// controlling the ball bounch direction after collide with the bar
        public void ballBounceDirection(ref BallSprite ball, ref UserControlSprite player, Game game )
            // if the ball hit the left side of the screen
            if (ball.position.X < 0)
                //If the X == 0 && Y == 0
                if (ball.getSignOfBallX() == 0 && ball.getSignOfBallY() == 0)
                    // Set ball X && Y to 0

                    // Set X == 1 && Y == -1
                    ball.setSignOfBall(1, -1);
                // reverse the X direction of the ball
                ball.speed.X *= -1;
            // if the ball hit the right side of the screen
            else if (ball.position.X > game.Window.ClientBounds.Width - ball.frameSize.X)
                //If the X == 0 && Y == 0
                if ( ball.getSignOfBallX() == 0 &&  ball.getSignOfBallY() == 0)
                // reverse the X direction of the ball
                ball.speed.X *= -1;
            // if the y position of the ball hit the top of the screen
            else if (ball.position.Y < 0)

                //If the X == -1 && Y == -1
                if ( ball.getSignOfBallX() < 0 &&  ball.getSignOfBallY() < 0)
                //If the X == 1 && Y == -1
                else if (ball.getSignOfBallX() > 0 &&  ball.getSignOfBallY() < 0)
                // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                ball.speed.Y *= -1;

            // if the ball collide with bar
            if (ball.collisionRect.Intersects(player.collisionRect))
                // if the bar is stationary
                // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                if (player.getSignOfBarSpeed() == 0)
                    ball.speed.Y *= -1;

                // if the bar is comning to the right
                else if (player.getSignOfBarSpeed() > 0)
                    // If the X == 1 && Y == 1
                    if (ball.getSignOfBallX() > 0 && ball.getSignOfBallY() > 0)
                        // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                        ball.speed.Y *= -1;
                    // if the sign of the ball, x and y, are both 0
                    else if (ball.getSignOfBallX() == 0 && ball.getSignOfBallY() == 0)
                        // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                        ball.speed.Y *= -1;
                        // reverse the direction of the ball
                        ball.speed *= -1;

                // if the bar is comning to the from the left, bounce the ball back to the left
                else if (player.getSignOfBarSpeed() < 0)
                    //If the X == -1 && Y == 1
                    if (ball.getSignOfBallX() < 0 && ball.getSignOfBallY() > 0)
                        // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                        ball.speed.Y *= -1;
                    else if (ball.getSignOfBallX() == 0 && ball.getSignOfBallY() == 0)
                        // reverse the Y direction of the ball
                        ball.speed.Y *= -1;
                        // reverse the direction of the ball
                        ball.speed *= -1;

        protected override void LoadContent()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game.GraphicsDevice);

            // instantiate Util class
            util = new Util();

            front = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Front");

            explosionImage = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/explosion");

            // Set Bar at middile of the screen
            putBarAtMiddleX = (float)(( Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width - playerFrameSizeX ) >> 1);

            // Set Bar at the Bottom
            putBarAtBottomY = (float)( Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height - (playerFrameSizeY << 1));

            // Set ball at the middle of the screen
            putBallAtMiddleX = (float)(( Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width - ballFrameSizeX ) >> 1);
            // Set ball on top of the bar
            putBallOnTopBarY = putBarAtBottomY - (float)ballFramSizeY;

            // Create the fireball
            ball = new BallSprite(
                Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>( @"Images/FlameBall" ),
                new Vector2( putBallAtMiddleX, putBallOnTopBarY ),
                new Point( ballFrameSizeX, ballFramSizeY ),
                new Point(0,0),
                new Point(6,8),

            // Create the bar
            player = new UserControlSprite(
                Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>( @"Images/bar" ),
                new Vector2( putBarAtMiddleX, putBarAtBottomY ),
                new Point( playerFrameSizeX, playerFrameSizeY ),
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(1,1),
                new Vector2(7,0));

            // load the bricks
            util.LoadBricks(Game, ref spriteBricksList,
                Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height,
                brickLength,brickWidth, ref numOfBricks);

 // Reset the ball to the middle of the screen
 public void resetBallPositionMiddle(ref BallSprite ball, float putBallAtMiddleX, float putBallOnTopBarY)
     // the previous speed is not 0, set the speed to 0
     if (ball.speed.X != 0 || ball.speed.Y != 0)
         // set ball speed to 0
         ball.speed = Vector2.Zero;
         // put the ball on top of the bar in the middle of the screen
         ball.position = new Vector2(putBallAtMiddleX, putBallOnTopBarY);