Exemple #1
 // if this position is outside sphere, push it back in by one diameter
 public Vec3 SphericalWraparound(Vec3 center, float radius)
     Vec3 offset = this - center;
     float r = offset.Length();
     if (r > radius)
         return this + ((offset / r) * radius * -2);
         return this;
Exemple #2
 public Vec3(Vec3 other)
     X = other.X;
     Y = other.Y;
     Z = other.Z;
Exemple #3
 // utility member functions used in OpenSteer
 // return component of vector parallel to a unit basis vector
 // IMPORTANT NOTE: assumes "basis" has unit magnitude (length == 1)
 public Vec3 ParallelComponent(Vec3 unitBasis)
     float projection = Dot(unitBasis);
     return unitBasis * projection;
Exemple #4
 // return component of vector perpendicular to a unit basis vector
 // IMPORTANT NOTE: assumes "basis" has unit magnitude(length==1)
 public Vec3 PerpendicularComponent(Vec3 unitBasis)
     return (this) - ParallelComponent(unitBasis);
Exemple #5
 // cross product (modify "this" to be A x B)
 // [XXX  side effecting -- deprecate this function?  XXX]
 //FIXME: make this a static returning the Cross product
 public void Cross(Vec3 vector1, Vec3 vector2)
     this = new Vec3((vector1.Y * vector2.Z) - (vector1.Z * vector2.Y), (vector1.Z * vector2.X) - (vector1.X * vector2.Z), (vector1.X * vector2.Y) - (vector1.Y * vector2.X));
Exemple #6
 // dot product
 public float Dot(Vec3 vector2)
     return (X * vector2.X) + (Y * vector2.Y) + (Z * vector2.Z);
Exemple #7
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Enforce a lower bound on the angle by which a given arbitrary vector
 // diviates from a given reference direction (specified by a unit basis
 // vector).  The effect is to clip the "source" vector to be outside a cone
 // defined by the basis and an angle.
 public static Vec3 LimitMinDeviationAngle(Vec3 source, float cosineOfConeAngle, Vec3 basis)
     return LimitDeviationAngleUtility(false, // force source OUTSIDE cone
         source, cosineOfConeAngle, basis);
Exemple #8
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Returns a position randomly distributed on a disk of unit radius
        // on the XZ (Y=0) plane, centered at the origin.  Orientation will be
        // random and length will range between 0 and 1
        public static Vec3 RandomVectorOnUnitRadiusXZDisk()
            Vec3 v = new Vec3();
                v.Set((Utilities.Random() * 2) - 1, 0, (Utilities.Random() * 2) - 1);
            while (v.Length() >= 1);

            return v;
Exemple #9
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Enforce an upper bound on the angle by which a given arbitrary vector
 // diviates from a given reference direction (specified by a unit basis
 // vector).  The effect is to clip the "source" vector to be inside a cone
 // defined by the basis and an angle.
 public static Vec3 LimitMaxDeviationAngle(Vec3 source, float cosineOfConeAngle, Vec3 basis)
     return LimitDeviationAngleUtility(true, // force source INSIDE cone
         source, cosineOfConeAngle, basis);
Exemple #10
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // used by limitMaxDeviationAngle / limitMinDeviationAngle below
        public static Vec3 LimitDeviationAngleUtility(bool insideOrOutside, Vec3 source, float cosineOfConeAngle, Vec3 basis)
            // immediately return zero length input vectors
            float sourceLength = source.Length();
            if (sourceLength == 0) return source;

            // measure the angular diviation of "source" from "basis"
            Vec3 direction = source / sourceLength;
            float cosineOfSourceAngle = direction.Dot(basis);

            // Simply return "source" if it already meets the angle criteria.
            // (note: we hope this top "if" gets compiled out since the flag
            // is a constant when the function is inlined into its caller)
            if (insideOrOutside)
                // source vector is already inside the cone, just return it
                if (cosineOfSourceAngle >= cosineOfConeAngle) return source;
                // source vector is already outside the cone, just return it
                if (cosineOfSourceAngle <= cosineOfConeAngle) return source;

            // find the portion of "source" that is perpendicular to "basis"
            Vec3 perp = source.PerpendicularComponent(basis);

            // normalize that perpendicular
            Vec3 unitPerp = perp.Normalize();

            // construct a new vector whose length equals the source vector,
            // and lies on the intersection of a plane (formed the source and
            // basis vectors) and a cone (whose axis is "basis" and whose
            // angle corresponds to cosineOfConeAngle)
            float perpDist = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - (cosineOfConeAngle * cosineOfConeAngle));
            Vec3 c0 = basis * cosineOfConeAngle;
            Vec3 c1 = unitPerp * perpDist;
            return (c0 + c1) * sourceLength;
Exemple #11
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // given a vector, return a vector perpendicular to it (note that this
        // arbitrarily selects one of the infinitude of perpendicular vectors)
        public static Vec3 FindPerpendicularIn3d(Vec3 direction)
            // to be filled in:
            Vec3 quasiPerp;  // a direction which is "almost perpendicular"
            Vec3 result = new Vec3();     // the computed perpendicular to be returned

            // three mutually perpendicular basis vectors
            Vec3 i = new Vec3(1, 0, 0);
            Vec3 j = new Vec3(0, 1, 0);
            Vec3 k = new Vec3(0, 0, 1);

            // measure the projection of "direction" onto each of the axes
            float id = i.Dot(direction);
            float jd = j.Dot(direction);
            float kd = k.Dot(direction);

            // set quasiPerp to the basis which is least parallel to "direction"
            if ((id <= jd) && (id <= kd))
                quasiPerp = i;               // projection onto i was the smallest
                if ((jd <= id) && (jd <= kd))
                    quasiPerp = j;           // projection onto j was the smallest
                    quasiPerp = k;           // projection onto k was the smallest

            // return the cross product (direction x quasiPerp)
            // which is guaranteed to be perpendicular to both of them
            result.Cross(direction, quasiPerp);
            return result;
Exemple #12
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Returns the distance between a point and a line.  The line is defined in
 // terms of a point on the line ("lineOrigin") and a UNIT vector parallel to
 // the line ("lineUnitTangent")
 public static float DistanceFromLine(Vec3 point, Vec3 lineOrigin, Vec3 lineUnitTangent)
     Vec3 offset = point - lineOrigin;
     Vec3 perp = offset.PerpendicularComponent(lineUnitTangent);
     return perp.Length();
Exemple #13
 public static float Distance(Vec3 vector1, Vec3 vector2)
     return (vector1 - vector2).Length();