/// <summary>
		/// Handles when the error check dialogue is closed
		/// </summary>
		void errorCheckDialog_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
			// store its previous position
			_previousCheckDialogPosition= _errorCheckDialog.Location;
			_hasOldCheckDialogPosition= true;

			// we have to create a new dialogue the next time so we clear it
			_errorCheckDialog= null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles when the check for errors button is pressed.
		/// </summary>
		private void checkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			// store the old position of the check dialogue and close it
			if(_errorCheckDialog !=null)

			// prepare the new dialogue
			_errorCheckDialog= new ErrorCheckDialog();
			_errorCheckDialog.BehaviorTreeList= _behaviorTreeList;
			_errorCheckDialog.BehaviorTreeView= this;
			_errorCheckDialog.Text= _rootNode.RootBehavior.GetPathLabel(_behaviorTreeList.BehaviorFolder) +" Error Check Results";
			_errorCheckDialog.FormClosed+= new FormClosedEventHandler(errorCheckDialog_FormClosed);

			// check the current behaviour for errors
			List<Node.ErrorCheck> result= new List<Node.ErrorCheck>();
			_rootNode.Node.CheckForErrors(_rootNode.RootBehavior, result);

			// add the errors to the check dialogue
			foreach(Node.ErrorCheck check in result)
				BehaviorNode behavior= check.Node.Behavior;

				// group the errors by the behaviour their occured in

				// get the group for the error's behaviour
				ListViewGroup group= null;
				foreach(ListViewGroup grp in _errorCheckDialog.listView.Groups)
					if(grp.Tag ==behavior)
						group= grp;

				// if there is no group, create it
				if(group ==null)
					group= new ListViewGroup(behavior.GetPathLabel(_behaviorTreeList.BehaviorFolder));
					group.Tag= behavior;

				// create an item for the error in the group
				ListViewItem item= new ListViewItem(check.Description);
				item.Group= group;
				item.Tag= check.Node;

						item.ImageIndex= 0;

						item.ImageIndex= 1;

						item.ImageIndex= 2;


			// if no errors were found, tell the user so
			if(result.Count <1)
				_errorCheckDialog.listView.Items.Add( new ListViewItem("No Errors Found.", 0) );

			// show the dialogue

			// set its position to the position of the previous dialogue
				_errorCheckDialog.Location= _previousCheckDialogPosition;