public void TestMethod8() { string bookISBN = "21435362"; string bookTitle = "Bryce's Book"; double bookPrice = 25.99; int bookQuantity = 1; string description = "Bryce's Book"; orderItem = new OrderItem(bookISBN, bookTitle, bookPrice, bookQuantity, description); // Method that is invoked by clicking the 'Add Book' button. bookOrder.AddItem(orderItem); bool expectedReturnWithBook = true; bool actualReturnWithBook = bookOrder.HasItem(orderItem); // Method that is invoked by clicking the 'Remove Book' button. bookOrder.RemoveItem(orderItem.BookID); bool expectedReturnWithoutBook = false; bool actualReturnWithoutBook = bookOrder.HasItem(orderItem); Assert.AreEqual(expectedReturnWithBook, actualReturnWithBook); Assert.AreEqual(expectedReturnWithoutBook, actualReturnWithoutBook); }
[TestMethod]//Add the book to order from available book window and check if the number of book in order equal to our expected value public void TestAddToOrder1() { uid = 9; String order_isbn = "161729134"; String order_title = "NULLC## in Depth"; double order_unitPrice = 41.22; int quantity = 2; int expectedCount = 1; bookOrder = new BookOrder(); bookOrder.AddItem(new OrderItem(order_isbn, order_title, order_unitPrice, quantity)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, bookOrder.OrderItemList.Count); }