internal static Joint Create(JointDef def) { Joint joint = null; switch (def.type) { case JointType.Distance: { joint = new DistanceJoint((DistanceJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Mouse: { joint = new MouseJoint((MouseJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Prismatic: { joint = new PrismaticJoint((PrismaticJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Revolute: { joint = new RevoluteJoint((RevoluteJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Pulley: { joint = new PulleyJoint((PulleyJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Gear: { joint = new GearJoint((GearJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Line: { joint = new LineJoint((LineJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Weld: { joint = new WeldJoint((WeldJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Friction: { joint = new FrictionJoint((FrictionJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.MaxDistance: { joint = new MaxDistanceJoint((MaxDistanceJointDef)def); } break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } return joint; }
void HandleEquipment(InputState input) { Vector2 m = mousePos * gameContent.scale; Point mp = new Point((int)m.X, (int)m.Y); Equipment mouseOverEq = null; if (mouseEq == null) foreach (Equipment e in equipments) { e.isMouseOver = false; if (mouseOverEq == null && !isMenuEntrySelected && (e.MoveButtonBound.Contains(mp) || e.RotationButtonBound.Contains(mp))) { mouseOverEq = e; e.isMouseOver = true; } } if (input.IsLeftClicked() && mouseOverEq != null) { if (mouseOverEq.MoveButtonBound.Contains(mp) || mouseOverEq.RotationButtonBound.Contains(mp)) { MouseJointDef mjd = new MouseJointDef(); mjd.maxForce = 500; //mjd.frequencyHz = 10f; mjd.dampingRatio = .1f; = mousePos; mjd.bodyA = mouseGroundBody; mjd.bodyB = mouseOverEq.body; mouseJoint = (MouseJoint)world.CreateJoint(mjd); mouseEq = mouseOverEq; mouseEq.body.SetAngularDamping(20000); if (mouseOverEq.RotationButtonBound.Contains(mp)) { RevoluteJointDef rjd = new RevoluteJointDef(); rjd.bodyA = mouseGroundBody; rjd.bodyB = mouseOverEq.body; rjd.localAnchorA = mouseOverEq.body.Position; rjd.localAnchorB = Vector2.Zero; pin = world.CreateJoint(rjd); mouseEq.body.SetAngularDamping(20); } if (selectedEq != mouseOverEq) { if (selectedEq != null) { selectedEq.isSelected = false; selectedEq.SetMode(editMode, false); selectedEq = null; } selectedEq = mouseOverEq; selectedEq.isClamped = false; selectedEq.isSelected = true; } mouseEq.SetMode(editMode, true); } } else if (mouseOverEq != null && input.IsRightClicked() || input.CurrentMouseState[0].LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { if (mouseJoint != null && mouseEq != null) { world.DestroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseJoint = null; if (pin != null) { world.DestroyJoint(pin); pin = null; } mouseEq.SetMode(editMode, false); mouseEq = null; } if (mouseOverEq != null && input.IsRightClicked()) { selectedEq = null; mouseOverEq.Remove(); equipments.Remove(mouseOverEq); } } // Remove if (!equipmentAdded && (input.IsLeftClicked() || input.IsRightClicked()) && mouseOverEq == null && mouseEq == null && selectedEq != null) { selectedEq.isSelected = false; selectedEq.SetMode(editMode, false); selectedEq = null; } equipmentAdded = false; }
void HandleAtom(InputState input) { Atom mouseOverAtom = null; foreach (Atom a in atoms) { if (mouseAtom == null && !isMenuEntrySelected && a.eye < EyeState.Disappear && a.fixture.TestPoint(mousePos)) mouseOverAtom = a; } // click to add atoms if (mouseOverAtom == null && input.IsLeftClicked() && isLAB && !editMode && !isMenuEntrySelected) atoms.Add(new Atom((Symbol)(gameContent.random.Next(gameContent.symbolCount - 1) + 1), mousePos * gameContent.scale, gameContent, world)); if (input.IsLeftClicked()) { if (mouseOverAtom != null) { MouseJointDef mjd = new MouseJointDef(); mjd.maxForce = 500; //mjd.frequencyHz = 10; //mjd.dampingRatio = .1f; = mouseOverAtom.body.Position; mjd.bodyA = mouseGroundBody; mjd.bodyB = mouseOverAtom.body; mouseJoint = (MouseJoint)world.CreateJoint(mjd); mouseAtom = mouseOverAtom; mouseAtom.SetMode(editMode, true); } } else if (mouseJoint != null && mouseAtom != null && (mouseAtom.eye == EyeState.Disappear || input.CurrentMouseState[0].LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)) { if (mouseAtom.eye != EyeState.Disappear) // Disappear has priority over LeftButton Released { world.DestroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseAtom.SetMode(editMode, false); mouseAtom.CreateBond(); } mouseJoint = null; mouseAtom = null; } if (input.IsRightClicked()) { if (mouseOverAtom != null) { if (mouseOverAtom.bondedAtoms.Count > 0) { Cue cue = gameContent.soundBank.GetCue("detach"); cue.Play(); mouseOverAtom.DestroyBonds(); } else if (isLAB && !editMode && mouseOverAtom.bondedAtoms.Count == 0) { mouseOverAtom.Remove(); atoms.Remove(mouseOverAtom); } } } }
public virtual void MouseUp(Vector2 p) { if (_mouseJoint != null) { world.DestroyJoint(_mouseJoint); _mouseJoint = null; } }
//#if !XBOX public virtual void MouseDown(Vector2 p) { if (_mouseJoint != null) { return; } p /= V2DScreen.WorldScale; // Make a small box. AABB aabb; Vector2 d = new Vector2(0.001f, 0.001f); aabb.lowerBound = p - d; aabb.upperBound = p + d; Fixture _fixture = null; // Query the world for overlapping shapes. world.QueryAABB( (fixtureProxy) => { Body body = fixtureProxy.fixture.GetBody(); if (body.GetType() == BodyType.Dynamic) { bool inside = fixtureProxy.fixture.TestPoint(p); if (inside) { _fixture = fixtureProxy.fixture; // We are done, terminate the query. return false; } } // Continue the query. return true; }, ref aabb); if (_fixture != null) { Body body = _fixture.GetBody(); MouseJointDef md = new MouseJointDef(); md.bodyA = groundBody; md.bodyB = body; = p; md.maxForce = 1000.0f * body.GetMass(); _mouseJoint = (MouseJoint)world.CreateJoint(md); body.SetAwake(true); } }
internal static Joint Create(JointDef def) { Joint joint = null; switch (def.type) { case JointType.Distance: { joint = new DistanceJoint((DistanceJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Mouse: { joint = new MouseJoint((MouseJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Prismatic: { joint = new PrismaticJoint((PrismaticJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Revolute: { joint = new RevoluteJoint((RevoluteJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Pulley: { joint = new PulleyJoint((PulleyJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Gear: { joint = new GearJoint((GearJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Line: { joint = new LineJoint((LineJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Weld: { joint = new WeldJoint((WeldJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.Friction: { joint = new FrictionJoint((FrictionJointDef)def); } break; case JointType.MaxDistance: { joint = new MaxDistanceJoint((MaxDistanceJointDef)def); } break; default: Debug.Assert(false); break; } return(joint); }