public HandlingHistoryTests()
            var shanghai = new BookingApi.Domain.Location.Location(UnLocodeHelpers.GetNewUnLocode(), "SHANGHAI");
            var dallas = new BookingApi.Domain.Location.Location(UnLocodeHelpers.GetNewUnLocode(), "DALLAS");
            var hongkong = new BookingApi.Domain.Location.Location(UnLocodeHelpers.GetNewUnLocode(), "HONGKONG");

            _cargo = new BookingApi.Domain.Cargo.Cargo(new TrackingId("ABC"), new RouteSpecification(shanghai, dallas, new DateTime(2009, 4, 1)));
            _voyage = new VoyageBuilder(new VoyageNumber("X25"), hongkong)
                                                                        .AddMovement(shanghai, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now)
                                                                        .AddMovement(dallas, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now)

            _handlingEvent1 = new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Load, shanghai, new DateTime(100), new DateTime(2009, 3, 5), _cargo, _voyage);
            _handlingEvent1Duplicate = new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Load, shanghai, new DateTime(200), new DateTime(2009, 3, 5), _cargo, _voyage);
            _handlingEvent2 = new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Unload, dallas, new DateTime(150), new DateTime(2009, 3, 10), _cargo, _voyage);

            _handlingHistory = new HandlingHistory(new List<HandlingEvent> {_handlingEvent2, _handlingEvent1, _handlingEvent1Duplicate});
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new delivery snapshot based on the complete handling history of a cargo, as well 
		/// as its route specification and itinerary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="specification">Current route specification.</param>
		/// <param name="itinerary">Current itinerary.</param>
		/// <param name="handlingHistory">Delivery history.</param>
		/// <returns>Delivery status description.</returns>
		public static Delivery DerivedFrom(RouteSpecification specification, Itinerary itinerary, HandlingHistory handlingHistory)
			if (specification == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("specification", "Route specification is required");
			if (handlingHistory == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("handlingHistory", "Handling history is required");

			var lastHandlingEvent = handlingHistory.MostRecentlyCompletedEvent;
			return new Delivery(lastHandlingEvent, itinerary, specification);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates delivery progress information according to handling history.
        /// Updates all aspects of the cargo aggregate status
        /// based on the current route specification, itinerary and handling of the cargo.
        /// <p/>
        /// When either of those three changes, i.e. when a new route is specified for the cargo,
        /// the cargo is assigned to a route or when the cargo is handled, the status must be
        /// re-calculated.
        /// <p/>
        /// <see cref="RouteSpecification" /> and <see cref="Itinerary" /> are both inside the Cargo
        /// aggregate, so changes to them cause the status to be updated <b>synchronously</b>,
        /// but changes to the delivery history (when a cargo is handled) cause the status update
        /// to happen <b>asynchronously</b> since <see cref="HandlingEvent" /> is in a different aggregate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handlingHistory">Handling history.</param>
        public virtual void DeriveDeliveryProgress(HandlingHistory handlingHistory)
            // Delivery is a value object, so we can simply discard the old one
            // and replace it with a new

            Delivery = Delivery.DerivedFrom(RouteSpecification, Itinerary, handlingHistory);

            if (Delivery.IsMisdirected)
                DomainEvents.Raise(new CargoWasMisdirectedEvent(this));
            else if (Delivery.IsUnloadedAtDestination)
                DomainEvents.Raise(new CargoHasArrivedEvent(this));
        public void should_set_received_location_as_last_known_location()
            var cargo = new BookingApi.Domain.Cargo.Cargo(new TrackingId("XYZ"), new RouteSpecification(_stockholm, _melbourne, DateTime.Now));

            var handlingHistory = new HandlingHistory(new List<HandlingEvent>
                                                      		new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Receive, _stockholm, DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2007, 12, 1), cargo)

            Assert.Equal(_stockholm, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation);
        public void should_set_off_location_as_last_known_location()
            var cargo = new BookingApi.Domain.Cargo.Cargo(new TrackingId("XYZ"), new RouteSpecification(_stockholm, _melbourne, DateTime.Now));

            var handlingHistory = new HandlingHistory(new List<HandlingEvent>
                                                      		new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Load, _stockholm, DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2007, 12, 1), cargo, _voyage),
                                                            new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Unload, _hambourg, DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2007, 12, 2), cargo, _voyage),
                                                            new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Load, _hambourg, DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2007, 12, 3), cargo, _voyage),
                                                            new HandlingEvent(HandlingEventType.Unload, _hongkong, DateTime.Now, new DateTime(2007, 12, 4), cargo, _voyage)


            Assert.Equal(_hongkong, cargo.Delivery.LastKnownLocation);