Exemple #1
        public unsafe bool RunChatCommand(string cmdData)
            register = CommandRegistry.Instance;
            Dictionary <UUID, int> BotAdmins = MainConfiguration.Instance.BotAdmins;
            dynamic parameters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(cmdData);
            string  request    = parameters.request;

            if (parameters.source == "sys")
            string[] para = request.Split(new[] { ' ' });
            Dictionary <string, string> dstuf = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            UUID fromID = UUID.Zero;

                string ID = parameters.from;
                fromID = UUID.Parse(ID);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.info(log: e.Message);
            int userLevel = 0;

            if (BotAdmins.ContainsKey(fromID) && BotAdmins.Count > 0)
                userLevel = BotAdmins[fromID];
            else if (BotAdmins.Count == 0)
                userLevel = 5;

            UUID   agentKey = UUID.Zero;
            UUID   sessID   = UUID.Zero;
            string sess     = parameters.from_sess;

            if (sess != "")
                sessID = UUID.Parse(sess);

            cl = BotSession.Instance.grid;

            Destinations sourceLoc = new Destinations();

            if (parameters.type == "chat")
                sourceLoc = Destinations.DEST_LOCAL;
            else if (parameters.type == "group")
                sourceLoc = Destinations.DEST_GROUP;
            else if (parameters.type == "im")
                sourceLoc = Destinations.DEST_AGENT;
            else if (parameters.type == "discord")
                sourceLoc = Destinations.DEST_DISCORD;
                sourceLoc = Destinations.DEST_LOCAL;

            string agentName = parameters.fromName;

            if (sourceLoc == Destinations.DEST_LOCAL)
                GroupLog.Instance.WriteLogEntry(true, false, agentName, agentKey, request);
            else if (sourceLoc == Destinations.DEST_AGENT)
                GroupLog.Instance.WriteLogEntry(false, true, agentName, agentKey, request);

            if (sourceLoc == Destinations.DEST_GROUP)
                agentKey = fromID;
                fromID   = sessID;

                // Initiate group log saver
                string GroupName = cl.Groups.GroupName2KeyCache[fromID];

                GroupLog.Instance.WriteLogEntry(GroupName, "secondlife:///app/agent/" + agentKey.ToString() + "/about (" + agentName + ") : " + request);

                if (agentKey == cl.Self.AgentID)
                agentKey = fromID;

                if (agentKey == cl.Self.AgentID)

            if (request.Substring(0, 1) != "!")
                // Check if active bug or feature report session. If not- return.
                nRegistry.Dispatch(request, agentKey, ((parameters.source == "obj") ? "Object" : agentName), sourceLoc, fromID);

                 * if (ocb.ActiveReportSessions.ContainsKey(agentKey) && ocb.ActiveReportSessions.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  // Send report response to GitCommands
                 *  GitCommands gc = new GitCommands();
                 *  gc.BugResponse(fromID, agentKey, ocb.ActiveReportSessions[agentKey].ReportStage, request, sourceLoc, MHE, agentName);
                 *  return false;
                 * }
                 * if (ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions.ContainsKey(agentKey) && ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  GitCommands gc = new GitCommands();
                 *  gc.FeatureResponse(fromID, agentKey, ocb.ActiveFeatureSessions[agentKey].ReportStage, request, sourceLoc, MHE, agentName);
                 *  return false;
                 * }
                 * if (ocb.ActiveCommentSessions.ContainsKey(agentKey) && ocb.ActiveCommentSessions.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  GitCommands gc = new GitCommands();
                 *  gc.comment(fromID, agentKey, ocb.ActiveCommentSessions[agentKey].ReportStage, request, sourceLoc, MHE, agentName);
                 *  return false;
                 * }
                 * if (ocb.NoticeSessions.ContainsKey(agentKey) && ocb.NoticeSessions.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  GroupSystem gs = new GroupSystem();
                 *  gs.update_notice_sess(fromID, agentKey, request, sourceLoc, MHE, agentName);
                 *  return false;
                 * }
                 * if (ocb.MailingLists.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  // Scan all mailing lists for a session and agentKey that match.
                 *  foreach (string sML in ocb.MailingLists.Keys)
                 *  {
                 *      OCBotMemory.MailList ML = ocb.MailingLists[sML];
                 *      if (ML.PrepFrom == agentKey && ML.PrepState == 1)
                 *      {
                 *          MailingLists.MailingLists cML = new MailingLists.MailingLists();
                 *          cML.HandleMailListData(agentKey, fromID, sourceLoc, MHE, sML, request);
                 *          return false;
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/
                request = request.Substring(1);
                para    = request.Split(' ');
                register.RunCommand(request, fromID, userLevel, sourceLoc, agentKey, agentName);
            catch (Exception e)
                string Msg = e.Message;
                Msg = Msg.Replace("ZNI", "");
                int    i;
                int *  ptr  = &i;
                IntPtr addr = (IntPtr)ptr;
                MessageFactory.Post(Destinations.DEST_LOCAL, "Exception caught: [" + Msg + "]\n \n[STACK] " + e.StackTrace.Replace("ZNI", "") + "\nMemory Position: 0x" + addr.ToString("x") + "\nCommand: " + request + $"\nMisc Details: {fromID}, {userLevel}, {sourceLoc}, {agentKey}, {agentName}", UUID.Zero);

                // do nothing here.
            Log.info(log: "Leaving command parser");
Exemple #2
        public WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData showHelp(List <string> arguments, string body, string method, NameValueCollection headers)
            WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData httpReply = new WebhookRegistry.HTTPResponseData();
            CommandRegistry reg = CommandRegistry.Instance;

            string Final = "<body bgcolor='black'><style type='text/css'>table.HelpTable {  border: 5px solid #1C6EA4;" +
                           "  background - color: #000000; " +
                           "  width: 100 %;            text - align: left;            border - collapse: collapse;" +
                           "        }        table.HelpTable td, table.HelpTable th        {            border: 3px solid #AAAAAA;" +
                           "  padding: 3px 2px;        }        table.HelpTable tbody td {  font-size: 19px;  color: #69FAF7;" +
                           "}    table.HelpTable tr:nth-child(even)    {    background: #000000;}    table.HelpTable thead" +
                           "    {        background: #26A486;  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5cbba4 0%, #3bad92 66%, #26A486 100%);" +
                           "  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5cbba4 0%, #3bad92 66%, #26A486 100%);" +
                           "  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #5cbba4 0%, #3bad92 66%, #26A486 100%);" +
                           "  border-bottom: 2px solid #444444;}    table.HelpTable thead th {  font-size: 25px;" +
                           "  font-weight: bold;  color: #FFFFFF;  text-align: center;  border-left: 2px solid #D0E4F5;" +
                           "}table.HelpTable thead th:first-child {  border-left: none;}table.HelpTable tfoot td {  font-size: 14px;" +
                           "}table.HelpTable tfoot.links{    text-align: right;}table.HelpTable tfoot.links a{display: inline - block;" +
                           "background: #1C6EA4;  color: #FFFFFF;  padding: 2px 8px;    border - radius: 5px;}</style>";

            Final += "<table class='HelpTable'><thead><tr><th>Bot Version</th><th>" + ASMInfo.BotVer + "</th></tr></table><br/>";

            Final += "<table class='HelpTable'><thead><tr><th>Command</th><th>Minimum Level Required</th><th>Usage</th><th>Allowed Sources</th></thead><tbody>";
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CommandGroup> cmd in reg.Cmds)
                // Command
                Final += "<tr><td>" + cmd.Value.Command + "</td>";
                // Level
                Final += "<td>" + cmd.Value.minLevel.ToString() + "</td>";
                // Usage
                Final += "<td>" + cmd.Value.cmdUsage.RawUsage() + "</td>";
                // Allowed Sources
                Final += "<td>" + cmd.Value.CommandSource + "</td>";
            Final += "</tbody></table>";

            Final += "<table class='HelpTable'><thead><tr><th>Hook Path</th><tr></thead><tbody>";
            WebhookRegistry regx = WebhookRegistry.Instance;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, WebhookAttribs> hooks in regx.hooks)
                Final += "<tr><td>" + hooks.Value.Path + "</td></tr>";
            Final += "</tbody></table>";

            Final += "<br/><table class='HelpTable'><thead><tr><th>Assembly</th><th>Version</th><th># Of Commands</th><th>Total Classes</th></tr></thead><tbody>";

            foreach (Assembly A in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                Final += "<tr><td>" + A.GetName().Name + "</td><td>" + A.GetName().Version + "</td>";
                int TotalCommandsContained = 0;
                int TotalClasses           = 0;
                foreach (Type T in A.GetTypes())
                    if (T.IsClass)
                        foreach (MethodInfo MI in T.GetMethods())
                            CommandGroup[] CG = (CommandGroup[])MI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CommandGroup), false);
                            TotalCommandsContained += CG.Length;

                Final += "<td>" + TotalCommandsContained.ToString() + "</td><td>" + TotalClasses.ToString() + "</td></tr>";
            Final += "</tbody></table>";

            httpReply.ReplyString       = Final;
            httpReply.Status            = 200;
            httpReply.ReturnContentType = "text/html";
