Exemple #1
        private async Task Start()
            await StarterSavefileIntegrity();

            await using JsonHandler json = new JsonHandler(SaveJson);
            if (await HasInitialized() == true)
                await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Username}, you already initialized. Use the `.help` command if you need help.");

            if (HasProvokedRecently == true)
                HasProvokedRecently = false;
            EmbedBuilder classEmbedInfo = new EmbedBuilder {
                Title       = "Initalization",
                Description = "Starting your adventure",
                Color       = Color.Blue

            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Class selection ", $"Hello {Context.User.Username}! Please choose a starter class by responding with any of the following starter class keywords: ");
            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Available starter classes: ", "`Barbarian`, `Ninja`, `Rogue`, and `Knight`");
            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Barbarian ", "Tanky, deals great upfront damage, but lacks in critical expertise");
            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Ninja ", "Good balance of offense, making it perfect if you want to deal good criticals while still packing a punch with regular attacks");
            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Rogue ", "Lacks in health and base damage, but makes up for its devastating criticals");
            classEmbedInfo.AddField("Knight ", "Similar to the `Barbarian`, but mitigates more damage rather than taking it upfront");
            await ReplyAsync(embed : classEmbedInfo.Build());

            TimeSpan      timer         = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 20);
            SocketMessage classQuestion = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : timer);

            if (classQuestion == null)
                await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.start`)");

            else if (!classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Equals("barbarian", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     !classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Equals("ninja", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     !classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Equals("rogue", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                     !classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Equals("knight", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                    await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                    HasProvokedRecently = true;
                await ReplyAsync("Unknown class, please try again. (`.start`, remember to check spelling)");

            else if (classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                HasProvokedRecently = true;
            string starterclassstr = classQuestion.Content.RemoveWhitespace().ToLower();
            Item   emptyItem       = Item.GetEmptyItem;
            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Helmet, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Chestplate, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Gauntlets, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Pants, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Boots, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.PrimaryItem, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.SecondaryItem, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Charm, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I1, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I2, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I3, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I4, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I5, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I6, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I7, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I8, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I9, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I10, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I11, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I12, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I13, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I14, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I15, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I16, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I17, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I18, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I19, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.I20, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.InBattle, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Gold, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Level, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.XP, emptyItem);

            await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CurrentLocation, emptyItem);

            switch (starterclassstr)
            case "barbarian":
                await ReplyAsync("You picked the `Barbarian` class! Please say `confirm` to confirm.");

                SocketMessage confirm1 = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : timer);

                if (confirm1.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Contains("confirm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Class, PlayerClass.Barbarian);
                    await ReplyAsync($"`Barbarian` class confirmed. Welcome {Context.User.Username}! Use the `.help` command to get a list of commands!");
                else if (confirm1.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                    await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                    HasProvokedRecently = true;
                else if (confirm1 == null)
                    await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.start`)");

                    await ReplyAsync("Input doesn't match `confirm`, class selection canceled (use the `.start` command to try again)");

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.MaxHealth, 20);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Health, 20);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.DodgeChance, 2);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Defense, 4);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Damage, 5);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritChance, 6);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritDamage, 20);


            case "ninja":
                await ReplyAsync("You picked the `Ninja` class! Please say `confirm` to confirm.");

                SocketMessage confirm2 = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : timer);

                if (confirm2.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Contains("confirm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Class, PlayerClass.Ninja);
                    await ReplyAsync($"`Ninja` class confirmed. Welcome {Context.User.Username}! Use the `.help` command to get a list of commands!");
                else if (confirm2.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                    await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                    HasProvokedRecently = true;
                else if (confirm2 == null)
                    await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.start`)");

                    await ReplyAsync("Input doesn't match `confirm`, class selection canceled (use the `.start` command to try again)");

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.MaxHealth, 9);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Health, 9);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.DodgeChance, 6);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Defense, 2);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Damage, 3);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritChance, 12);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritDamage, 45);


            case "rogue":
                await ReplyAsync("You picked the `Rogue` class! Please say `confirm` to confirm.");

                SocketMessage confirm3 = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : timer);

                if (confirm3.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Contains("confirm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Class, PlayerClass.Rogue);
                    await ReplyAsync($"`Rogue` class confirmed. Welcome {Context.User.Username}! Use the `.help` command to get a list of commands!");
                else if (confirm3.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                    await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                    HasProvokedRecently = true;
                else if (confirm3 == null)
                    await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.start`)");

                    await ReplyAsync("Input doesn't match `confirm`, class selection canceled (use the `.start` command to try again)");

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.MaxHealth, 6);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Health, 6);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.DodgeChance, 8);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Defense, 1);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Damage, 2);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritChance, 18);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritDamage, 60);


            case "knight":
                await ReplyAsync("You picked the `Knight` class! Please say `confirm` to confirm.");

                SocketMessage confirm4 = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : timer);

                if (confirm4.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Contains("confirm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Class, PlayerClass.Knight);
                    await ReplyAsync($"`Knight` class confirmed. Welcome {Context.User.Username}! Use the `.help` command to get a list of commands!");
                else if (confirm4.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                    await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.start`, input context: choosing class)");

                    HasProvokedRecently = true;
                else if (confirm4 == null)
                    await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.start`)");

                    await ReplyAsync("Input doesn't match `confirm`, class selection canceled (use the `.start` command to try again)");

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.MaxHealth, 15);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Health, 15);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.DodgeChance, 4);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Defense, 6);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Damage, 4);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritChance, 8);

                await json.WriteEntry(PlayerData.CritDamage, 30);

Exemple #2
        private async Task GiveGold(IUser toGiveTo, double goldToGive)
            await using JsonHandler toGetFrom = new JsonHandler(SaveJson);
            double currentGold = await toGetFrom.GetData <double>(PlayerData.Gold);

            string toGiveToPath = $"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}/SaveData/{toGiveTo.Id}.json";

            if (!File.Exists(toGiveToPath))
                await ReplyAsync($"Error: specified user ({toGiveTo.Username}) has not initialized yet");


            if (await HasInitialized(toGiveToPath) == false)
                await ReplyAsync($"Error: specified user ({toGiveTo.Username}) has not initialized yet");


            if (currentGold < goldToGive)
                await ReplyAsync($"Error: you don't have enough gold ({currentGold}), compared to the amount you want to give ({goldToGive})");


            if (toGiveTo == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"Error: specified user doesn't seem to exist");


            if (await HasInitialized() == false)
                await ReplyAsync("Please use the `.start` command first to initialize.");

            await ReplyAsync($"Giving {goldToGive} gold to {toGiveTo.Username}, please say `confirm` to confirm.");

            SocketMessage confirm;

            confirm = await NextMessageAsync(timeout : new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));

            if (confirm.Content.RemoveWhitespace().Contains("confirm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                await toGetFrom.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Gold, currentGold - goldToGive);

                await using JsonHandler toGiveToJson = new JsonHandler(toGiveToPath);
                await toGiveToJson.WriteEntry(PlayerData.Gold, await toGiveToJson.GetData <double>(PlayerData.Gold) + goldToGive);
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully gave {goldToGive} gold to {toGiveTo.Username}!");

            else if (confirm.Content.RemoveWhitespace().StartsWith('.'))
                await ReplyAsync("No commands allowed --- you were currently being awaited for input, please try again. (`.givegold`, input context: giving gold)");

            else if (confirm == null)
                await ReplyAsync("You didn't reply in time, please try again. (`.givegold`)");

                await ReplyAsync("Input doesn't match `confirm`, gold giving canceled (use the `.givegold` command again to try again if that was a mistake)");
