Exemple #1
        public void createShip1(Vector2 pos, float _rot)
            World world = Game1.GameInstance.getWorld();

            ////////////////  For Sprite System use ///////////////
            Sprite shipSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Ship);
            Sprite_Proxy proxyShip = new Sprite_Proxy(shipSprite, pos.X, pos.Y, shipScale, Color.Blue);
            Ship p1 = new Ship(GameObjType.p1ship, proxyShip);

            SBNode shipBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.ships);


            // Box2D Body Setup/////////////////////////
            var shipShape = new PolygonShape();
            Vector2[] verts = new Vector2[5];

            verts[0] = new Vector2(-5.0f, -5.0f);
            verts[1] = new Vector2(4.8f, -0.10f);
            verts[2] = new Vector2(5.0f, 0.00f);
            verts[3] = new Vector2(4.8f, 0.10f);
            verts[4] = new Vector2(-5.0f, 5.0f);

            shipShape.Set(verts, 5);
            shipShape._centroid = new Vector2(0, 0);

            var fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = shipShape;
            fd.restitution = 0.9f;
            fd.friction = 0.0f;
            fd.density = 1.0f;
            fd.userData = p1;

            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            bd.allowSleep = false;
            bd.fixedRotation = true;
            bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic;
            bd.position = p1.spriteRef.pos;

            var body = world.CreateBody(bd);

            body.Rotation = _rot;

            // Set sprite body reference

            PhysicsMan.Instance().addPhysicsObj(p1, body);

            // Set Player's ship and add it to the GameObjManager //////////////

Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new jump component
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="world">The Box2D world that will hold this component</param>
 /// <param name="content">Used ContentManager</param>
 /// <param name="pos">The position of this component</param>
 /// <param name="angle">The rotation angle of this component</param>
 /// <param name="width">The width of this component</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height of this component</param>
 public Jump(World world, ContentManager content, Vector2 pos,
             float angle, float width, float height)
     : base(world, content, pos, angle, width, height)
     Name = "jump";
     texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/" + Name);
     origin = new Vector2(texture.Width * 0.5f, texture.Height * 0.5f);
     sourceRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, texture.Width, texture.Height);
     PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
     Vector2[] vertices = {new Vector2(-width*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR,
                                       height*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR),
                           new Vector2(width*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR,
                                       -height*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR),
                           new Vector2(width*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR,
                                       height*0.5f/ Level.FACTOR)};
     shape.Set(vertices, 3);
     body.CreateFixture(shape, 1.0f);
    public CharacterCollision()
        // Ground body
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            Body ground = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-20.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(20.0f, 0.0f));
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);

        // Collinear edges
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            Body ground = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-8.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(-6.0f, 1.0f));
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-6.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(-4.0f, 1.0f));
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-4.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(-2.0f, 1.0f));
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);

        // Square tiles
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            Body ground = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.SetAsBox(1.0f, 1.0f, new Vector2(4.0f, 3.0f), 0.0f);
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            shape.SetAsBox(1.0f, 1.0f, new Vector2(6.0f, 3.0f), 0.0f);
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            shape.SetAsBox(1.0f, 1.0f, new Vector2(8.0f, 3.0f), 0.0f);
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);

        // Square made from edges notice how the edges are shrunk to account
        // for the polygon radius. This makes it so the square character does
        // not get snagged. However, ray casts can now go through the cracks.
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            Body ground = _world.CreateBody(bd);
            ground.SetTransform(new Vector2(-2f * i, 0), 0);

            Vector2[] vs = new Vector2[4];
            vs[0] = new Vector2(-1.0f, 3.0f);
            vs[1] = new Vector2(1.0f, 3.0f);
            vs[2] = new Vector2(1.0f, 5.0f);
            vs[3] = new Vector2(-1.0f, 5.0f);
            LoopShape shape = new LoopShape();
            shape._count = 4;
            shape._vertices = vs;
            ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);

            //PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            //float d = 2.0f * Settings.b2_polygonRadius;
            //shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-1.0f + d, 3.0f), new Vector2(1.0f - d, 3.0f));
            //ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            //shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(1.0f, 3.0f + d), new Vector2(1.0f, 5.0f - d));
            //ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            //shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(1.0f - d, 5.0f), new Vector2(-1.0f + d, 5.0f));
            //ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);
            //shape.SetAsEdge(new Vector2(-1.0f, 5.0f - d), new Vector2(-1.0f, 3.0f + d));
            //ground.CreateFixture(shape, 0.0f);

        // Square character
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            bd.position = new Vector2(-3.0f, 5.0f);
            bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic;
            bd.fixedRotation = true;
            bd.allowSleep = false;

            Body body = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.SetAsBox(0.5f, 0.5f);

            FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = shape;
            fd.density = 20.0f;

        #if false
        // Hexagon character
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            bd.position = new Vector2(-5.0f, 5.0f);
            bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic;
            bd.fixedRotation = true;
            bd.allowSleep = false;

            Body body = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            float angle = 0.0f;
            float delta = (float)Math.PI / 3.0f;
            Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                vertices[i] = new Vector2(0.5f * (float)Math.Cos(angle), 0.5f * (float)Math.Sin(angle));
                angle += delta;

            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.Set(vertices, 6);

            FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = shape;
            fd.density = 20.0f;

        // Circle character
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            bd.position = new Vector2(3.0f, 5.0f);
            bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic;
            bd.fixedRotation = true;
            bd.allowSleep = false;

            Body body = _world.CreateBody(bd);

            CircleShape shape = new CircleShape();
            shape._radius = 0.5f;

            FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = shape;
            fd.density = 20.0f;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a polygon to a body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">The body where the polygon should be added</param>
        /// <param name="vertices">The vertices of the polygon</param>
        /// <param name="density">The density of the polygon</param>
        /// <param name="friction">The friction of the polygon</param>
        /// <param name="restitution">The restitution of the polygon</param>
        private void AddPolygonToBody(Body body, Vector2[] vertices, float density, float friction,
                                      float restitution)
            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
            shape.Set(vertices, vertices.Length);

            FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
            fixtureDef.shape = shape;
            fixtureDef.density = density;
            fixtureDef.friction = friction;
            fixtureDef.restitution = restitution;

Exemple #5
        public override void Initialize(ConfigSection section)

            textureName = section["texture"];
            var pos = section["position"].AsVector2();
            SideLength = section["sideLength"];
            Speed = section["speed"];
            MaxSpeed = section["maxSpeed"];
            JumpImpulse = section["jumpImpulse"];
            JumpThreshold = section["jumpThreshold"];

            var bodyDef = new BodyDef();
            bodyDef.type = BodyType.Dynamic;

            bodyDef.angle = 0;
            bodyDef.position = Game.level.ConvertToBox2D(pos);
            bodyDef.inertiaScale = section["inertiaScale"];
            bodyDef.linearDamping = section["linearDamping"];
            bodyDef.angularDamping = section["angularDamping"];

            bodyDef.userData = this;

            Body = Game.level.World.CreateBody(bodyDef);

            var shape = new PolygonShape();
            var offset = SideLength / 2;
            shape.Set(new Vector2[]{
                Game.level.ConvertToBox2D(new Vector2(-offset, -offset)),
                Game.level.ConvertToBox2D(new Vector2(offset, -offset)),
                Game.level.ConvertToBox2D(new Vector2(offset, offset)),
                Game.level.ConvertToBox2D(new Vector2(-offset, offset))
            , 4);

            var fixture = new FixtureDef();
            fixture.restitution = section["restitution"];
            fixture.density = section["density"];
            fixture.shape = shape;
            fixture.friction = section["friction"];
Exemple #6
        protected void AddPoly(Body body2Body, V2DShape polygon)
            Shape shape;
            if (polygon.IsCircle)
                CircleShape circDef = new CircleShape();
                circDef._radius = polygon.Radius / (V2DScreen.WorldScale * State.Scale.X);
                Vector2 lp = new Vector2(polygon.CenterX / V2DScreen.WorldScale, polygon.CenterY / V2DScreen.WorldScale);
                circDef._p = lp;
                shape = circDef;
                float[] pts = polygon.Data;
                PolygonShape polyDef = new PolygonShape();
                shape = polyDef;
                int len= (int)(pts.Length / 2);
                Vector2[] v2s = new Vector2[len];

                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    float px = pts[i * 2];
                    float py = pts[i * 2 + 1];

                    v2s[i] = new Vector2(
                        px / V2DScreen.WorldScale * State.Scale.X,
                        py / V2DScreen.WorldScale * State.Scale.Y);
                polyDef.Set(v2s, len);

            FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = shape;

            if (instanceName.IndexOf("s_") == 0)
                isStatic = true;
                fd.density = 0.0f;
                fd.density = density;
            fd.friction = friction;
            fd.restitution = restitution;

            if (groupIndex != 0)
                fd.filter.groupIndex = groupIndex;

            if (attributeProperties != null)

Exemple #7
 public Fixture AttachPolygon(Vector2[] verteces,
     float density, float friction, float restitution)
     var shape = new PolygonShape();
         (verteces.Length > Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices
             ? Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices
             : verteces.Length));
     var fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
     fixtureDef.shape = shape;
     fixtureDef.density = density;
     fixtureDef.friction = friction;
     fixtureDef.restitution = restitution;
     return _body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef);
        private void LoadShip()
            Vector2 position = new Vector2(Width * TileWidth / 2, Height * TileHeight - 600 + FrontClearance);

            Texture2D texture = GameContent.ship;
            BodyDef bd = new BodyDef();
            bd.fixedRotation = true;
            bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic;
            bd.linearDamping = 0.5f;
            bd.angularDamping = 0.1f;
            bd.position = position;

            ship = world.CreateBody(bd);

            PolygonShape pShape = new PolygonShape();

            Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[3];
            vertices[0] = new Vector2(0, -texture.Height / 2);
            vertices[1] = new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 2);
            vertices[2] = new Vector2(-texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 2);

            pShape.Set(vertices, 3);

            FixtureDef fd = new FixtureDef();
            fd.density = 0.1f;
            fd.shape = pShape;
            fd.friction = 5;
            fd.restitution = .5f;

            originalShipPos = ship.Position;