public void Send(Packet p) { if (this.clientSocket != null) { bool encrypt = IsCrypted(p.PacketID); byte[] buffer = p.Compile(this, encrypt); if (buffer != null) { int length = buffer.Length; if (length > 0) { try { this.clientSocket.Send(buffer); } catch (Exception exception) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, exception.ToString()); } } } else { } } }
public static byte[] DecryptStaticBuffer(byte[] decryptme) { if (decryptme.Length != 0x10) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "DecyryptStatic() is 128-bit only."); return(null); } return(DecryptStatic(decryptme)); }
public void WriteASCIIZ(string value) { if (value == null) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Null string in Network.PacketWriter.WriteASCIIZ"); value = string.Empty; } byte[] bytes = Utils.GetBytes(value); this.m_Stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); this.m_Stream.WriteByte(0); }
public static void Pack1(Client state, PacketReader2 pv) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "OpCode->Pack1()"); byte[] unk1 = pv.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] buffer2 = pv.ReadBytes(0x10); byte[] xd2 = Crypto.DecryptStaticBuffer(unk1); string aSCIIZ = Utils.GetASCIIZ(xd2); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Login: {0}", aSCIIZ); //state.Send(new LoginResponse(LoginResponseCode.Prohibited, -1, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!")); state.Send(new LoginResponse(LoginResponseCode.LoginSuccessful)); }
public static void ReleaseInstance(PacketWriter pw) { lock (m_Pool) { if (!m_Pool.Contains(pw)) { m_Pool.Push(pw); } else { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Packet.ReleaseInstance - Buffer pool already exists!! "); } } }
public bool PacketDecrypt(byte[] input, ref byte[] output, ushort packetid) { if (input.Length == 0) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Empty buffer passed for decryption"); return(false); } if ((input.Length % 0x10) != 0) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Decrypt failed. Input byte count is not a multiple of 16."); return(false); } int num = input.Length / 0x10; int num2 = num * 12; byte[] buffer = new byte[input.Length]; byte[] buffer2 = new byte[num2]; buffer = this.DecryptDynamic(input); PacketReader2 reader = new PacketReader2(buffer, buffer.Length); uint num3 = 0xa8c2e5c1; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { reader.Seek(0x10 * i, SeekOrigin.Begin); uint num5 = reader.ReadUInt32(); //if ((num5 - packetid) != num3) if ((2831345089) != num3) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "-----------------------------------"); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Num5 = " + num5); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "packetid = " + packetid); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "num5 - packetid = " + (num5 - packetid)); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "num3 = " + num3); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "ReadUInt32 = " + reader.ReadUInt32()); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Bad Packet Signature. G: {0,8:X8} E: {1,8:X8}", new object[] { num5, num3 + packetid }); return(false); } for (int j = 4; j < 0x10; j++) { buffer2[(i * 12) + (j - 4)] = buffer[(i * 0x10) + j]; } } output = buffer2; return(true); }
public void WriteASCIIFixed(string value, int length) { if (value == null) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Null string in Network.PacketWriter.WriteASCIIFixed"); value = string.Empty; } byte[] bytes = Utils.GetBytes(value); if (bytes.Length >= length) { this.m_Stream.Write(bytes, 0, length); } else { this.m_Stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); this.Fill(length - bytes.Length); } }
private void InternalCompile(Client state, bool encrypt) { if (state == null) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Null NetState passed in Network.Packet.Compile()"); } if (this.m_Length == 0) { long num = this.m_Stream.Length; this.m_Stream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.m_Stream.Write((ushort)num); } else if (this.m_Stream.Length != this.m_Length) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Packet {0:X2}: Bad packet length, Expected {1} , Stream {2}", new object[] { this.m_PacketID, this.m_Length, this.m_Stream.Length }); } MemoryStream underlyingStream = this.m_Stream.UnderlyingStream; this.m_FinalBuffer = underlyingStream.GetBuffer(); int length = (int)underlyingStream.Length; if (!encrypt) { ControlCode sendControlCode = new ControlCode(true); if (state.FirstPacketSent) { sendControlCode.Update(length - 4); } this.m_Stream.Seek(2L, SeekOrigin.Begin); this.m_Stream.Write(sendControlCode.Value); } if (this.m_FinalBuffer != null) { byte[] finalBuffer = this.m_FinalBuffer; this.m_FinalBuffer = new byte[length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(finalBuffer, 0, this.m_FinalBuffer, 0, length); } this.m_Stream = null; }
//private UserInfo m_UserInfo; public void ReceiveData(IAsyncResult ar) { Socket wSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; try { if (wSocket.Connected) { int recvSize = wSocket.EndReceive(ar); // get the count of received bytes bool checkData = true; if (recvSize > 0) { if ((recvSize + bufCount) > MAX_BUFFER) // that may be a try to force buffer overflow, we don't allow that ;) { checkData = false; LocalDisconnect(wSocket); } else { // we have something in input buffer and it is not beyond our limits Buffer.BlockCopy(tmpbuf, 0, buffer, bufCount, recvSize); // copy the new data to our buffer bufCount += recvSize; // increase our buffer-counter } } else { // 0 bytes received, this should be a disconnect checkData = false; LocalDisconnect(wSocket); } while (checkData) // repeat while we have { checkData = false; if (bufCount >= 4) // a minimum of 4 byte is required for us { Decode de = new Decode(buffer); // only get get the size first LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Decode()"); if (bufCount >= (de.dataSize - 2)) // that's a complete packet, lets call the handler { de = new Decode(wSocket, buffer, this, Packets); // build up the Decode structure for next step LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Decode()->dataSize"); queue.Enqueue(buffer, 0, bufCount); OnReceiveData(de, this); // call the handling routine bufCount -= (de.dataSize); // decrease buffer-counter if (bufCount > 0) // was the buffer greater than the packet needs ? then it may be the next packet { Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 2 + de.dataSize, buffer, 0, bufCount); // move the rest to buffer start checkData = true; // loop for next packet } } de = null; } } // start the next async read if (wSocket != null && wSocket.Connected) { wSocket.BeginReceive(tmpbuf, 0, tmpbuf.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(ReceiveData), wSocket); } } else { LocalDisconnect(wSocket); } } catch (SocketException) // explicit handling of SocketException { LocalDisconnect(wSocket); } catch (Exception) // other exceptions { LocalDisconnect(wSocket); } }
public static void OpCode(Decode state, Client ed) { try { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "OpCode()"); Systems sys = (Systems)state.Packet; sys.PacketInformation = state; ByteQueue queue = ed.queue; int length = queue.Length; LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "OpCode() {0}", length); while ((length > 0)) { byte[] buffer; int packetID = queue.GetPacketID(); int packetLength = queue.GetPacketLength(); int packetControlCode = queue.GetPacketControlCode(); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "PacketControl: {0} PacketID: 0x{1:X2} Length: {2}", packetControlCode, packetID, packetLength); LogConsole.HexDump(state.buffer, "", 16); PacketHandler handler = PacketHandlers.GetHandler(packetID); if (handler == null) { byte[] buffer2 = new byte[length]; length = queue.Dequeue(buffer2, 0, length); LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Client: {0}: Unhandled packet 0x{1:X2}", new object[] { state, packetID }); break; } int size = handler.Length; if (length >= 4) { size = packetLength; if (packetLength >= 4) { if (length < size) { break; } if (0x400 >= size) { buffer = m_Buffers.AquireBuffer(); } else { buffer = new byte[size]; } size = queue.Dequeue(buffer, 0, size); ushort packetid = ByteQueue.GetPacketID(buffer); bool flag = IsCrypted(packetid); if (flag) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "Crypted Packet 0x{0:X4}", new object[] { packetid }); } try { PacketReader2 pr = new PacketReader2(buffer, size); handler.OnReceive(ed, pr); } catch { break; } length = queue.Length; if ((0x400 >= size) && !flag) { m_Buffers.ReleaseBuffer(buffer); break; } } } length = 0; } } catch (Exception) { } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Program pro = new Program(); LogConsole._Load(); Systems.Ini ini = null; #region Default Settings int LSPort = 8372; int IPCPort = 8500; string LSIP = ""; string IPCIP = ""; string m_host = "localhost"; string m_user = "******"; string m_pass = ""; string m_db = ""; int m_port = 3306; #endregion #region Load Settings try { if (File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Settings\Settings.ini")) { ini = new Systems.Ini(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Settings\Settings.ini"); LSPort = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("Server", "port", 8372)); LSIP = ini.GetValue("Server", "ip", "").ToString(); VER = ini.GetValue("Server", "ver", 1); IPCPort = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("IPC", "port", 8500)); IPCIP = ini.GetValue("IPC", "ip", "").ToString(); DEBUG = Convert.ToBoolean(ini.GetValue("CONSOLE", "debug", "false")); m_host = ini.GetValue("MySQL", "host", "localhost").ToString(); m_user = ini.GetValue("MySQL", "user", "root").ToString(); m_pass = ini.GetValue("MySQL", "pass", "").ToString(); m_db = ini.GetValue("MySQL", "data", "").ToString(); m_port = Convert.ToInt32(ini.GetValue("MySQL", "port", 3306)); ini = null; LogConsole.Show(LogType.INFO, "Has loaded your ip settings successfully"); } else { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ALERT, "Settings.ini could not be found, using default setting"); } } catch (Exception excc) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, " {0}", excc.ToString()); return; } #endregion Systems.Crypto.Initialize(); Systems.Server net = new Systems.Server(); net.OnConnect += new Systems.Server.dConnect(pro._OnClientConnect); net.OnError += new Systems.Server.dError(pro._ServerError); Systems.Client.OnReceiveData += new Systems.Client.dReceive(pro._OnReceiveData); Systems.Client.OnDisconnect += new Systems.Client.dDisconnect(pro._OnClientDisconnect); try { net.Start(LSIP, LSPort); } catch (Exception ex) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.ERROR, "Starting Server error: {0}", ex); } _LoopThrreading = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Program.LoopConsole)); _LoopThrreading.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; _LoopThrreading.Start(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void _OnClientConnect(ref object de, Systems.Client net) { LogConsole.Show(LogType.DEBUG, "_OnClientConnect"); de = new Systems(net); }