public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); BokuGame.Unload(renderObj); BokuGame.Unload(openingSharingRoomMessage); BokuGame.Unload(openingInviteGuideMessage); }
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); BokuGame.Unload(noCommunityMessage); BokuGame.Unload(noSharingMessage); BokuGame.Unload(newWorldDialog); } // end of MainMenu UnloadContent()
public void UnloadContent() { // Always deactivate help and the pie menu on device reset. Deactivate(); InGame.inGame.editObjectUpdateObj.CancelNewItemSelector(InGame.inGame.editObjectUpdateObj.newItemSelector); BokuGame.Unload(shared); BokuGame.Unload(renderObj); } // end of AddItemHelpCard UnloadContent()
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Release(ref blackHighlight); BokuGame.Release(ref whiteBottom); BokuGame.Release(ref whiteTop); BokuGame.Release(ref whiteTile); BokuGame.Unload(textLineEditor); } // end of UnloadContent()
} // end of TexturePicker LoadGraphicsContent() public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(backPlate); BokuGame.Unload(selectionPlate); BokuGame.Unload(grid0); BokuGame.Unload(grid1); BokuGame.Unload(grid2); BokuGame.Unload(grid3); } // end of TexturePicker UnloadGraphicsContent()
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Release(ref backgroundTexture); //BokuGame.Release(ref jplTexture); BokuGame.Release(ref blueArrowTexture); BokuGame.Unload(boku); BokuGame.Unload(menu); BokuGame.Unload(optionsMenu); BokuGame.Unload(liveFeed); } // end of MainMenu Shared UnloadContent()
} // end of LoadLevelMenu Shared LoadGraphicsContent() public void UnloadGraphicsContent() { BokuGame.Unload(missionsGrid); BokuGame.Unload(myWorldsGrid); BokuGame.Unload(starterWorldsGrid); BokuGame.Unload(downloadsGrid); BokuGame.Unload(missionsTab); BokuGame.Unload(myWorldsTab); BokuGame.Unload(starterWorldsTab); BokuGame.Unload(downloadsTab); BokuGame.Release(ref backgroundTexture); BokuGame.Unload(bottomBar); } // end of LoadLevelMenu Shared UnloadGraphicsContent()
} // end of InitDeviceResources() public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Release(ref effect); BokuGame.Unload(glassTile); glassTile = null; BokuGame.Unload(descTile); descTile = null; BokuGame.Unload(examplesTile); examplesTile = null; BokuGame.Release(ref rightStickTexture); BokuGame.Release(ref leftStickTexture); BokuGame.Release(ref glassTileHighlight); BokuGame.Release(ref whiteHighlight); BokuGame.Release(ref blackHighlight); BokuGame.Release(ref normalMap); } // end of AddItemHelpCard RenderObj UnloadContent()
} // end of AddUISelector() public void ActivateNewItemSelector(bool ignorePaths) { // Do we need to update things to relfect a change in whether or not we're ignoreing paths? if (newItemSelectorShim.IgnorePaths != ignorePaths) { BokuGame.Unload(newItemSelectorShim); newItemSelectorShim = new UIShim(AddUISelector, out newItemSelector, ignorePaths); BokuGame.Load(newItemSelectorShim); newItemSelectorShim.InitDeviceResources(BokuGame.bokuGame.GraphicsDevice); } Foley.PlayProgrammingMoveOut(); // Restore the default item color to white. shared.curObjectColor = ColorPalette.GetIndexFromColor(Classification.Colors.White); newItemSelectorShim.Activate(); newItemSelector.IndexDefaultItem = -1; } // end of EditObjectUpdateObj ActivateNewItemSelector()
internal void RefreshGrid() { Point currSelection = grid.SelectionIndex; GetSortedGridElements(refreshGrid_scratch); for (int i = 0; i < grid.ActualDimensions.Y; ++i) { UIGridShareHubElement elem = grid.Get(0, i) as UIGridShareHubElement; elem.Selected = false; if (!refreshGrid_scratch.Contains(elem)) { BokuGame.Unload(elem); } } grid.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < refreshGrid_scratch.Count; ++i) { grid.Add(refreshGrid_scratch[i], 0, grid.ActualDimensions.Y); BokuGame.Load(refreshGrid_scratch[i]); } grid.Dirty = true; // Try to preserve selection index. // We might want to try to relocate the selected element if it moved instead. if (grid.ActualDimensions.Y > currSelection.Y) { grid.SelectionIndex = new Point(0, currSelection.Y); } else if (grid.ActualDimensions.Y > 0) { grid.SelectionIndex = new Point(0, grid.ActualDimensions.Y - 1); } Matrix parentMatrix = Matrix.Identity; grid.Update(ref parentMatrix); }
internal void Deactivate() { LiveManager.FriendUpdatesEnabled = false; LiveManager.JoinableUpdatesEnabled = false; if (LiveManager.IsConnected) { LiveManager.Session.GamerJoined -= Session_GamerJoined; LiveManager.Session.GamerLeft -= Session_GamerLeft; } LiveManager.ClearQueuedOperations(null); grid.Active = false; // We rebuild the grid each time the share hub is activated, to reflect the dynamic nature of the friend list. BokuGame.Unload(grid); grid.Clear(); elements.Clear(); }
override public void Activate() { if (state != States.Active) { // Do stack handling here. If we do it in the update object we have no // clue which order things get pushed and popped and madness ensues. CommandStack.Push(commandMap); // Recreate the MyWorlds and Downloads menus since we may have added new files to them. UIGridWorldTile.SharedRenderTarget.ResetAll(); BokuGame.Unload(shared.myWorldsGrid); BokuGame.Unload(shared.downloadsGrid); shared.myWorldsGrid = shared.CreateGrid(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Xml\Levels" + @"\" + myWorldsPath, @"*.Xml"); if (shared.myWorldsGrid != null) { // Sort and set top item as initial selection. LevelSort.SortGrid(shared.myWorldsGrid, LevelSort.SortBy.Date); shared.myWorldsGrid.SelectionIndex = new Point(0, 0); } shared.downloadsGrid = shared.CreateGrid(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Xml\Levels" + @"\" + downloadsPath, @"*.Xml"); if (shared.downloadsGrid != null) { // Sort and set top item as initial selection. LevelSort.SortGrid(shared.downloadsGrid, LevelSort.SortBy.Date); shared.downloadsGrid.SelectionIndex = new Point(0, 0); } BokuGame.Load(shared.myWorldsGrid); BokuGame.Load(shared.downloadsGrid); pendingState = States.Active; BokuGame.objectListDirty = true; } }
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); BokuGame.Unload(renderObj); } // end of VideoOutput UnloadContent()
} // end of InitDeviceResources() public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(examplesGrid); } // end of AddItemHelpCard Shared UnloadContent()
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(grid); }
public override void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(newItemSelector); BokuGame.Unload(newItemSelectorShim); }
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); BokuGame.Unload(renderObj); } // end of TextEditor UnloadContent()
public override void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(renderObj); } // end of Cursor3D UnloadContent()
} // end of LoadLevelMenu LoadGraphicsContent() public void UnloadGraphicsContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); } // end of LoadLevelMenu UnloadGraphicsContent()
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared.backdrop); } // end of MessageBox UnloadContent()
public virtual void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Release(ref reticuleTexture); BokuGame.Unload(grid); } // end of BasePicker UnloadContent()
public void UnloadContent() { BokuGame.Unload(shared); } // end of HelpScreens UnloadContent()