public string GetDespawnMessage(NPC boss, int listnum) { if (Main.player.Any(playerCheck => && !playerCheck.dead)) // If any player is active and alive { if (Main.npc.Any(x => > 0 && BossChecklist.bossTracker.SortedBosses[listnum].npcIDs.IndexOf(x.type) != -1)) // If boss is still active { if (Main.dayTime && DayDespawners.Contains(boss.type)) { return("Mods.BossChecklist.BossDespawn.Day"); } else if (boss.type == NPCID.WallofFlesh) { return("Mods.BossChecklist.BossVictory.WallofFlesh"); } else { return("Mods.BossChecklist.BossDespawn.Generic"); } } else { return(""); } } else if (BossChecklist.ClientConfig.DespawnMessageType == "Unique") { // Check already accounted for to get to this point return(BossChecklist.bossTracker.SortedBosses[NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(boss)].despawnMessage); } else { return("Mods.BossChecklist.BossVictory.Generic"); } }
public override void PreUpdate() { for (int n = 0; n < Main.maxNPCs; n++) { NPC b = Main.npc[n]; int listNum = NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(b); if (listNum != -1) { if ( { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxPlayers; i++) { if (!ActiveBossesList[listNum]) { StartingPlayers[listNum][i] = Main.player[i].active; } else if (!Main.player[i].active) { StartingPlayers[listNum][i] = false; } } ActiveBossesList[listNum] = true; // if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.WorldData); } else if (ActiveBossesList[listNum]) { if (NPCAssist.TruelyDead(b)) { string message = GetDespawnMessage(b, listNum); if (message != "") { if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer) { if (BossChecklist.ClientConfig.DespawnMessageType != "Disabled") { Main.NewText(Language.GetTextValue(message, b.FullName), Colors.RarityPurple); } } else { NetMessage.BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText.FromKey(message, b.FullName), Colors.RarityPurple); } } ActiveBossesList[listNum] = false; // if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.WorldData); } } } } }
public override void OnHitByProjectile(Projectile proj, int damage, bool crit) { if (!BossChecklist.DebugConfig.RecordTrackingDisabled) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { if (!Main.npc[i].active || NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(Main.npc[i]) == -1) { continue; } AttackCounter[NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(Main.npc[i])]++; DodgeTimer[NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(Main.npc[i])] = 0; } } }
public override void Hurt(bool pvp, bool quiet, double damage, int hitDirection, bool crit) { if (!BossChecklist.DebugConfig.RecordTrackingDisabled && damage > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) { if (!Main.npc[i].active || NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(Main.npc[i]) == -1) { continue; } int listNum = NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(Main.npc[i]); if (BrinkChecker[listNum] == 0) { BrinkChecker[listNum] = player.statLife; } AttackCounter[listNum]++; DodgeTimer[listNum] = 0; } } }
//int lastSeenScreenWidth; //int lastSeenScreenHeight; public override void ModifyInterfaceLayers(List <GameInterfaceLayer> layers) { //if (BossChecklistUI.visible) //{ // layers.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == "Vanilla: Resource Bars" || x.Name == "Vanilla: Map / Minimap"); //} int MouseTextIndex = layers.FindIndex(layer => layer.Name.Equals("Vanilla: Mouse Text")); if (MouseTextIndex != -1) { layers.Insert(MouseTextIndex, new LegacyGameInterfaceLayer( "BossChecklist: Boss Checklist", delegate { if (BossChecklistUI.Visible) { bossChecklistInterface?.Draw(Main.spriteBatch, new GameTime()); if (BossChecklistUI.hoverText != "") { float x = Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(BossChecklistUI.hoverText).X; Vector2 vector = new Vector2((float)Main.mouseX, (float)Main.mouseY) + new Vector2(16f, 16f); if (vector.Y > (float)(Main.screenHeight - 30)) { vector.Y = (float)(Main.screenHeight - 30); } if (vector.X > (float)(Main.screenWidth - x - 30)) { vector.X = (float)(Main.screenWidth - x - 30); } //Utils.DrawBorderStringFourWay(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontMouseText, BossChecklistUI.hoverText, // vector.X, vector.Y, new Color((int)Main.mouseTextColor, (int)Main.mouseTextColor, (int)Main.mouseTextColor, (int)Main.mouseTextColor), Color.Black, Vector2.Zero, 1f); // Utils.draw //ItemTagHandler.GenerateTag(item) int hoveredSnippet = -1; TextSnippet[] array = ChatManager.ParseMessage(BossChecklistUI.hoverText, Color.White).ToArray(); ChatManager.DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontMouseText, array, vector, 0f, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, out hoveredSnippet /*, -1f, 2f*/); if (hoveredSnippet > -1) { array[hoveredSnippet].OnHover(); //if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease) //{ // array[hoveredSnippet].OnClick(); //} } } } return(true); }, InterfaceScaleType.UI) ); } // This doesn't work perfectly. //if (BossChecklistUI.Visible) { // layers.RemoveAll(x => LayersToHideWhenChecklistVisible.Contains(x.Name)); //} if (MouseTextIndex != -1) { layers.Insert(MouseTextIndex, new LegacyGameInterfaceLayer("BossChecklist: Boss Log", delegate { BossLogInterface.Draw(Main.spriteBatch, new GameTime()); return(true); }, InterfaceScaleType.UI) ); layers.Insert(++MouseTextIndex, new LegacyGameInterfaceLayer("BossChecklist: Boss Radar", delegate { BossRadarUIInterface.Draw(Main.spriteBatch, new GameTime()); return(true); }, InterfaceScaleType.UI) ); } if (ClientConfig.RespawnTimerEnabled) { int InventoryIndex = layers.FindIndex(layer => layer.Name.Equals("Vanilla: Death Text")); if (InventoryIndex != -1) { layers.Insert(InventoryIndex, new LegacyGameInterfaceLayer("BossChecklist: Respawn Timer", delegate { if (Main.LocalPlayer.dead && Main.LocalPlayer.difficulty != 2) { if (ClientConfig.TimerSounds) { if (Main.LocalPlayer.respawnTimer % 60 == 0 && Main.LocalPlayer.respawnTimer / 60 <= 3) { Main.PlaySound(25); } } string timer = (Main.LocalPlayer.respawnTimer / 60 + 1).ToString(); Vector2 screenPos = new Vector2(Main.screenWidth / 2, Main.screenHeight / 2 - 75); Color deathColor = Main.player[Main.myPlayer].GetDeathAlpha(Color.Transparent); DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontDeathText, timer, screenPos, deathColor); } return(true); }, InterfaceScaleType.UI) ); } } #region DEBUG int PlayerChatIndex = layers.FindIndex(layer => layer.Name.Equals("Vanilla: Player Chat")); if (PlayerChatIndex != -1) { layers.Insert(PlayerChatIndex, new LegacyGameInterfaceLayer("BossChecklist: Debug Timers and Counters", delegate { PlayerAssist playerAssist = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <PlayerAssist>(); int ConfigIndex = NPCAssist.ListedBossNum(DebugConfig.ShowTimerOrCounter.Type, DebugConfig.ShowTimerOrCounter.mod); if (ConfigIndex != -1) { string textKingSlime = $"{bossTracker.SortedBosses[ConfigIndex].name} (#{ConfigIndex + 1})" + $"\nTime: {playerAssist.RecordTimers[ConfigIndex]}" + $"\nDodge Timer: {playerAssist.DodgeTimer[ConfigIndex]}" + $"\nTimes Hit: {playerAssist.AttackCounter[ConfigIndex]}" + $"\nLowest Health: {playerAssist.BrinkChecker[ConfigIndex]} / {playerAssist.MaxHealth[ConfigIndex]}" + $"\nDeaths: {playerAssist.DeathTracker[ConfigIndex]}"; DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(Main.spriteBatch, Main.fontMouseText, textKingSlime, new Vector2(20, Main.screenHeight - 175), new Color(1f, 0.388f, 0.278f), 0f, default(Vector2), 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } return(true); }, InterfaceScaleType.UI) ); } #endregion }