Slip> slipList = Slip.GetForPeriodAndBank(startDate, endDate, bankID);

            slipList = slipList.OrderBy(c => c.Date).ThenBy(c => c.SlipNumber).ToList();
            decimal totalValue      = 0;
            decimal partialValue    = 0;
            decimal dayTotalValue   = 0;
            decimal dayPartialValue = 0;
            int     orderNumber     = 0;
            bool    differentDays   = false;

            // int dayOrderNumber = 0;
            // int monthOrderNumber = 0;
            string[]   headersP            = { "РБ", "Број на слип", "Број на полиса", "Вредност", "Провизија", "Вредност без провизија", "Дата" };
            float[]    policyColumnsWidths = { 5, 20, 20, 15, 10, 15, 15 };
            TypeCode[] codes = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.DateTime };
            pdf.CreateTable(7, false, headersP, "", policyColumnsWidths);
            DateTime currentDate;

            if (slipList.Count > 0)
                currentDate = slipList[0].Date;
                currentDate = DateTime.Today;
            foreach (Slip s in slipList)
                if (s.Date != currentDate)
                    differentDays = true;
                    object[] vals = new object[7];
                    vals[0] = "";
                    vals[1] = "Вкупно";
                    vals[2] = "";
                    vals[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", dayTotalValue);
                    vals[4] = "";
                    vals[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", dayPartialValue);
                    vals[6] = "";
                    pdf.AddDataRow1(vals, 7, codes);
                    dayPartialValue = 0;
                    dayTotalValue   = 0;
                    currentDate     = s.Date;
                    orderNumber     = 0;
                    totalValue     += s.TotalValue;
                    partialValue   += s.PartialValue;
                    object[] vals2 = new object[7];
                    vals2[0] = orderNumber;
                    vals2[1] = s.SlipNumber;
                    vals2[2] = s.PolicyNumber;
                    vals2[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", s.TotalValue);
                    vals2[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", s.ProvisionRate.Provision);
                    vals2[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", s.PartialValue);
                    vals2[6] = s.Date.ToShortDateString();
                    pdf.AddDataRow1(vals2, 7, codes);
                    totalValue      += s.TotalValue;
                    partialValue    += s.PartialValue;
                    dayTotalValue   += s.TotalValue;
                    dayPartialValue += s.PartialValue;
            //if (differentDays) {
            //    object[] vals5 = new object[7];
            //    vals5[0] = "";
            //    vals5[1] = "Вкупно";
            //    vals5[2] = "";
            //    vals5[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", dayTotalValue);
            //    vals5[4] = "";
            //    vals5[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", dayPartialValue);
            //    vals5[6] = "";
            //    pdf.AddDataRow1(vals5, 7, codes);


            object[] vals1 = new object[7];
            vals1[0] = "";
            vals1[1] = "Вкупно";
            vals1[2] = "";
            vals1[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalValue);
            vals1[4] = "";
            vals1[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", partialValue);
            vals1[6] = "";
            pdf.AddDataRow1(vals1, 7, codes);

Exemple #3
        public static void PrintBillInfoForPolicy(PolicyItem pi)
            string      brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();
            PDFCreators creator    = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Жиро-сметка :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.ZIRO_SMETKA).Value);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Депонент :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.DEPONENT).Value);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   ЕДБ :   " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.EDB).Value + "       " + "Матичен број :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.MATICEN_BROJ).Value);

            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitle("(за продадена полиса)");
            creator.SetTitle("Полиса бр. " + pi.PolicyNumber);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на полиса: " + pi.Policy.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString());
            string nacinNaPlakanje = "";

            if (pi.IsPaidInBrokerHouse)
                nacinNaPlakanje = "ЕДНОКРАТНО";
                List <Rate> lstRates = Rate.GetByPolicyItemID(pi.ID);
                if (lstRates.Count > 1)
                    nacinNaPlakanje = "НА РАТИ";
                nacinNaPlakanje = "ДИРЕКТНО ВО ОСИГУРИТЕЛНА КОМПАНИЈА";
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Начин на плаќање на полиса: " + nacinNaPlakanje);

            string[]   headers          = { "Ред. бр.", "Број на полиса", "Осиг. компанија", "Тип на осигурување", "Премија" };
            float[]    widthPercentages = { 8, 17, 30, 30, 15 };
            TypeCode[] typeCodes        = { TypeCode.Int32, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal };
            creator.CreateTable_Facture(headers.Length, headers, widthPercentages);
            object[] values;
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "1";
            values[1] = pi.PolicyNumber;
            values[2] = pi.Policy.InsuranceCompany.ShortName;
            values[3] = pi.InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription;
            values[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", pi.PremiumValue) + " ДЕН.";
            creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            values[2] = "";
            values[3] = "Вкупно";
            values[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", pi.PremiumValue) + " ДЕН.";
            creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            creator.SetTitleLeftBold14(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeftItalic10("Со букви: " + NumberToTextController.Konvertiranje(pi.PremiumValue));
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Согласно со член 23, точка 6 од Законот за ДДВ дејноста осигурување е ослободена од плаќање данок без право на одбиток на претходниот данок.");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("         " + brokerName + "                                                                                                                           ДОГОВОРУВАЧ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("_________________________                                                                                                           ____________________");
            creator.FinishPDF_FileName("Potvrda" + pi.PolicyNumber);
Exemple #4
        public static void PrintBrokerageSlip(BrokerageSlip bs)
            PDFCreators creator = new PDFCreators(true, 15, 15, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitle("БРОКЕРСКИ СЛИП ЗА ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ");
            string[]   headers          = { "", "" };
            float[]    widthPercentages = { 30, 70 };
            TypeCode[] typeCodes        = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String };
            creator.CreateTable_Facture(headers.Length, headers, widthPercentages);
            object[] values;
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ОСИГУРЕНИК";
            values[1] = bs.Insurer;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ОСИГУРУВАЧ";
            values[1] = bs.InsuranceCompany.Name;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ПЕРИОД НА ИЗДАДЕНИ ПОЛИСИ";
            values[1] = bs.FromDate.ToShortDateString() + " до " + bs.ToDate.ToShortDateString();
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "КЛАСИ НА ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ";
            int    ordinalNumber = 1;
            string nested        = "";

            foreach (BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubType bsist in bs.BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubTypes)
                nested += (ordinalNumber + ". " + bsist.InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription + "\n");
            values[1] = nested;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ОСИГУРЕНИ ОПАСНОСТИ";
            values[1] = bs.InsuranceRisks;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ОСИГУРЕНИ СТВАРИ";
            values[1] = bs.InsuranceThings;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            int ordNumberPerInsSubType = 1;

            foreach (BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubType bsist in bs.BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubTypes)
                object[] valINST = new object[2];
                valINST[0] = "ПОДКЛАСА НА ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ";
                valINST[1] = ordNumberPerInsSubType + ". " + bsist.InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription;
                creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(valINST, headers.Length, typeCodes);
                decimal totPrem = 0;
                List <BrokerageSlipPolicyItem> tmpList    = BrokerageSlipPolicyItem.GetByBrokerageSlip(bs.ID);
                List <BrokerageSlipPolicyItem> tmpListPer = tmpList.Where(c => c.PolicyItem.InsuranceSubTypeID == bsist.InsuranceSubTypeID).ToList();
                List <PolicyItem> lstPolItems             = tmpListPer.Select(c => c.PolicyItem).ToList();
                lstPolItems = lstPolItems.OrderBy(c => c.PolicyNumber).ToList();
                foreach (PolicyItem pi in lstPolItems)
                    object[] valPol       = new object[2];
                    string   polPremValue = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", pi.PremiumValue);
                    valPol[0] = "";
                    valPol[1] = pi.PolicyNumber + " - " + pi.Policy.Client.Name + " - " + polPremValue;
                    creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(valPol, headers.Length, typeCodes);
                    if (!pi.Policy.Discard)
                        totPrem += pi.PremiumValue;
                object[] valTotPerIST = new object[2];
                valTotPerIST[0] = "";
                valTotPerIST[1] = "ВКУПНО ПРЕМИЈА: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totPrem) + " ДЕНАРИ";
                creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(valTotPerIST, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            //values = new object[headers.Length];
            //values[0] = "ПРЕМИЈА";
            //values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ОСНОВ ЗА ОБЕШТЕТУВАЊЕ";
            values[1] = bs.BasisForCompensation;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "БРОКЕРАЖА";
            int    ordNumber = 1;
            string nestedB   = "";

            foreach (BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubType bsist in bs.BrokerageSlipInsuranceSubTypes)
                nestedB += (ordNumber + ". " + bsist.InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription + " " + bsist.BrokeragePercentagePrivates + "% ЗА ФИЗИЧКИ ЛИЦА, " + bsist.BrokeragePercentageLaws + "% ЗА ПРАВНИ ЛИЦА ОД БРУТО ПРЕМИЈА" + "\n");
            values[1] = nestedB;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "ДРУГИ УСЛОВИ";
            values[1] = bs.OtherConditions;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "БРОКЕР";
            values[1] = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseNameByCode(BrokerHouseInformation.FIRST_ROW);
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.MESTO).Value;
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = bs.Date.ToShortDateString();
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            values    = new object[headers.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            creator.AddDataRowForBrokerageSlips(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            string brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();

            creator.SetTitleLeft8("         " + brokerName + "                                                                                                                           " + bs.InsuranceCompany.Name);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("_________________________                                                                                                           ____________________");
            creator.FinishPDF_FileName("BrokerskiSlip" + bs.ID);
Exemple #5
        public static void PrintAnex(Policy p)
            List <Rate> ratesForPrint = Rate.GetByPolicyItemID(p.PolicyItems[0].ID);

            Broker.DataAccess.Facture f = PolicyItemFactureItem.GetByPolicyItemID(p.PolicyItems[0].ID);
            PDFCreators creator         = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Жиро-сметка :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.ZIRO_SMETKA).Value);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Депонент :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.DEPONENT).Value);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("   ЕДБ :   " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.EDB).Value + "       " + "Матичен број :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.MATICEN_BROJ).Value);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("Договорувач " + p.Client.Name + "                                                                                                             " + "Експозитура " + p.Branch.Name);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitle("ДОГОВОР " + p.PolicyItems[0].PolicyNumber);
            creator.SetTitle("за плаќање на должна премија за осигурување");
            creator.SetTitle("(плаќање на рати)");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("1.Премијата за осигурување ќе се плати на рати, како што следи:");
            string[]   headersRates          = { "Реден број", "Рок за плаќање", "Полиса", "Фактура број", "Износ" };
            float[]    widthPercentagesRates = { 10, 25, 25, 20, 20 };
            TypeCode[] typeCodesRates        = { TypeCode.Int32, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal };
            creator.CreateTable_Facture(headersRates.Length, headersRates, widthPercentagesRates);
            ratesForPrint = ratesForPrint.OrderBy(c => c.Date).ToList();
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (Rate r in ratesForPrint)
                object[] valuesRates = new object[headersRates.Length];
                valuesRates[0] = counter;
                valuesRates[1] = r.Date.ToShortDateString();
                valuesRates[2] = r.PolicyItem.PolicyNumber;
                if (f != null)
                    valuesRates[3] = f.FactureNumber;
                    valuesRates[3] = "";
                valuesRates[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", r.Value) + " ДЕН.";
                creator.AddDataRowForFactures(valuesRates, headersRates.Length, typeCodesRates);
            object[] values = new object[headersRates.Length];
            values[0] = "";
            values[1] = "";
            values[2] = "";
            values[3] = "Вкупно";
            values[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", p.PolicyItems[0].PremiumValue) + " ДЕН.";
            creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headersRates.Length, typeCodesRates);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("2.Доколку настане осигуран случај - штета, независно од тоа што е договорено плаќање на рати, премијата за осигурување стасува за наплата веднаш до висината на надоместокот што треба да се исплати и ќе се наплати по пат на компензација.");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("3.Ако премијата не се плати во договорените рокови од овој Договор, ќе се пресметува камата.");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("4.Договорот е составен од три еднообразни примероци, од кои еден за осигуреникот, а два за осигурувачот.");
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            if (f != null)
                creator.SetTitleCenter8("Во " + f.User.Branch.Municipality.Name + " на " + f.DateOfCreation.ToShortDateString());
                creator.SetTitleCenter8("Во " + p.Branch.Municipality.Name + " на " + p.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString());
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            creator.SetTitle(" ");
            string brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();

            creator.SetTitleLeft8("         " + brokerName + "                                                                                                                           ДОГОВОРУВАЧ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8("_________________________                                                                                                           ____________________");
            creator.FinishPDF_FileName("Aneks" + p.PolicyItems[0].PolicyNumber);
Exemple #6
        public static void ReportsForPaymentsTypesGroupedByInsuranceCompany(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            List <InsuranceCompany> icList = new List <InsuranceCompany>();

            icList = InsuranceCompany.Select().ToList();
            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 25, 25, 25, 25);

            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("ЗА ПЕРИОД " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            string[] headers = new string[4];
            headers[0] = "Реден број";
            headers[1] = "Тип на плаќање";
            headers[2] = "Број на полиси";
            headers[3] = "Вкупен износ";

            TypeCode[] codes = new TypeCode[headers.Count()];
            codes[0] = TypeCode.Int32;
            codes[1] = TypeCode.String;
            codes[2] = TypeCode.Int32;
            codes[3] = TypeCode.Decimal;

            float[] policyColumnsWidths = new float[headers.Count()];
            policyColumnsWidths[0] = 10;
            policyColumnsWidths[1] = 50;
            policyColumnsWidths[2] = 20;
            policyColumnsWidths[3] = 20;
            List <Broker.DataAccess.PaymentType> lstPaymentTypes = Broker.DataAccess.PaymentType.Table.ToList();

            foreach (InsuranceCompany ic in icList)
                int     tot   = 0;
                decimal total = 0;
                pdf.CreateTableWithBorder(headers.Count(), false, headers, "", policyColumnsWidths);
                int counter = 1;
                foreach (Broker.DataAccess.PaymentType pt in lstPaymentTypes)
                    int      count = 0;
                    decimal  sum   = Broker.DataAccess.Payment.GetSumByPaymentTypeAndInsuranceCompanyInPeriod(fromDate, toDate, ic.ID, pt, out count);
                    object[] vals  = new object[headers.Count()];
                    vals[0] = counter;
                    vals[1] = pt.Name;
                    vals[2] = count;
                    vals[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", sum);
                    tot    += count;
                    total  += sum;
                    pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(vals, headers.Count(), codes);

                object[] valsTot = new object[headers.Count()];
                valsTot[0] = "";
                valsTot[1] = "ВКУПНО:";
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                valsTot[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", total);
                pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(valsTot, headers.Count(), codes);

                pdf.SetTitleLeft(" ");

Exemple #7
        public static void PrintAccountFacture(AccountFacture f)
            if (f.DocumentSubType.Code == DocumentSubType.FAKTURA_PROVIZIJA)
                PDFCreators creator = new PDFCreators(true, 15, 15, 15, 15);
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                creator.SetTitle(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Адреса :    " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.ADRESA).Value);
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Место :     " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.MESTO).Value);
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Телефон :   " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.TELEFON).Value + "       " + "Факс :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.FAKS).Value);
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                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Депонент :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.DEPONENT).Value);
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   ЕДБ :   " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.EDB).Value + "       " + "Матичен број :  " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.MATICEN_BROJ).Value);
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Web-страна :    " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.WEB_STRANA).Value + "        " + "E-Mail :    " + Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.GetByCode(Broker.DataAccess.Parameter.EMAIL).Value);
                creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
                if (f.Discard)
                    creator.SetTitleCenterForFactureNumber("СТОРНИРАНА Ф-ра бр. " + f.FactureNumber);
                    creator.SetTitleCenterForFactureNumber("Фактура бр. " + f.FactureNumber);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на фактура: " + f.DateOfCreation.ToShortDateString());
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Рок на плаќање: " + f.DateOfPayment.ToShortDateString());
                //creator.SetTitleLeft8("Период: " + f.FromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + f.ToDate.ToShortDateString());

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                    values    = new object[headers.Length];
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                    values[1] = fi.Description;
                    values[2] = fi.Count.ToString();
                    values[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fi.PremiumValue);
                    values[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fi.BrokerageValue);
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                values[1] = "";
                values[2] = "";
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                values[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", f.BrokerageValue);
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                creator.SetTitleLeftBold14(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeftItalic10("Со букви: " + NumberToTextController.Konvertiranje(f.BrokerageValue));
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Ве молиме фактурираниот износ да го платите до назначениот рок на плаќање.");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Доколку износот за фактурата не биде платен до наведениот датум, се пресметува затезна камата од денот на стасаност до денот на плаќањето.");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Согласно со член 23, точка 6 од Законот за ДДВ дејноста осигурување е ослободена од плаќање данок без право на одбиток на претходниот данок.");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("                          Фактурирал                                              Примил                                                           Одобрил");
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("                    _________________                            __________________                                  ____________________");

                creator.SetTitleCenterForFactureNumber("Спецификација за фактура бр. " + f.FactureNumber);
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                    creator.CreateTable_Facture(headersSpecifications.Length, headersSpecifications, widthPercentagesSpecifications);
                    List <AccountFactureItemPolicyItem> pifiList = AccountFactureItemPolicyItem.GetByAccountFactureItem(fi.ID);
                    int ordinalNumber = 1;
                    foreach (AccountFactureItemPolicyItem pifi in pifiList)
                        valuesSpecifications    = new object[6];
                        valuesSpecifications[0] = ordinalNumber;
                        valuesSpecifications[1] = pifi.PolicyItem.PolicyNumber;
                        valuesSpecifications[2] = pifi.PolicyItem.Policy.StartDate.ToShortDateString();
                        valuesSpecifications[3] = pifi.PolicyItem.Policy.EndDate.ToShortDateString();
                        valuesSpecifications[4] = pifi.PolicyItem.Policy.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString();
                        valuesSpecifications[5] = pifi.PolicyItem.PremiumValue;
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                    creator.SetTitleCenterForFactureNumber(" ");

                creator.FinishPDF_FileName("Factura" + f.FactureNumber);
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            //    creator.SetTitle(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
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            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Место :     " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.MESTO).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Телефон :   " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.TELEFON).Value + "       " + "Факс :  " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.FAKS).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Жиро-сметка :  " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.ZIRO_SMETKA).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Депонент :  " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.DEPONENT).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   ЕДБ :   " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.EDB).Value + "       " + "Матичен број :  " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.MATICEN_BROJ).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("   Web-страна :    " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.WEB_STRANA).Value + "        " + "E-Mail :    " + Parameter.GetByCode(Parameter.EMAIL).Value);
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8("  ");
            //    creator.SetTitleCenterForFactureNumber("Фактура бр. " + f.FactureNumber);
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            //    creator.SetTitleLeftWithFontSize10(ConvertToMacedonian.ConvertToMACEDONIAN(f.Client.Place.Municipality.Name).ToUpper());
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на фактура: " + f.DateOfCreation.ToShortDateString());
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("Рок на плаќање: " + f.DateOfPayment.ToShortDateString());
            //    //creator.SetTitleLeft8("Период: " + f.FromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + f.ToDate.ToShortDateString());

            //    string[] headers = { "Ред. бр.", "Опис", "Количина", "Премија" };
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            //    object[] values;
            //    foreach (FactureItem fi in f.FactureItems)
            //    {
            //        values = new object[headers.Length];
            //        values[0] = fi.Number.ToString();
            //        values[1] = fi.Description;
            //        values[2] = fi.Count.ToString();
            //        values[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fi.PremiumValue);
            //        creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            //    }
            //    values = new object[headers.Length];
            //    values[0] = "";
            //    values[1] = "";
            //    values[2] = "Вкупно";
            //    values[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", f.TotalCost);
            //    creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            //    creator.AddTable();
            //    creator.SetTitleLeftBold14(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeftItalic10("Со букви: " + NumberToTextController.Konvertiranje(f.TotalCost));
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("Ве молиме фактурираниот износ да го платите до назначениот рок на плаќање.");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("Доколку износот за фактурата не биде платен до наведениот датум, се пресметува затезна камата од денот на стасаност до денот на плаќањето.");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("Согласно со член 23, точка 6 од Законот за ДДВ дејноста осигурување е ослободена од плаќање данок без право на одбиток на претходниот данок.");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("                          Фактурирал                                              Примил                                                          Одобрил");
            //    creator.SetTitleLeft10("                    _________________                            __________________                                  ____________________");

            //    string facItemDescriptionStart = "Полиса - ";
            //    creator.AddPage();
            //    foreach (FactureItem fi in f.FactureItems) {
            //        string polNumber = fi.Description.Substring(facItemDescriptionStart.Length);
            //        creator.SetTitleLeft10(facItemDescriptionStart + polNumber);
            //        string[] headersRates = { "Рата бр.", "Дата за плаќање", "Износ" };
            //        float[] widthPercentagesRates = { 15, 50, 35 };
            //        TypeCode[] typeCodesRates = { TypeCode.Int32, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal };
            //        creator.CreateTable_Facture(headersRates.Length, headersRates, widthPercentagesRates);
            //        PolicyItem pi = PolicyItem.GetByNumberAndInsuranceSubType(polNumber, fi.InsuranceSubTypeID, fi.Facture.InsuranceCompanyID);
            //        List<Rate> rates = Rate.GetByPolicyItemID(pi.ID);
            //        rates = rates.OrderBy(c => c.Number).ToList();
            //        foreach (Rate r in rates) {
            //            object[] valuesRates = new object[headersRates.Length];
            //            valuesRates[0] = r.Number;
            //            valuesRates[1] = r.Date.ToShortDateString();
            //            valuesRates[2] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", r.Value);
            //            creator.AddDataRowForFactures(valuesRates, headersRates.Length, typeCodes);
            //        }
            //        creator.AddTable();
            //    }

            //creator.FinishPDF_FileName("Factura" + f.FactureNumber);
Exemple #8
        public static void PrintReportForASO(int insuranceCompanyID, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            DateTime dt1 = startDate;
            DateTime dt2 = endDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;

            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            PDFCreators            pdf  = new PDFCreators(false, 17, 17, 25, 25);

            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.AddJDBLogo(660, 480);
            pdf.SetTitle("Квартален извештај за Брокерските друштва");
            pdf.SetTitle("за период " + startDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString());

            if (insuranceCompanyID > 0)
                InsuranceCompany ic = InsuranceCompany.Get(insuranceCompanyID);
                pdf.SetTitle("Осигурителна компанија: " + ic.ShortName);

            string[] headers = new string[6];
            headers[0] = "Класа/подкласа на осигурување";
            headers[1] = "Шифра";
            headers[2] = "Број на договори";
            headers[3] = "Премија";
            headers[4] = "Реализирана провизија";
            headers[5] = "Пресметана провизија";

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            codes[0] = TypeCode.String;
            codes[1] = TypeCode.String;
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            codes[4] = TypeCode.Decimal;
            codes[5] = TypeCode.Decimal;

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            policyColumnsWidths[5] = 10;

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            int     totalNumberOfPolicies           = 0;
            decimal totalPremiumValue               = 0;
            decimal totalBrokValue                  = 0;
            decimal totalRealBrokValue              = 0;
            List <InsuranceType> listInsuranceTypes = InsuranceType.Table.OrderBy(c => c.Code).ToList();

            foreach (InsuranceType it in listInsuranceTypes)
                object[] vals = new object[headers.Count()];
                vals[0] = it.Name;
                vals[1] = it.Code;
                List <InsuranceSubType> listInsuranceSubTypes = InsuranceSubType.GetByInsuranceType(it.ID).OrderBy(c => c.Code).ToList();
                int     numberOfPolicies                  = 0;
                int     premiumValue                      = 0;
                decimal brokValue                         = 0;
                decimal realBrokValue                     = 0;
                decimal tmpBrokValue                      = 0;
                decimal tmpBrokBaseValue                  = 0;
                decimal totFacturedValueInClass           = 0;
                decimal totFacturedBrokerageValuePerClass = 0;
                //decimal tmpBrokValueInOtherClass = 0;
                decimal k = 0;
                foreach (InsuranceSubType ist in listInsuranceSubTypes)
                    string  queryCountAndPremiumDef = string.Empty;
                    string  queryCountAndPremiumFullPremiumValue = string.Empty;
                    string  queryCountAndPremiumInOtherClasses   = string.Empty;
                    string  getCalculatedBrokerages            = string.Empty;
                    string  queryCalcBrokerageInOtherClases    = string.Empty;
                    string  queryRealPaidValues                = string.Empty;
                    string  queryGetFacturedBrokeragesPayments = string.Empty;
                    decimal tmpBrokValueInOtherClass           = 0;
                    decimal tmpBrokBaseValueTot                = 0;
                    decimal tmpBrokValueTot = 0;

                    if (insuranceCompanyID > 0)
                        queryCountAndPremiumFullPremiumValue = @"select count(pi1.id) as Count, 
                                                       sum(cast(pi1.premiumvalue as int))   as SumPremiumValue
                                                       from policies p1 inner join policyitems pi1 on pi1.policyid=p1.id
                                                       where p1.discard=0
                                                       and pi1.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                               " and p1.insurancecompanyid = " + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                               @" and p1.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p1.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCountAndPremiumDef = @"select 1, sum(cast(pei.Value as int)) as SumPremiumValue
                                                       from policies p ,policyitems pi, 
                                                       policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                       where p.discard=0
                                                       and caist.isactive=1
                                                       and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                       and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                       and c.variabletypeid in (2,3,4)
                                                       and c.specialfieldtypeid = 2
                                                       and c.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                  @" and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                       and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                       and pei.Value<>'0'
                                                       and p.insurancecompanyid = " + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                  @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCountAndPremiumInOtherClasses = @"select count(pi.id) as Count, sum(cast(pei.Value as int)) as SumPremiumValue
                                                                  from policies p ,policyitems pi, 
                                                                  policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                                  where p.discard=0
                                                                  and caist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                             @" and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                                  and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                                  and caist.isactive=1
                                                                  and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                                  and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                                  and pei.Value<>'0'
                                                                  and p.insurancecompanyid = " + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                             @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        getCalculatedBrokerages = @"select pi1.id, pi1.insurancesubtypeid,pi1.premiumvalue,
                                        (select sum(convert(int,pei.Value))
                                        from policyitems pi, 
                                        policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                        where caist.isactive=1
                                        and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                        and c.variabletypeid in (2,3,4)
                                        and c.specialfieldtypeid = 2
                                        and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                        and pei.controlid=c.id
                                        and pei.Value<>'0'
                                        and pi.id = pi1.id) as basicvalue,
                                        case when pi1.brokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select b.percentageforlaws  from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid and
                                        (select b.percentageforprivates from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and b.id=pi1.brokerageid) 
                                        (case when pi1.packetbrokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForPrivates from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi1.packetbrokerageid)
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForLaws from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi1.packetbrokerageid)
                                        else 0 
                                        end as brokeragepercentage
                                        from policies p1 inner join policyitems pi1 on pi1.policyid=p1.id
                                        inner join clients c1 on p1.clientid=c1.id
                                        where p1.discard=0
                                        and pi1.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                  @" and p1.insurancecompanyid = " + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                  @" and p1.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p1.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCalcBrokerageInOtherClases = @"select pi.id, pei.Value,
                                        case when pi.brokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select b.percentageforlaws  from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid and
                                        (select b.percentageforprivates from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and b.id=pi.brokerageid) 
                                        (case when pi.packetbrokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForPrivates from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi.packetbrokerageid)
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForLaws from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi.packetbrokerageid)
                                        else 0 
                                        end as brokeragepercentage
                                                                  from policies p ,policyitems pi, clients c1,
                                                                  policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                                  where p.discard=0
                                                                  and p.clientid=c1.id
                                                                  and caist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                          @" and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                                  and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                                  and caist.isactive=1
                                                                  and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                                  and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                                  and pei.Value<>'0' " +
                                                          @" and p.insurancecompanyid = " + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                          @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryRealPaidValues = @"select sum(fcpvpist.paidvalue) as sumpaidvalue
                                                from  FacCollPaidValuesPerInsSubTypes fcpvpist,facturecollectedpaidvalues fcpv, factureitems fi, factures f
                                                where fcpvpist.facturecollectedpaidvalueid=fcpv.id
                                                and fcpv.factureitemid=fi.id
                                                and fi.factureid=f.id
                                                and f.discard=0
                                                and fcpv.paiddate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and fcpv.paiddate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                                              @" and fcpvpist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                              @" and f.insurancecompanyid=" + insuranceCompanyID;
                        queryGetFacturedBrokeragesPayments = @"select sum(ppist.brokeragevalue) as tmpValueDecimal from PaymentsPerInsSubTypes ppist, payments pa, rates r,
                                                policyitems pi, policyitemfactureitems pifi, factureitems fi, factures f, policies p, facturepayments fp
                                                where ppist.paymentid=pa.id
                                                and pa.rateid=r.id
                                                and r.policyitemid=pi.id
                                                and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                and pifi.policyitemid=pi.id
                                                and pifi.factureitemid=fi.id
                                                and fi.factureid=f.id
                                                and f.discard=0
                                                and fp.factureid=f.id   
												and fp.paymentid=pa.id
                                                and p.discard=0
                                                and p.applicationdate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                                                             @" and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                                                             @" and p.insurancecompanyid=" + insuranceCompanyID +
                                                             @" and ppist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID;
                        queryCountAndPremiumFullPremiumValue = @"select count(pi1.id) as Count, 
                                                       sum(cast(pi1.premiumvalue as int))   as SumPremiumValue
                                                       from policies p1 inner join policyitems pi1 on pi1.policyid=p1.id
                                                       where p1.discard=0
                                                       and pi1.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                               @" and p1.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p1.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCountAndPremiumDef = @"select 1, sum(cast(pei.Value as int)) as SumPremiumValue
                                                       from policies p ,policyitems pi, 
                                                       policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                       where p.discard=0
                                                       and caist.isactive=1
                                                       and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                       and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                       and c.variabletypeid in (2,3,4)
                                                       and c.specialfieldtypeid = 2
                                                       and c.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                  @" and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                       and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                       and pei.Value<>'0'" +
                                                  @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCountAndPremiumInOtherClasses = @"select count(pi.id) as Count, sum(cast(pei.Value as int)) as SumPremiumValue
                                                                  from policies p ,policyitems pi, 
                                                                  policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                                  where p.discard=0
                                                                  and caist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                             @" and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                                  and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                                  and caist.isactive=1
                                                                  and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                                  and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                                  and pei.Value<>'0'" +
                                                             @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        getCalculatedBrokerages = @"select pi1.id, pi1.insurancesubtypeid,pi1.premiumvalue,
                                        (select sum(convert(int,pei.Value))
                                        from policyitems pi, 
                                        policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                        where caist.isactive=1
                                        and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                        and c.variabletypeid in (2,3,4)
                                        and c.specialfieldtypeid = 2
                                        and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                        and pei.controlid=c.id
                                        and pei.Value<>'0'
                                        and pi.id = pi1.id) as basicvalue,
                                        case when pi1.brokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select b.percentageforlaws  from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid and
                                        (select b.percentageforprivates from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and b.id=pi1.brokerageid) 
                                        (case when pi1.packetbrokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForPrivates from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi1.packetbrokerageid)
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForLaws from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi1.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi1.packetbrokerageid)
                                        else 0 
                                        end as brokeragepercentage
                                        from policies p1 inner join policyitems pi1 on pi1.policyid=p1.id
                                        inner join clients c1 on p1.clientid=c1.id
                                        where p1.discard=0
                                        and pi1.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                  @" and p1.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p1.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryCalcBrokerageInOtherClases = @"select pi.id, pei.Value,
                                        case when pi.brokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select b.percentageforlaws  from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid and
                                        (select b.percentageforprivates from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and b.id=pi.brokerageid) 
                                        (case when pi.packetbrokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when c1.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForPrivates from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi.packetbrokerageid)
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForLaws from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=pi.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=pi.packetbrokerageid)
                                        else 0 
                                        end as brokeragepercentage
                                                                  from policies p ,policyitems pi, clients c1,
                                                                  policyextendinformations pei,controls c, controlappropriateinsurancesubtype caist
                                                                  where p.discard=0
                                                                  and p.clientid=c1.id
                                                                  and caist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID +
                                                          @" and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                                  and caist.controlid=pei.controlid
                                                                  and caist.isactive=1
                                                                  and pei.policyitemid=pi.id 
                                                                  and pei.controlid=c.id
                                                                  and pei.Value<>'0' " +
                                                          @" and p.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'";
                        queryRealPaidValues = @"select sum(fcpvpist.paidvalue) as sumpaidvalue
                                                from  FacCollPaidValuesPerInsSubTypes fcpvpist,facturecollectedpaidvalues fcpv, factureitems fi, factures f
                                                where fcpvpist.facturecollectedpaidvalueid=fcpv.id
                                                and fcpv.factureitemid=fi.id
                                                and fi.factureid=f.id
                                                and f.discard=0
                                                and fcpv.paiddate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and fcpv.paiddate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                                              @" and fcpvpist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID;

                        queryGetFacturedBrokeragesPayments = @"select sum(ppist.brokeragevalue) as tmpValueDecimal from PaymentsPerInsSubTypes ppist, payments pa, rates r,
                                                policyitems pi, policyitemfactureitems pifi, factureitems fi, factures f, policies p, facturepayments fp
                                                where ppist.paymentid=pa.id
                                                and pa.rateid=r.id
                                                and r.policyitemid=pi.id
                                                and pi.policyid=p.id
                                                and pifi.policyitemid=pi.id
                                                and pifi.factureitemid=fi.id
                                                and fi.factureid=f.id
                                                and fp.factureid=f.id   
												and fp.paymentid=pa.id
                                                and f.discard=0
                                                and p.discard=0
                                                and p.applicationdate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                                                             @" and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                                                             @" and ppist.insurancesubtypeid=" + ist.ID;

                    List <SummaryClass> summaryListFullPremValue            = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryClass>(queryCountAndPremiumFullPremiumValue).ToList();
                    List <SummaryClass> summaryListDef                      = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryClass>(queryCountAndPremiumDef).ToList();
                    List <SummaryClass> summaryListInOtherClasses           = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryClass>(queryCountAndPremiumInOtherClasses).ToList();
                    List <SummaryCalcBrokerageClass>        summaryListBrok = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryCalcBrokerageClass>(getCalculatedBrokerages).ToList();
                    List <SummaryCalcBrokerageInOtherClass> summaryListCalcBrokerageInOtherClass = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryCalcBrokerageInOtherClass>(queryCalcBrokerageInOtherClases).ToList();
                    //List<SummaryCalcRealBrokerageClass> summaryListCalcRealBrokerageClass = dcdc.ExecuteQuery<SummaryCalcRealBrokerageClass>(queryRealPaidValues).ToList();
                    decimal facturedBrokValue = 0;

                    List <SummaryForFacturedBrokerages> summaryForFacturedBrokeragesPayments = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryForFacturedBrokerages>(queryGetFacturedBrokeragesPayments).ToList();
                    if (summaryForFacturedBrokeragesPayments.Count > 0)
                        if (summaryForFacturedBrokeragesPayments[0].tmpValueDecimal != null)
                            facturedBrokValue += (decimal)summaryForFacturedBrokeragesPayments[0].tmpValueDecimal;
                    totFacturedBrokerageValuePerClass += facturedBrokValue;

                    foreach (SummaryCalcBrokerageClass scbc in summaryListBrok)
                        if (scbc.basicvalue != null)
                            //tmpBrokBaseValue = RateController.RateController.Scale5((scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * (scbc.premiumvalue - Convert.ToInt32(scbc.basicvalue)));
                            tmpBrokBaseValue     = (scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * (scbc.premiumvalue - Convert.ToInt32(scbc.basicvalue));
                            brokValue           += tmpBrokBaseValue;
                            tmpBrokBaseValueTot += tmpBrokBaseValue;
                            //tmpBrokBaseValue = RateController.RateController.Scale5((scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * scbc.premiumvalue);
                            tmpBrokBaseValue     = (scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * scbc.premiumvalue;
                            brokValue           += tmpBrokBaseValue;
                            tmpBrokBaseValueTot += tmpBrokBaseValue;
                        //tmpBrokValue = RateController.RateController.Scale5((scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * scbc.premiumvalue);
                        tmpBrokValue     = (scbc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * scbc.premiumvalue;
                        tmpBrokValueTot += tmpBrokValue;

                    foreach (SummaryCalcBrokerageInOtherClass scbioc in summaryListCalcBrokerageInOtherClass)
                        //tmpBrokValueInOtherClass += RateController.RateController.Scale5((scbioc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(scbioc.value));
                        tmpBrokValueInOtherClass += (scbioc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(scbioc.value);
                        //brokValue += RateController.RateController.Scale5((scbioc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(scbioc.value));
                        brokValue += (scbioc.brokeragepercentage / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(scbioc.value);

                    numberOfPolicies      += summaryListFullPremValue[0].Count + summaryListInOtherClasses[0].Count;
                    totalNumberOfPolicies += summaryListFullPremValue[0].Count;
                    int inCiclusPremValue = 0;
                    if (summaryListFullPremValue[0].SumPremiumValue != null)
                        inCiclusPremValue += (int)summaryListFullPremValue[0].SumPremiumValue;
                    if (summaryListDef[0].SumPremiumValue != null)
                        inCiclusPremValue -= (int)summaryListDef[0].SumPremiumValue;
                    if (summaryListInOtherClasses[0].SumPremiumValue != null)
                        inCiclusPremValue += (int)summaryListInOtherClasses[0].SumPremiumValue;
                    premiumValue += inCiclusPremValue;

                    //if (summaryListCalcRealBrokerageClass[0].sumpaidvalue != null) {
                    //    realBrokValue += (decimal)summaryListCalcRealBrokerageClass[0].sumpaidvalue;
                vals[2]            = numberOfPolicies;
                vals[3]            = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(premiumValue));
                totalPremiumValue += premiumValue;
                vals[5]            = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(brokValue));
                totalBrokValue    += brokValue;
                //vals[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(realBrokValue));
                //vals[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(totFacturedValueInClass));
                vals[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(totFacturedBrokerageValuePerClass));
                //totalRealBrokValue += realBrokValue;
                //totalRealBrokValue += totFacturedValueInClass;
                totalRealBrokValue += totFacturedBrokerageValuePerClass;
                pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(vals, headers.Count(), codes);
            object[] valsTotal = new object[headers.Count()];
            valsTotal[0] = "ВКУПНО";
            valsTotal[1] = "";
            valsTotal[2] = totalNumberOfPolicies;
            valsTotal[3] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(totalPremiumValue));
            valsTotal[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(totalBrokValue));
            valsTotal[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", RateController.RateController.Scale5(totalRealBrokValue));
            pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(valsTotal, headers.Count(), codes);

Exemple #9
        public static void GetNumberStatisticsForTimePeriod(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            DateTime dt1 = startDate;
            DateTime dt2 = endDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;
            string   s   = @"select it.ID as TypeID,ic.ID as CompanyID,sum(pitems.premiumvalue) as TotalSum,count(pitems.id) as TotalCount, it.IsForLive as IsForLive from policyitems 
                    pitems INNER JOIN policies p ON pitems.policyid =p.id 
                    INNER JOIN insurancesubtypes ist ON pitems.InsuranceSubTypeID = ist.ID
                    INNER JOIN insurancetypes it ON it.ID = ist.insurancetypeID
                    INNER JOIN insuranceCompanies ic ON ic.ID = p.insuranceCompanyID
                    where p.applicationdate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 +
                           @"'and p.discard = 0
                    group by it.ID, ic.ID,it.IsForLive 
                    order by it.ID";

            List <ReportClass>      summaryList = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <ReportClass>(s).ToList();
            List <InsuranceCompany> icList      = new List <InsuranceCompany>();

            foreach (ReportClass rc in summaryList)
                InsuranceCompany ic = icList.Where(company => company.ID == rc.CompanyID).SingleOrDefault();
                if (ic == null)

            icList = icList.OrderBy(c => c.ID).ToList();
            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 25, 25, 25, 25);

            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.AddJDBLogo(660, 480);
            pdf.SetTitle("ЗА ПЕРИОД " + startDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString());


            string[] headers = new string[icList.Count + 3];
            headers[0] = "";
            headers[1] = "Класи на осигурување";
            for (int i = 0; i < icList.Count; i++)
                headers[2 + i] = icList[i].ShortName;

            headers[icList.Count + 2] = "Вкупно";
            TypeCode[] codes = new TypeCode[headers.Count()];

            codes[0] = TypeCode.Int32;
            codes[1] = TypeCode.String;
            for (int i = 0; i <= icList.Count; i++)
                codes[2 + i] = TypeCode.Int32;
            float[] policyColumnsWidths = new float[headers.Count()];
            policyColumnsWidths[0] = 2;
            policyColumnsWidths[1] = 18;
            for (int i = 0; i <= icList.Count; i++)
                policyColumnsWidths[2 + i] = 80 / (icList.Count + 1);
            int count = 0;

            List <InsuranceType> itList = InsuranceType.Select().OrderBy(c => c.ID).ToList();

            pdf.CreateTableWithBorder(headers.Count(), false, headers, "", policyColumnsWidths);
            foreach (InsuranceType it in itList)
                decimal            totalTypeCount = 0;
                List <ReportClass> subList        = summaryList.Where(sl => sl.TypeID == it.ID).ToList();
                object[]           vals           = new object[headers.Count()];
                vals[0] = ++count;
                vals[1] = it.ShortName;
                for (int i = 0; i < icList.Count; i++)
                    ReportClass rcItem = subList.Where(cl => cl.CompanyID == icList[i].ID).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (rcItem == null)
                        vals[i + 2] = 0;
                        vals[i + 2]     = String.Format("{0:#,0}", rcItem.TotalCount);
                        totalTypeCount += rcItem.TotalCount;
                vals[headers.Count() - 1] = String.Format("{0:#,0}", totalTypeCount);

                pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(vals, headers.Count(), codes);
            // za kreiranje na vkupno

            object[] totalVals = new object[headers.Count()];
            totalVals[0] = "";
            totalVals[1] = "Вкупно неживот";
            decimal total = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < icList.Count; i++)
                List <ReportClass> rcSubList       = summaryList.Where(c => c.CompanyID == icList[i].ID && c.IsForLive == false).ToList();
                decimal            totalForCompany = 0;
                foreach (ReportClass rc in rcSubList)
                    totalForCompany += rc.TotalCount;

                totalVals[i + 2] = String.Format("{0:#,0}", totalForCompany);
                total           += totalForCompany;
            totalVals[headers.Count() - 1] = String.Format("{0:#,0}", total);
            pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(totalVals, headers.Count(), codes);

            object[] totalValsLive = new object[headers.Count()];
            totalValsLive[0] = "";
            totalValsLive[1] = "Вкупно живот";
            decimal totalLive = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < icList.Count; i++)
                List <ReportClass> rcSubList       = summaryList.Where(c => c.CompanyID == icList[i].ID && c.IsForLive == true).ToList();
                decimal            totalForCompany = 0;
                foreach (ReportClass rc in rcSubList)
                    totalForCompany += rc.TotalCount;

                totalValsLive[i + 2] = String.Format("{0:#,0}", totalForCompany);
                totalLive           += totalForCompany;
            totalValsLive[headers.Count() - 1] = String.Format("{0:#,0}", totalLive);
            pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(totalValsLive, headers.Count(), codes);

Exemple #10
        public static void AllPolicies(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int insuranceTypeID, int insuranceSubTypeID, int userID, int branchID, int companyID)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            DateTime dt1   = fromDate;
            DateTime dt2   = toDate;
            int      d1    = dt1.Day;
            int      m1    = dt1.Month;
            int      y1    = dt1.Year;
            int      d2    = dt2.Day;
            int      m2    = dt2.Month;
            int      y2    = dt2.Year;
            string   query = @"select clients.name ,clients.embg, policyItems.policynumber,policies.startdate, policies.enddate, users.username, policyitems.premiumvalue,
                            case when policyItems.brokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when clients.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select b.percentageforlaws  from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=policyItems.insurancesubtypeid and
                                        (select b.percentageforprivates from brokerages b
                                        where b.insurancesubtypeid=policyItems.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and b.id=policyItems.brokerageid) 
                                        (case when policyItems.packetbrokerageid is not null then 
                                        (case when clients.islaw=1 then 
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForPrivates from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=policyItems.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=policyItems.packetbrokerageid)
                                        (select pist.BrokeragePecentageForLaws from PacketsInsuranceSubTypes pist
                                        where pist.insurancesubtypeid=policyItems.insurancesubtypeid
                                        and pist.id=policyItems.packetbrokerageid)
                                        else 0 
                                        end as brokeragepercentage,
							 insurancesubtypes.shortdescription as insurancetypename
                             from clients INNER JOIN policies ON policies.clientid = clients.id 
                             INNER JOIN policyItems ON policyItems.policyid = policies.id 
                             INNER JOIN users ON users.id = policies.userID 
                             INNER JOIN insuranceSubTypes ON policyItems.InsuranceSubTypeID = insuranceSubTypes.ID
                             INNER JOIN insuranceTypes ON insuranceSubTypes.InsuranceTypeID = insuranceTypes.id
                             where policies.applicationdate >='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "' and policies.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "' and policies.Discard = 0";

            if (insuranceTypeID > 0)
                query += @" and insuranceTypes.ID = " + insuranceTypeID;
            if (insuranceSubTypeID > 0)
                query += @" and insuranceSubTypes.ID = " + insuranceSubTypeID;
            if (userID > 0)
                query += @" and users.ID = " + userID;
            if (branchID > 0)
                query += @" and policies.BranchID = " + branchID;
            if (companyID > 0)
                query += @" and policies.InsuranceCompanyID=" + companyID;

            IEnumerable <Summary> summaryList = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <Summary>(query);

            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 15, 15, 15, 15);

            pdf.SetTitle("Продадени полиси за даден период");
            string[] headersP            = { "РБ", "Број на полиса", "Осигуреник", "Почеток", "Истек", "Премија за наплата", "Брокеража(%)", "Брокеража", "Агент", "Тип" };
            float[]  policyColumnsWidths = { 6, 9, 22, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 };
            pdf.CreateTable(headersP.Length, false, headersP, "", policyColumnsWidths);

            decimal PremValue      = 0;
            decimal BrokerageValue = 0;

            object[] vals;
            int      i = 0;

            foreach (Summary s in summaryList)
                vals    = new object[headersP.Length];
                vals[0] = i.ToString();
                vals[1] = s.policynumber;
                vals[2] = s.name;
                vals[3] = s.startdate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[4] = s.enddate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", s.premiumvalue);
                vals[6] = s.brokeragepercentage;
                decimal brokValue = (s.realpremiumvalue * s.brokeragepercentage / 100);
                vals[7]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", brokValue);
                vals[8]         = s.username;
                vals[9]         = s.insurancetypename;
                PremValue      += s.premiumvalue;
                BrokerageValue += brokValue;
                pdf.AddDataRow1(vals, headersP.Length);
            vals    = new object[headersP.Length];
            vals[0] = ""; //i.ToString();
            vals[1] = "";
            vals[2] = "";
            vals[3] = "";
            vals[4] = "Вкупно";
            vals[5] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", PremValue);
            vals[6] = "";
            vals[7] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", BrokerageValue);
            vals[8] = "";
            vals[9] = "";
            pdf.AddDataRow1(vals, headersP.Length);
Exemple #11
        public static void CreateFileForPeriod(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string reportType)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            PDFCreators            pdf  = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 25, 25);

            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("  ");
            pdf.SetTitle("Финансиски извештај за извршена наплата");
            pdf.SetTitle(" за период  " + startDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + endDate.ToShortDateString());

            string[]   headersP            = { "РБ", "Број на полиса", "Тип на плаќање", "Корисник", "Вредност", };
            float[]    policyColumnsWidths = { 5, 35, 22, 14, 18 };
            TypeCode[] codes = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal };
            pdf.CreateTable(5, false, headersP, "", policyColumnsWidths);
            List <Payment> lstPayments = Payment.Table.Where(c => c.Date.Date >= startDate.Date && c.Date.Date <= endDate.Date && c.Rate.PolicyItem.Policy.Discard == false).ToList();
            decimal        totalValue  = 0;
            int            counter     = 0;

            if (reportType == "PolicyNumber")
                lstPayments = lstPayments.OrderBy(c => c.Rate.PolicyItem.PolicyNumber).ToList();
                lstPayments = lstPayments.OrderBy(c => c.PaymentTypeID).ToList();
            Dictionary <int, decimal> dic = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();

            foreach (Payment pay in lstPayments)
                object[] vals = new object[6];
                vals[0]     = counter;
                vals[1]     = pay.Rate.PolicyItem.PolicyNumber;
                vals[2]     = pay.PaymentType.Name;
                vals[3]     = pay.User.UserName;
                vals[4]     = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", pay.Value);
                totalValue += pay.Value;
                if (!dic.Keys.Contains(pay.PaymentTypeID))
                    dic.Add(pay.PaymentTypeID, pay.Value);
                    dic[pay.PaymentTypeID] += pay.Value;
                pdf.AddDataRow1(vals, 5, codes);

            object[] valsTotal = new object[6];
            valsTotal[0] = "";
            valsTotal[1] = "";
            valsTotal[2] = "";
            valsTotal[3] = "Вкупно";
            valsTotal[4] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalValue);
            pdf.AddDataRow1(valsTotal, 5, codes);

            string[] headersTotalP = new string[3];
            headersTotalP[0] = "РБ";
            headersTotalP[1] = "Тип на плаќање";
            headersTotalP[2] = "Сума";
            float[] policyColumnsTotalWidths = new float[3];
            policyColumnsTotalWidths[0] = 5;
            policyColumnsTotalWidths[1] = 50;
            policyColumnsTotalWidths[2] = 40;
            TypeCode[] codesTotal = new TypeCode[3];
            codesTotal[0] = TypeCode.String;
            codesTotal[1] = TypeCode.String;
            codesTotal[2] = TypeCode.Decimal;

            pdf.CreateTable(3, false, headersTotalP, "", policyColumnsTotalWidths);
            int recapCounter = 1;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, decimal> kvp in dic)
                object[] valsRecap = new object[3];
                valsRecap[0] = recapCounter;
                valsRecap[1] = Broker.DataAccess.PaymentType.Get(kvp.Key).Name;
                valsRecap[2] = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", kvp.Value);
                pdf.AddDataRow1(valsRecap, 3, codesTotal);

Exemple #12
        public static void PrintFinCardByApplicationDateReport(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranhces,
                                                               List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes, List <int> lstUsers, List <int> lstMarketingAgents)
            string      brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();
            PDFCreators creator    = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitle("ФИНАНСОВА КАРТИЦА");
            creator.SetTitle("по датум на издавање на полиси");
            creator.SetTitle("за период " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на печатење: " + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());

            decimal overallSaldo  = 0;
            decimal overallDebt   = 0;
            decimal overallDemand = 0;

            DateTime dt1 = fromDate;
            DateTime dt2 = toDate;
            int      d1  = dt1.Day;
            int      m1  = dt1.Month;
            int      y1  = dt1.Year;
            int      d2  = dt2.Day;
            int      m2  = dt2.Month;
            int      y2  = dt2.Year;

            //List<Policy> lstPol = Policy.Table.Where(c => c.Discard == false && c.ApplicationDate.Date >= fromDate.Date && c.ApplicationDate.Date <= toDate.Date).ToList();
            DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            string query = @"SELECT p.* from policies p, policyitems pi where pi.policyid=p.id" +
                           @" and p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranhces) + ") " +
                           @" and p.userid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstUsers) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and p.applicationdate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and p.applicationdate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 ";

            List <Policy> lstPol = dc.ExecuteQuery <Policy>(query).ToList();

            foreach (Policy p in lstPol)
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Број на полиса: " + p.PolicyItems[0].PolicyNumber);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Осигурителна компанија: " + p.InsuranceCompany.ShortName);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Подкласа на осигурување: " + p.PolicyItems[0].InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на полиса: " + p.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString());
                //decimal totalSaldo = 0;
                decimal totalDebtValue     = 0;
                decimal totalDemandValue   = 0;
                List <FinanceCardInfo> lst = new List <FinanceCardInfo>();
                lst = FinanceCardController.GetByPolicy(p, 0);
                string[]   headers          = { "Дата", "Доспева", "Опис", "Должи", "Побарува", "Салдо" };
                float[]    widthPercentages = { 10, 10, 35, 15, 15, 15 };
                TypeCode[] typeCodes        = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal };
                creator.CreateTable_Facture(headers.Length, headers, widthPercentages);
                foreach (FinanceCardInfo fci in lst)
                    object[] values;
                    values            = new object[headers.Length];
                    values[0]         = fci.DocumentDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[1]         = fci.PaidDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[2]         = fci.Description;
                    values[3]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DebtValue);
                    values[4]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DemandValue);
                    values[5]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.SaldoValue);
                    totalDebtValue   += fci.DebtValue;
                    totalDemandValue += fci.DemandValue;
                    //totalSaldo += fci.SaldoValue;
                    creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
                object[] valuesTot;
                valuesTot      = new object[headers.Length];
                valuesTot[0]   = "";
                valuesTot[1]   = "";
                valuesTot[2]   = "";
                valuesTot[3]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue);
                valuesTot[4]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDemandValue);
                valuesTot[5]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallSaldo  += (totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallDemand += totalDemandValue;
                overallDebt   += totalDebtValue;
                creator.AddDataRowForFactures(valuesTot, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            creator.SetTitleRight("Должи: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDebt) + "  Побарува: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDemand) + "  Салдо: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallSaldo));
Exemple #13
        public static void PrintFinCardByPaidDates(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranhces,
                                                   List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes, List <int> lstUsers, List <int> lstMarketingAgents)
            string      brokerName = BrokerHouseInformation.GetBrokerHouseName();
            PDFCreators creator    = new PDFCreators(true, 25, 25, 15, 15);

            creator.AddJDBLogoForFactures(10, 775);
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitleLeft8(" ");
            creator.SetTitle("ФИНАНСОВА КАРТИЦА");
            creator.SetTitle("по датум на доспевање и уплата");
            creator.SetTitle("за период " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на печатење: " + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());

            decimal overallSaldo  = 0;
            decimal overallDebt   = 0;
            decimal overallDemand = 0;

            List <FinanceCardInfo> lstFCIByRates = FinanceCardController.GetByRateInPeriod(fromDate, toDate, lstBranhces, lstInsuranceCompanies,
                                                                                           lstInsuranceSubTypes, lstUsers, lstMarketingAgents);
            List <FinanceCardInfo> lstFCIByPayments = FinanceCardController.GetByPaymentInPeriod(fromDate, toDate, lstBranhces, lstInsuranceCompanies,
                                                                                                 lstInsuranceSubTypes, lstUsers, lstMarketingAgents);
            HashSet <int> lstPolicyIDs = new HashSet <int>();

            foreach (FinanceCardInfo fciR in lstFCIByRates)
                if (!lstPolicyIDs.Contains(fciR.PolicyItemID))
            foreach (FinanceCardInfo fciP in lstFCIByPayments)
                if (!lstPolicyIDs.Contains(fciP.PolicyItemID))

            foreach (int piID in lstPolicyIDs)
                PolicyItem pi = PolicyItem.Get(piID);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Број на полиса: " + pi.Policy.PolicyItems[0].PolicyNumber);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Осигурителна компанија: " + pi.Policy.InsuranceCompany.ShortName);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Подкласа на осигурување: " + pi.Policy.PolicyItems[0].InsuranceSubType.ShortDescription);
                creator.SetTitleLeft10("Датум на полиса: " + pi.Policy.ApplicationDate.ToShortDateString());
                //decimal totalSaldo = 0;
                decimal totalDebtValue        = 0;
                decimal totalDemandValue      = 0;
                List <FinanceCardInfo> lst    = new List <FinanceCardInfo>();
                List <FinanceCardInfo> lstRat = lstFCIByRates.Where(c => c.PolicyItemID == piID).ToList();
                List <FinanceCardInfo> lstPay = lstFCIByPayments.Where(c => c.PolicyItemID == piID).ToList();
                if (lstRat != null)
                    if (lstRat.Count > 0)
                if (lstPay != null)
                    if (lstPay.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        lst[i].SaldoValue = lst[i].DebtValue - lst[i].DemandValue;
                    if (i > 0)
                        lst[i].SaldoValue = lst[i - 1].SaldoValue + (lst[i].DebtValue - lst[i].DemandValue);
                string[]   headers          = { "Дата", "Доспева", "Опис", "Должи", "Побарува", "Салдо" };
                float[]    widthPercentages = { 10, 10, 35, 15, 15, 15 };
                TypeCode[] typeCodes        = { TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal, TypeCode.Decimal };
                creator.CreateTable_Facture(headers.Length, headers, widthPercentages);
                foreach (FinanceCardInfo fci in lst)
                    object[] values;
                    values            = new object[headers.Length];
                    values[0]         = fci.DocumentDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[1]         = fci.PaidDate.ToShortDateString();
                    values[2]         = fci.Description;
                    values[3]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DebtValue);
                    values[4]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.DemandValue);
                    values[5]         = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", fci.SaldoValue);
                    totalDebtValue   += fci.DebtValue;
                    totalDemandValue += fci.DemandValue;
                    //totalSaldo += fci.SaldoValue;
                    creator.AddDataRowForFactures(values, headers.Length, typeCodes);
                object[] valuesTot;
                valuesTot      = new object[headers.Length];
                valuesTot[0]   = "";
                valuesTot[1]   = "";
                valuesTot[2]   = "";
                valuesTot[3]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue);
                valuesTot[4]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDemandValue);
                valuesTot[5]   = String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallSaldo  += (totalDebtValue - totalDemandValue);
                overallDemand += totalDemandValue;
                overallDebt   += totalDebtValue;
                creator.AddDataRowForFactures(valuesTot, headers.Length, typeCodes);
            creator.SetTitleRight("Должи: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDebt) + "  Побарува: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", overallDemand) + "  Салдо: " + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", (overallDebt - overallDemand)));
Exemple #14
        public static void PrintSkadencar(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <int> lstBranches, List <int> lstInsuranceCompanies, List <int> lstInsuranceSubTypes)
            DataClassesDataContext dcdc = new DataClassesDataContext();
            DateTime    dt1             = fromDate;
            DateTime    dt2             = toDate;
            int         d1  = dt1.Day;
            int         m1  = dt1.Month;
            int         y1  = dt1.Year;
            int         d2  = dt2.Day;
            int         m2  = dt2.Month;
            int         y2  = dt2.Year;
            PDFCreators pdf = new PDFCreators(false, 10, 10, 10, 10);

            pdf.SetTitle("Истек на полиса од " + fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " до " + toDate.ToShortDateString());
            pdf.SetTitleLeft10("Датум и време на печатење: " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
            string query = @"select p.id, pi.id as policyItemID, pi.policynumber, p.applicationdate, ist.shortdescription as insurancesubtypename, ic.shortname as insurancecompanyname, 
                            c.name as clientname, o.name as ownername, it.shortname as insurancetypename, p.startdate, p.enddate, ist.id as insuranceSubTypeID
                            from policies p 
                            inner join policyitems pi on pi.policyid = p.id
                            inner join clients c on p.clientid = c.id
                            inner join clients o on p.ownerid = o.id
                            inner join insurancecompanies ic on p.insurancecompanyid=ic.id
                            inner join insurancesubtypes ist on pi.insurancesubtypeid=ist.id
                            inner join insurancetypes it on ist.insurancetypeid=it.id
                            where p.branchid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstBranches) + ") " +
                           @" and p.insurancecompanyid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceCompanies) + ") " +
                           @" and pi.insurancesubtypeid in (" + ReportFinPolicies.GetFromIDs(lstInsuranceSubTypes) + ") " +
                           @" and p.enddate>='" + y1 + - +m1 + - +d1 + "'" +
                           @" and p.enddate<='" + y2 + - +m2 + - +d2 + "'" +
                           @" and p.discard = 0 " +
                           @" order by p.enddate";
            //@" --query so marketing agent";
            List <SummaryForSkadencar> lst = dcdc.ExecuteQuery <SummaryForSkadencar>(query).ToList();
            int counter = 1;

            foreach (SummaryForSkadencar ss in lst)
                string[] headers = new string[5];
                headers[0] = "Р.бр.: " + counter.ToString();
                headers[1] = "Полиса: " + ss.policynumber;
                headers[2] = "Класа: " + ss.insurancetypename;
                headers[3] = "Подкласа: " + ss.insurancesubtypename;
                headers[4] = "О.компанија: " + ss.insurancecompanyname;

                TypeCode[] codes = new TypeCode[headers.Length];

                codes[0] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[1] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[2] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[3] = TypeCode.String;
                codes[4] = TypeCode.String;

                float[] policyColumnsWidths = new float[headers.Length];
                policyColumnsWidths[0] = 16;
                policyColumnsWidths[1] = 20;
                policyColumnsWidths[2] = 24;
                policyColumnsWidths[3] = 24;
                policyColumnsWidths[4] = 16;
                pdf.CreateTableForSkadencar(headers.Count(), false, headers, "", policyColumnsWidths);
                object[] vals = new object[headers.Count()];
                vals[0] = "Издадена на: " + ss.applicationdate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[1] = "Скаденца: " + ss.startdate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + ss.enddate.ToShortDateString();
                vals[2] = "Договорувач: " + ss.clientname;
                vals[3] = "Осигуреник: " + ss.ownername;
                string regNumber = "";
                Broker.DataAccess.Control con = Broker.DataAccess.Control.GetByInsuranceSubTypeAndTexbBoxID(ss.insuranceSubTypeID, Broker.DataAccess.Control.REGISTRATION_NUMBER);
                if (con != null)
                    PolicyExtendInformation regNumberPEI = PolicyExtendInformation.GetByPolicyItemAndControl(ss.policyItemID, con.ID);
                    if (regNumberPEI != null)
                        regNumber = regNumberPEI.Value;
                vals[4] = "Регистрација: " + regNumber;
                pdf.AddDataRowWithBorder(vals, headers.Count(), codes);