public void BoardRepositoryEnsureICanGetAllBoards()
            /* Begin Arrange */

            // 1. Your data must be Queryable
            // 2. Mocks can only cast to an Interface (e.g. IQueryable, IDbSet, etc).
            // 3. You must ensure Provider, GetEnumerator(), ElementType, and Expression are defined
            //    with your collection class (the container class that holds your data).

            my_list.Add(new Board { Title = "Tim's Board", Owner = owner });
            my_list.Add(new Board { Title = "Sally's Board", Owner = owner });

            BoardRepository board_repo = new BoardRepository(mock_context.Object);
            /* End Arrange */

            /* Begin Act */
            List<Board> boards = board_repo.GetAllBoards();
            /* End Act */

            /* Begin Assert */
            Assert.AreEqual(2, boards.Count);
            /* End Assert */