public void Destroy(b2Contact c)
            b2Fixture fixtureA = c.FixtureA;
            b2Fixture fixtureB = c.FixtureB;
            b2Body bodyA = fixtureA.Body;
            b2Body bodyB = fixtureB.Body;

            if (m_contactListener != null && c.IsTouching())

            // Remove from the world.
            if (c.Prev != null)
                c.Prev.Next = c.Next;

            if (c.Next != null)
                c.Next.Prev = c.Prev;

            if (c == m_contactList)
                m_contactList = c.Next;

            // Remove from body 1
            if (c.NodeA.Prev != null)
                c.NodeA.Prev.Next = c.NodeA.Next;

            if (c.NodeA.Next != null)
                c.NodeA.Next.Prev = c.NodeA.Prev;

            if (c.NodeA == bodyA.ContactList)
                bodyA.ContactList = c.NodeA.Next;

            // Remove from body 2
            if (c.NodeB.Prev != null)
                c.NodeB.Prev.Next = c.NodeB.Next;

            if (c.NodeB.Next != null)
                c.NodeB.Next.Prev = c.NodeB.Prev;

            if (c.NodeB == bodyB.ContactList)
                bodyB.ContactList = c.NodeB.Next;

            // Call the factory.