/// <summary>
        /// Load animation from config asset, based on animation identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identifier">Animation identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="config">Config asset to load from.</param>
        /// <remarks>Config must contain a section called 'anim_xxx', where xxx is this animation's unique identifier.
        /// Under this section, we should have the following keys:
        ///     - repeats = true / false - does this animation loops, or remain stuck on last step after done?
        ///     - steps_count = how many steps we have in this animation.
        ///     - setp_x_duration[x is step index] = duration, in seconds, of this animation step.
        ///     - setp_x_source[x is step index] = index in spritesheet file, format is: "x,y".
        /// For more info, check out demo_spritesheet.ini in test assets folder.</remarks>
        public SpriteAnimation(string identifier, ConfigAsset config)
            // set identifier
            Identifier = identifier;

            // get general stuff
            string section = "anim_" + identifier;

            Repeats = config.GetBool(section, "repeats");
            int steps = config.GetInt(section, "steps_count", -1);

            // sanity
            if (steps < 0)
                throw new Exception($"Missing animation {identifier} section in config file, or missing 'steps_count' key!");

            // load all steps
            for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
                string prefix   = "step_" + i.ToString();
                float  duration = config.GetFloat(section, prefix + "_duration");
                PointI index    = PointI.FromString(config.GetStr(section, prefix + "_source"));
                AddStep(new SpriteAnimationStep()
                    Duration = duration, Index = index
        /// <summary>
        /// Load spritesheet properties from config asset.
        /// Note: this will replace all existing settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Config file to load from.</param>
        /// <remarks>Config must contain the following section:
        /// [general]
        ///     - sprites_count = how many sprites there are in this spritesheet, format is: "x,y".
        ///     - animations = list of comma-separated animations found in this spritesheet config.
        ///                     for every animation listed here, you need to also include a section with animation data.
        ///                     check out 'SpriteAnimation' constructor for more info.
        /// [bookmarks]
        ///     - optional, contains a list of values where every key is a bookmark identifier and value is sprite index "x,y".
        ///         later, you can use this to set sprites from spritesheet by names. for example: sheet.SetSprite(sprite, "item_sword");
        /// For more info, check out demo_spritesheet.ini in test assets folder.
        /// </remarks>
        public void LoadFromConfig(ConfigAsset config)
            // load general settings
            SpritesCount = PointI.FromString(config.GetStr("general", "sprites_count", "0,0"));

            // load bookmarks
            var bookmarks = config.Keys("bookmarks");

            foreach (var book in bookmarks)
                var value = PointI.FromString(config.GetStr("bookmarks", book, "0,0"));
                _bookmarks.Add(book, value);

            // load animations
            var animations = config.GetStr("general", "animations", "").Split(',');

            foreach (var anim in animations)
                var animationName   = anim.Trim();
                var spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation(animationName, config);
                _animations.Add(animationName, spriteAnimation);