Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Atomically increment (or decrement) player statistics.
        /// Any rewards that are triggered from player statistic increments
        /// will be considered. Player statistics are defined through the brainCloud portal.
        /// Note also that the "xpCapped" property is returned (true/false depending on whether
        /// the xp cap is turned on and whether the player has hit it).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Service Name - PlayerStatistics
        /// Service Operation - Update
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="in_jsonData">
        /// The JSON encoded data to be sent to the server as follows:
        /// {
        ///   stat1: 10,
        ///   stat2: -5.5,
        /// }
        /// would increment stat1 by 10 and decrement stat2 by 5.5.
        /// For the full statistics grammer see the api.braincloudservers.com site.
        /// There are many more complex operations supported such as:
        /// {
        ///   stat1:INC_TO_LIMIT#9#30
        /// }
        /// which increments stat1 by 9 up to a limit of 30.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="in_success">
        /// The success callback
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="in_failure">
        /// The failure callback
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="in_cbObject">
        /// The callback object
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> JSON describing the new value of the statistics and any rewards that were triggered:
        ///  {
        ///    "status":200,
        ///    "data":{
        ///      "experiencePoints":10,
        ///      "xpCapped":false,
        ///      "rewardDetails":{
        ///        "xp":{
        ///          "experienceLevels":[
        ///            {
        ///              "level":1,
        ///              "reward":{
        ///                "currency":{
        ///                  "gold":1000
        ///                }
        ///              }
        ///            }
        ///          ]
        ///        }
        ///      },
        ///      "rewards":{
        ///        "experienceLevels":[
        ///          1
        ///        ],
        ///        "currency":{
        ///          "gold":1000
        ///        }
        ///      },
        ///      "experienceLevel":1,
        ///      "statistics":{
        ///        "LIVES":1
        ///      },
        ///      "currency":{
        ///        "gems":{
        ///          "purchased":0,
        ///          "balance":10,
        ///          "consumed":0,
        ///          "awarded":10
        ///        },
        ///        "gold":{
        ///          "purchased":0,
        ///          "balance":2000,
        ///          "consumed":0,
        ///          "awarded":2000
        ///        }
        ///      }
        ///    }
        ///  }
        /// </returns>
        public void IncrementPlayerStats(
            string in_jsonData,
            SuccessCallback in_success = null,
            FailureCallback in_failure = null,
            object in_cbObject         = null)
            Dictionary <string, object> data      = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            Dictionary <string, object> statsData = JsonReader.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> > (in_jsonData);

            data[OperationParam.PlayerStatisticsServiceStats.Value] = statsData;

            SuccessCallback successCallbacks = m_brainCloudClientRef.GetGamificationService().CheckForAchievementsToAward;

            if (in_success != null)
                successCallbacks += in_success;
            ServerCallback callback = BrainCloudClient.CreateServerCallback(successCallbacks, in_failure, in_cbObject);
            ServerCall     sc       = new ServerCall(ServiceName.PlayerStatistics, ServiceOperation.Update, data, callback);
