// We need separation create/destroy functions from the constructor/destructor because // the destructor cannot access the allocator or broad-phase (no destructor arguments allowed by C++). public void Create(BroadPhase broadPhase, Body body, Transform xf, FixtureDef def) { UserData = def.UserData; Friction = def.Friction; Restitution = def.Restitution; Body = body; _next = null; Filter = def.Filter; IsSensor = def.IsSensor; Shape = def.Shape.Clone(); Shape.ComputeMass(out _massData, def.Density); // Create proxy in the broad-phase. Shape.ComputeAABB(out Aabb, ref xf); ProxyId = broadPhase.CreateProxy(Aabb, this); }
public void SetFilterData(Filter filter) { Filter = filter; if (Body == null) { return; } // Flag associated contacts for filtering. ContactEdge edge = Body.GetContactList(); while (edge != null) { Contact contact = edge.Contact; Fixture fixtureA = contact.GetFixtureA(); Fixture fixtureB = contact.GetFixtureB(); if (fixtureA == this || fixtureB == this) { contact.FlagForFiltering(); } } }