/// <summary>
        /// Gets 
        /// </summary>
        public static CustomerBankDetail GetCustomerBankDetailFromCustomer(Customer aCustomer)
            PortugalVillasContext db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            CustomerBankDetail theBankDetailsToReturn = db.CustomerBankDetails.Where(x => x.CustomerID == aCustomer.CustomerID).FirstOrDefault();
            return theBankDetailsToReturn;

        // GET: /DocumentMangementService/


        public ActionResult CreateDocumentAndSaveToLocation()
            var db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            var parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();

            var dc = new DocumentGenerationController();
            var customer = db.Customers.Find(1);
            var booking = db.Bookings.Find(4);
            var type = PRCDocument.PRCDocumentType.UK_WineTasting;

            //create a document with all parsed variables
            var document = dc.CreateDocumentToFileSystem(customer, type, booking);

      /*      db.Documents.Add(new Document
                CustomerID = customer.CustomerID,
                DocumentBLOB = document,
                EventID = 2


            //save it to the DB or the FileSystem
            return RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Admin");
        //get all the booking extra types
        public static List<BookingExtraType> GetBookingExtraTypes()
            List<BookingExtraType> theList = new List<BookingExtraType>();
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            return theList = _db.BookingExtraTypes.ToList();
        public static List<BookingExtraAttribute> GetBookingExtraAttributesByBookingExtraID(long? bookingExtraID)
            List<BookingExtraAttribute> theListOfAttributes = new List<BookingExtraAttribute>();
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            return theListOfAttributes = _db.BookingExtraAttributes.Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == bookingExtraID).ToList();
        public static int CreateAccountsForOwnersWithoutAccount(PortugalVillasContext db)
            //get all ownersIDs
            var owners = db.PropertyOwners.ToList();
            //checks they all have an account is accounts
            var accounts = db.PropertyOwnerAccounts.ToList();

            List<PropertyOwnerAccount> accountsToCreate = new List<PropertyOwnerAccount>();

            foreach (var propertyOwner in owners)
                var account = accounts.Where(x => x.PropertyOwnerID == propertyOwner.PropertyOwnerID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (account == null)
                    db.PropertyOwnerAccounts.Add(new PropertyOwnerAccount
                        AccountBalance = 0.00M,
                        PropertyOwnerID = propertyOwner.PropertyOwnerID



            return db.SaveChanges();

        private static List<BookingAndRelatedTransactions> ReturnAllBookingsAndTransactions(long AccountID, PortugalVillasContext db)
            var owner = db.PropertyOwnerAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountID == AccountID).First();
            var props = db.Properties.Where(x => x.PropertyOwnerID == owner.PropertyOwnerID).ToList();

            var bookings = new List<Booking>();

            foreach (var property in props)
                bookings.AddRange(db.Bookings.Where(booking => booking.PropertyID == property.PropertyID).Include(x=>x.Property).ToList());

            var transactions = db.AccountTransactions.Where(x => x.AccountID == AccountID).Where(x=>x.Voided != true);

            List<BookingAndRelatedTransactions> bookingAndTrans = new List<BookingAndRelatedTransactions>();

            foreach (var booking in bookings)
                bookingAndTrans.Add(new BookingAndRelatedTransactions
                    booking = booking,
                    transactions = transactions.Where(x=>x.BookingID == booking.BookingID).ToList()

            return bookingAndTrans;
        public static List<Comment> GetRandomTopRatedComments()
                PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

                List<Comment> theCommentsList = new List<Comment>();

                return theCommentsList = _db.Comments.Where(x => x.StarRating > 2)
               .Where(x => x.Approved == true).Take(10)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            throw new Exception();

        public Property()
            this.Bookings = new List<Booking>();
            this.Comments = new List<Comment>();
            this.Packages = new List<Package>();
            this.PropertyEntities = new List<PropertyEntity>();
            this.PropertyPricingSeasonalInstances = new List<PropertyPricingSeasonalInstance>();
            this.PropertySecurityItems = new List<PropertySecurityItem>();
            this.PropertyStaffTaskAssignments = new List<PropertyStaffTaskAssignment>();

            //set up datasets
            using (var _db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var pricesForThisProp = _db.PropertyPricingSeasonalInstances.Where(x => x.PropertyID == this.PropertyID).ToList();
                if (pricesForThisProp.Count() > 0)
                { this.PropertyPricingSeasonalInstances = _db.PropertyPricingSeasonalInstances.Where(x => x.PropertyID == this.PropertyID).ToList(); }

            switch (this.Active)
                case true:
        //get individual booking by ID -- NEED TO TEST FOR EMPTY RESULT
        public static Booking GetBookingByID(int bookingID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            var aBooking = _db.Bookings.Include(x => x.Property).FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookingID == bookingID);

            return aBooking;
        //// STATIC METHODS
        //INT or STRING methods to get a list of properties- all return List<Property>
        ////These methods pull back Properties based on given criteria
        public static List<Property> GetAllProperties()
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

               var allProperties = _db.Properties.ToList();

               return allProperties;
        public static Customer GetSingleCustomer(long? CustomerID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            var aCustomer = (_db.Customers
                                     .Where(x => x.CustomerID == CustomerID).First());

            return (Customer) aCustomer;
        //get all the booking extras - return list
        public static List<BookingExtra> GetBookingExtras()
            List<BookingExtra> theList = new List<BookingExtra>();
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            return theList = _db.BookingExtras
                .Where(x => x.TopLevelItem == true)
    protected DateTime? GetMaxBooking()
        PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
        DateTime? maxBooking = _db.Bookings
            .Max(x => x.StartDate);
        return maxBooking;
        public static List<CommentSection> GetAllCommentSectionsForComment(Comment aComment)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            List<CommentSection> theCommentSections = new List<CommentSection>();

            theCommentSections = _db.CommentSections.Where(x => x.CommentID == aComment.CommentID).ToList();

            return theCommentSections;
        //GET the title
        public static List<Title> GetTitles()
            using(PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext()){

             List<Title> TitleList = _db.Titles.ToList();

             return TitleList;
        public static PRCInformation GetPRCInformation()
            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                return db.PRCInformations.FirstOrDefault();

        // GET: /Document/

        public FileContentResult ReturnPDFDocument(long id)
            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var doc = db.Documents.First(c => c.DocumentID == id); //.DocumentTable.First(p => p.DocumentUID == id);
                byte[] data = doc.DocumentBLOB;
                return File(data, "application/pdf", doc.DocumentName);

        public static List<CommentReply> GetCommentReplies()
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            List<CommentReply> theCommentReplies = new List<CommentReply>();

            theCommentReplies = _db.CommentReplies.Where(x => x.Approved == true).ToList();
            return theCommentReplies;
        public static long GetBookingExtraIDByPRCReference(string prcRef)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            long theID = _db.BookingExtras
                .Where(x => x.LegacyReference == prcRef.Trim())
                .Select(x => x.BookingExtraID).First();

            return theID;
        public static List<BookingExtra> GetBookingExtrasFromBookingExtraSelection(BookingExtraSelection aBookingExtraSelection)
            List<BookingExtra> aBookingExtra = new List<BookingExtra>();

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            aBookingExtra = _db.BookingExtras.Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == aBookingExtraSelection.BookingExtraID).ToList();

            return aBookingExtra;
        ///// INSTANCE Methods
        ///// STATIC Methods
        public static List<PropertyPricing> GetPricingByPropertyID(long? propertyID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            var thePriceRange= _db.PropertyPricings
                .OrderByDescending(x => x.PricingStartDate)
                .Where(x => x.PropertyID == propertyID).ToList();

            return thePriceRange;
        public static List<Comment> GetComments(Property aProperty)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

               List<Comment> theCommentsList = new List<Comment>();

               theCommentsList = _db.Comments.Where(x => x.PropertyID == aProperty.PropertyID).ToList();

               return theCommentsList;
        public static List<EntityCommonField> GetAllCommonFields()
            using (PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext())
              List<EntityCommonField> theList = _db.EntityCommonFields.ToList();

              return theList;

        public static string GetBookingExtraPRCReferenceFromID(BookingExtraSelection aBookingExtraSelection)
            BookingExtra aBookingExtra = new BookingExtra();

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            aBookingExtra = _db.BookingExtras.Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == aBookingExtraSelection.BookingExtraID).FirstOrDefault();

            return aBookingExtra.LegacyReference;

        public static BookingExtra GetBookingExtraByID(long? ID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            BookingExtra bookingExtra = _db.BookingExtras
                .Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == ID)

            return bookingExtra;
        public static BookingExtra GetBookingExtrasFromBookingExtraSelection(BookingExtraSelection aBookingExtraSelection)
            BookingExtra aBookingExtra = new BookingExtra();

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            aBookingExtra = _db.BookingExtras.Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == aBookingExtraSelection.BookingExtraID).FirstOrDefault();

            return aBookingExtra;

        //gets town ID from property, gets regionID from townID
        public static PropertyRegion GetPropertyRegionByProperty(Property aProperty)
             PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            var propertyTown = _db.PropertyTowns.Where(x => x.PropertyTownID == aProperty.PropertyTownID).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();

            var propertyRegion =
                _db.PropertyRegions.Where(x => x.PropertyRegionID == propertyTown.PropertyRegionID).FirstOrDefault();

            return propertyRegion;
        //// STATIC METHODS

        public static PropertyVacationType GetVacationTypeByProperty(Property aProperty)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            PropertyVacationType aPropertyVacationType =
                .Where(x => x.PropertyVacationTypeID == aProperty.PropertyVacationTypeID)

            return aPropertyVacationType;
        public long? GetBookingExtraTypeIDFromBookingExtraSelection()

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            //get the booking extra

            BookingExtra BookingExtra = _db.BookingExtras.Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == this.BookingExtraID).FirstOrDefault();

            return BookingExtra.BookingExtraTypeID;
        //get all the booking extras of a specific extra type - passed a BookingExtraTypeID
        public static List<BookingExtra> GetBookingExtrasOfType(long? BookingExtraTypeID)
            List<BookingExtra> theList = new List<BookingExtra>();
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            theList = _db.BookingExtras.Where(x => x.BookingExtraTypeID == BookingExtraTypeID)
                .Where(x => x.TopLevelItem == true)


            return theList;
Exemple #31
        //overload 1
        public static int CountEntitiesForProperty(Property aProperty, long?aPropertyEntityID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            int count = 0;

            count = _db.PropertyEntities
                    .Where(x => x.PropertyEntityTypeID == aPropertyEntityID)
                    .Where(x => x.PropertyID == aProperty.PropertyID)
                    .Select(x => x.PropertyEntityID).Count();

        protected static List <Customer> GetCustomerByFirstName(string firstName)
            //may return a list of customers with same first name

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            List <Customer>       customerList;

            customerList = (from customers in _db.Customers
                            where customers.FirstName == firstName
                            select customers).ToList();

Exemple #33
        public static BookingExtraSelection GetSingleBookingExtraSelection(long id)
            using (PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                //get the booking extra

                BookingExtraSelection BookingExtra =
                    _db.BookingExtraSelections.Include(x => x.BookingExtra).Where(x => x.BookingExtraSelectionID == id).FirstOrDefault();

Exemple #34
        //insert a booking
        private static bool CreateBooking(Booking aBooking)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();


            if (_db.SaveChanges() > 0)
Exemple #35
        public static long GetPropertyRegionIDByProperty(Property aProperty)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            IQueryable <long> regionID = from towns in _db.PropertyTowns
                                         where towns.PropertyTownID == aProperty.PropertyTownID
                                         select towns.PropertyRegionID;

            //    whereropertyID == aProperty.PropertyID)
            //   .Select(x => x.PropertyTown);

        protected static List <Customer> GetCustomerByPostcode(string postcode)
            //may return a list of customers with same last name

            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            List <Customer>       customerList;

            //Clean up postcode within LINQ

            customerList = (from customers in _db.Customers
                            where customers.FirstName.ToLower().TrimEnd().TrimStart().Replace(" ", "") == postcode.ToLower().TrimEnd().TrimStart().Replace(" ", "")
                            select customers).ToList();

Exemple #37
        public void GetBookingExtraAttributesDescriptionsOnly()
            if (this.BookingExtraAttributes.Count == 0)
                // List<BookingExtraAttribute> theListOfAttributes = new List<BookingExtraAttribute>();
                PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

                //assign to this instance's collection
                this.BookingExtraAttributes =
                    .Where(x => x.AttributeName == "Description")
                    .Where(x => x.BookingExtraID == this.BookingExtraID).ToList();
Exemple #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method used in Booking Creation that returns the property price for any one night
        /// </summary>
        //public decimal GetPropertyPriceForANight(DateTime aDate)
        //    decimal priceForThatNight = 0.00M;

        //    PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

        //    //create a container with price, startdate, enddate List<dates> - which are all the dates between start and end date
        //    //these are concrete dates, with the year taken from the passed in date and appended.
        //    //cycle through every date until we find a match
        //    //return the price associated with that date

        //    //make a container class which takes a list of dates then calls this method - the container returns the overall price

        //  //  decimal thePrice =


        public bool CalculateBookingPricingForAPropertyBooking(PortugalVillasContext db)
            BookingPrice = 0.00M;
                decimal?theCalculatedBookingPrice = 0.00M;

                if (this.StartDate == null || this.EndDate == null || this.BookingPRCReference == "")
                    throw new ArgumentNullException();
                //we need the property ID, let's get it
                if (this.PropertyID != 0 && this.PropertyID != null)
                    Property theProp = db.Properties.Where(x => x.PropertyID == this.PropertyID).First();
                    this.PropertyID = theProp.PropertyID;

                //get a list of nights they have booked

                List <DateTime> BookingNIGHTS = GetListOfNIGHTSForThisBooking();

                foreach (var night in BookingNIGHTS)
                    BookingDateRangeAndPriceCalculator calculator = new BookingDateRangeAndPriceCalculator(night, this.PropertyID);
                    theCalculatedBookingPrice += calculator.ReturnPriceForDateOfBooking();

                this.BookingPrice = decimal.Round((decimal)theCalculatedBookingPrice, 2);

                //get the nightly pricing for each night they have booked by checking against propertyPRicing

                //add them all together

                //calculate all the breakage deposits (check what is executed in the DB already via defualts)
            catch (Exception)
                //ignore,you won't have a price
        public static IEnumerable <PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstance> GetExtraTypeServicesChargeInstances()
            using (var _db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var extras = _db.PropertyTypeServices.Where(x => x.Property1OrExtraType2 == 2).ToList();
                List <PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstance> instances = _db.PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstances.ToList();

                List <PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstance> instancesToReturn = new List <PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstance>();

                foreach (var propertyTypeService in extras)
                    instancesToReturn.AddRange(instances.Where(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == propertyTypeService.PropertyTypeServicesID)
Exemple #40
        //get an individual booking by Booking Reference -- NEED TO TEST FOR EMPTY RESULT
        public static Booking GetBookingByRef(string bookingRef)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            Booking theBooking = null;

            var aBooking = (from booking in _db.Bookings
                            where booking.BookingPRCReference == bookingRef
                            select booking);

            if (aBooking != null)
                theBooking = (Booking)aBooking;

Exemple #41
        public static string GetPropertyRegionbyID(long propertyRegionID)
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

            if (propertyRegionID != 0)
                string theRegionName = _db.PropertyRegions


                return("No region found");
        //return linklist of types
        public static LinkedList <PropertyVacationType> GetPropertyVacationTypes()
            PortugalVillasContext             _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            LinkedList <PropertyVacationType> vacationTypeList = new LinkedList <PropertyVacationType>();

            var vType = (from vacType in _db.PropertyVacationTypes
                         orderby vacType.PropertyVacationTypeID descending
                         select vacType);

            foreach (var propertyVacationType in vType)
                //add the latest key to the earliest element so every time you add a new one, it becomes the earliest,
                //ending up with the first being the first

Exemple #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all Bookings / Extras and Sums Their Prices
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public decimal CalculateTotalBookingPrice()
                PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
                decimal?runningTotal      = 0.00M;

                runningTotal += _db.Bookings.Where(x => x.BookingParentContainerID.Equals(this.BookingParentContainerID)).Sum(x => x.BookingPrice);

                runningTotal += _db.BookingExtraSelections.Where(x => x.BookingParentContainerID.Equals(this.BookingParentContainerID)).Sum(x => x.BESPrice);

                this.TotalBookingContainerPrice = runningTotal;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("There has been an exception in CalculateTotalBookingPrice");
Exemple #44
        public static List <DateTime?> GetLastDayOfAllFutureConfirmedBookings(long propertyID)
            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var dates =
                    .Where(x => x.Confirmed == true)
                    .Where(x => x.Cancelled == false)
                    .Where(x => x.PropertyID == propertyID)

                var lastdayeachBooking = new List <DateTime?>();
                foreach (var date in dates)

Exemple #45
        public static List <Comment> GetRandomTopRatedComments()
                PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();

                List <Comment> theCommentsList = new List <Comment>();

                return(theCommentsList = _db.Comments.Where(x => x.StarRating > 2)
                                         .Where(x => x.Approved == true).Take(10)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            throw new Exception();
        ////Static Methods for binding to Dropdown/other list types

        //get pool types

        public static List <string> GetSwimmingPoolTypes()
            PortugalVillasContext _db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            List <string>         swimmingPoolTypeList = new List <string>();

            var poolList = (from props in _db.Properties
                            where props.SwimmingPoolType != null && props.SwimmingPoolType != ""
                            select props.SwimmingPoolType).Distinct();

            foreach (var poolType in poolList)
                if (poolType != null && poolType != "")
                    swimmingPoolTypeList.Add("NULL was returned from GetSwimmingPoolTypes()");

Exemple #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns Price To This Booking Extra Selection
        /// Check how many days for each booking (make sure the rental is done by days and not nights)
        /// Check which season each day falls under (e.g. the price)
        /// Divide that price by the requite amount and add that amount to the running total
        /// </summary>
        public static decimal GetBookingExtraPrice(BookingExtraSelection bes, PortugalVillasContext _db)
            decimal BESPrice = 0.00M; //reset any existing price

            var thisBookingExtraType   = BookingExtraSelection.GetBookingExtrasFromBookingExtraSelection(bes);
            var thisBookingExtraTypeID = thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraTypeID;

                //need to know what type it is - car rental prices by the day, rest have flat fee
                if (thisBookingExtraTypeID == 1)
                    /*Low season Nov - Mar
                     * Mid season Apr, May and Oct
                     * High Season June and Sept
                     * Peak season July and August

                    decimal runningTotal = 0.00M;

                    List <DateTime> DatesToCalulcuatePriceFor = new List <DateTime>();

                    DateTime CurrentDate = (DateTime)bes.ExtraRentalDate;

                    //we don't add the last day, because it needs to be returned on that day (they don't get charged)

                    while (CurrentDate < bes.ExtraReturnDate)
                        CurrentDate = CurrentDate.AddDays(1);

                    foreach (var day in DatesToCalulcuatePriceFor)
                        int monthThatTheRentalIsIn = ((DateTime)day).Month;

                        //check where the start date is - that's the season it's in
                        string SeasonOfRental = bes.GetRentalSeasonFromMonth(monthThatTheRentalIsIn);

                        switch (SeasonOfRental)
                        case "LowSeason":
                            bes.BESPrice = thisBookingExtraType.LowSeasonPrice;

                        case "MidSeason":
                            bes.BESPrice = thisBookingExtraType.MidSeasonPrice;

                        case "HighSeason":
                            bes.BESPrice = thisBookingExtraType.HighSeasonPrice;

                        case "PeakSeason":
                            bes.BESPrice = thisBookingExtraType.PeakSeasonPrice;

                            bes.BESPrice = 0.00M;

                        //now get the price per day
                        runningTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(bes.BESPrice / 7);

                    //all done, assign and exit
                    return(Decimal.Round(runningTotal, 2));

                //airport = nothing to do, fixed price

                //end airport

                //wine tours and tours - price is per person and depends on how many people are going
                else if (((new[] { 2, 4 }).Contains(Convert.ToInt32(thisBookingExtraTypeID))))
                    int monthThatTheRentalIsIn = ((DateTime)bes.ExtraRentalDate).Month;

                    //check where the start date is - that's the season it's in
                    string SeasonOfRental = bes.GetRentalSeasonFromMonth(monthThatTheRentalIsIn);

                    var noOfPeopleOnThisTour = (bes.NumberOfAdults + bes.NumberOfChildren);

                    //get the list of all types for that and order correctly so lowest is first
                    List <BookingExtra> potentialPrices =
                            a => a.BookingExtraSubTypeID == thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraSubTypeID).OrderBy(d => d.MaxPersons).ToList();

                    BookingExtra theCorrectPricing = null;

                    foreach (var potentialPrice in potentialPrices)
                        //get the minimum no of people left
                        if (noOfPeopleOnThisTour <= potentialPrice.MaxPersons)
                            theCorrectPricing = potentialPrice;

                    decimal?individualPrice = 0.00M;

                    //get the correct season
                    switch (SeasonOfRental)
                    case "LowSeason":
                        individualPrice = theCorrectPricing.LowSeasonPrice;

                    case "MidSeason":
                        individualPrice = theCorrectPricing.MidSeasonPrice;

                    case "HighSeason":
                        individualPrice = theCorrectPricing.HighSeasonPrice;

                    case "PeakSeason":
                        individualPrice = theCorrectPricing.PeakSeasonPrice;

                        individualPrice = 0.00M;

                    // multiply number of people by price and we have a final price - for tours and wine tours

                    decimal?totalPriceToReturn = 0.00M;

                    if (thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 2 || thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 4)
                        totalPriceToReturn += noOfPeopleOnThisTour * individualPrice;
                    if (thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 3)
                        totalPriceToReturn += individualPrice;

                    return(Decimal.Round((decimal)totalPriceToReturn, 2));

                    //else return the group price (for airport transfers) - do nothing

                //airport transfers
                else if (((new[] { 3 }).Contains(Convert.ToInt32(thisBookingExtraTypeID))))
                    int monthThatTheRentalIsIn = ((DateTime)bes.ExtraRentalDate).Month;

                    //check where the start date is - that's the season it's in
                    string SeasonOfRental = bes.GetRentalSeasonFromMonth(monthThatTheRentalIsIn);

                    var noOfPeopleOnThisTour = (bes.NumberOfAdults + bes.NumberOfChildren);

                    //get the list of all types for that and order correctly so lowest is first
                    List <BookingExtra> potentialPrices =
                        .Where(x => x.BookingExtraTypeID == thisBookingExtraType.BookingExtraTypeID)
                        .Where(x => x.AirportPickupLocationID == bes.AirportPickupLocationID)
                        .OrderBy(d => d.MaxPersons).ToList();

                    BookingExtra theCorrectPricing = null;

                    foreach (var potentialPrice in potentialPrices)
                        //get the minimum no of people left
                        if (noOfPeopleOnThisTour <= potentialPrice.MaxPersons)
                            theCorrectPricing = potentialPrice;

                    decimal?totalPriceToReturn = 0.00M;

                    //get the correct season
                    switch (SeasonOfRental)
                    case "LowSeason":
                        totalPriceToReturn = theCorrectPricing.LowSeasonPrice;

                    case "MidSeason":
                        totalPriceToReturn = theCorrectPricing.MidSeasonPrice;

                    case "HighSeason":
                        totalPriceToReturn = theCorrectPricing.HighSeasonPrice;

                    case "PeakSeason":
                        totalPriceToReturn = theCorrectPricing.PeakSeasonPrice;

                        totalPriceToReturn = 0.00M;

                    return(Decimal.Round((decimal)totalPriceToReturn, 2));
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't calculate a price for this BookingExtraSelection!!!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #48
        internal void CalculateExtrasPriceForAPropertyBooking(Property property, Booking booking, PortugalVillasContext db)
            var allTheServices = db.PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstances.Where(x => x.PropertyTypeID == property.PropertyTypeID).ToSafeReadOnlyCollection();

            var weeks = booking.NumberOfNights / 7;

            if (weeks == 0)
                weeks = 1;
                booking.TowelsPrice = (booking.NoOfTowelsRequested * allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(5)).ServicePriceGBP) * weeks;
            catch (Exception)
                booking.MidVactionCleaningPrice = booking.MidVactionCleaning * allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(1)).ServicePriceGBP;
            catch (Exception)
                booking.HeatingPrice = booking.HeatingNoNights * allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(3)).ServicePriceGBP;
            catch (Exception)
            //cleaning laundry post visit
                booking.CleaningPostVisitPrice = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(4)).ServicePriceGBP;
            catch (Exception)
                //swimming pool heating
                booking.SwimmingPoolHeatingPrice = booking.SwimmingPoolHeating * allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(6)).ServicePriceGBP;

            catch (Exception)
                //linen set
                booking.ExtraLininSetPrice = (booking.ExtraLininSet * allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(7)).ServicePriceGBP);

            catch (Exception)

            //add all unit prices
                booking.CleaningPostVisitUnitPrice   = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(4)).ServicePriceGBP;
                booking.ExtraLininSetUnitPrice       = (allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(7)).ServicePriceGBP);
                booking.HeatingUnitPrice             = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(3)).ServicePriceGBP;
                booking.MidVactionCleaningUnitPrice  = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(1)).ServicePriceGBP;
                booking.SwimmingPoolHeatingUnitPrice = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(6)).ServicePriceGBP;
                booking.TowelsUnitPrice   = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(5)).ServicePriceGBP;
                booking.FirewoodUnitPrice = allTheServices.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID.Equals(16)).ServicePriceGBP;
            catch (Exception)
        public static List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions> GetBookingsPaid(long AccountID, PortugalVillasContext db)
            var bookingAndTrans = ReturnAllBookingsAndTransactions(AccountID, db);

            List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions> paidTrans = new List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions>();

            foreach (var booking in bookingAndTrans)
                var sumOfTransactions = booking.transactions.Sum(x => x.TransactionAmount);

                if (sumOfTransactions >= booking.booking.RemittanceAmount)
        private static List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions> ReturnAllBookingsAndTransactions(long AccountID, PortugalVillasContext db)
            var owner = db.PropertyOwnerAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountID == AccountID).First();
            var props = db.Properties.Where(x => x.PropertyOwnerID == owner.PropertyOwnerID).ToList();

            var bookings = new List <Booking>();

            foreach (var property in props)
                bookings.AddRange(db.Bookings.Where(booking => booking.PropertyID == property.PropertyID).Include(x => x.Property).ToList());

            var transactions = db.AccountTransactions.Where(x => x.AccountID == AccountID).Where(x => x.Voided != true);

            List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions> bookingAndTrans = new List <BookingAndRelatedTransactions>();

            foreach (var booking in bookings)
                bookingAndTrans.Add(new BookingAndRelatedTransactions
                    booking      = booking,
                    transactions = transactions.Where(x => x.BookingID == booking.BookingID).ToList()

Exemple #51
        public static decimal CalculateBookingExtraAdditionalCostsAndAssignToThisBooking(BookingExtraSelection bookingExtraSelection, PortugalVillasContext _db)
            /*Extra services
             * 8 = Detours
             * 9 = Child seats
             * 10 = extra luggage
             * 12 = Car rental child seats
             * */

            var serviceChargeInstances = PropertyTypeServicesChargeInstance.GetExtraTypeServicesChargeInstances();

            decimal additionalCost = 0.00M;

            switch (bookingExtraSelection.GetBookingExtraTypeIDFromBookingExtraSelection())
            //specialist only for cars
            // it's PER DAY
            case 1:
                additionalCost +=
                    (bookingExtraSelection.NumberOfChildseats *
                     serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 12).ServicePriceGBP) * bookingExtraSelection.NumberOfDays ?? 0.00M;


            // it's EACH WAY
            case 2:
                additionalCost +=
                    (bookingExtraSelection.NumberOfChildseats *
                     serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 9).ServicePriceGBP) * 2 ?? 0.00M;

            // it's EACH WAY
            case 3:
                additionalCost +=
                    (bookingExtraSelection.NumberOfChildseats *
                     serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 9).ServicePriceGBP) * 2 ?? 0.00M;

            // it's EACH WAY
            case 4:
                additionalCost +=
                    (bookingExtraSelection.NumberOfChildseats *
                     serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 9).ServicePriceGBP) * 2 ?? 0.00M;

            //calcs across the board
            // straight billing
            additionalCost +=
                (bookingExtraSelection.Detours *
                 serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 10).ServicePriceGBP) ?? 0.00M;

            //extra luggage
            // it's EACH WAY
            additionalCost +=
                (bookingExtraSelection.PiecesOfLuggage *
                 serviceChargeInstances.First(x => x.PropertyTypeServicesID == 8).ServicePriceGBP) * 2 ?? 0.00M;

Exemple #52
 internal static decimal?GetBookingExtraTotalServicesPrice(BookingExtraSelection bookingExtraSelection, PortugalVillasContext db)
     return(bookingExtraSelection.BESPrice + bookingExtraSelection.BESExtraServicesPrice);