Inheritance: BSkyCommandBase
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();
                //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed
                FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService service = container.Resolve<IDataService>();
            IUIController controller = container.Resolve<IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012
            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();
            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve<Window1>();
            bool? output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)

                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument());// #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;//21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();
                //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed
                FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
        private void ExecuteBSkyRemoveRefreshDataframe(string stmt)//20Feb2014
            int start = stmt.IndexOf('(');
            int end = stmt.IndexOf(')');

            string dataframename = stmt.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1);
            FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();
Exemple #5
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            if (controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed)
                NewDatasetProcessor procDS = new NewDatasetProcessor();
                bool isProcessed           = procDS.ProcessNewDataset("", true);
                if (isProcessed)//true:empty rows cols removed successfully. False: whole dataset was empty and nothing was removed.
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("The dataset is empty. Please populate the dataset and save the file.", "Empty Dataset", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                //If the filename provided by user matches to any of the dataset's disk filename, currently open
                // in the grid then we must not let user overwrite
                // and inform him/her to first close the dataset whose filename matches and then try Save-As again.
                //Only thing that may confuse users is, in the first Microsoft-SaveAs dialog they already decided
                //to overwrite an existing file (which happens to be loaded in the grid also) but we prompt them
                //again telling that the file is open in the grid and skip the SaveAs operation with message.
                List <string> dsfnames = controller.GetAllOpenDatasetsInGrid();
                if (dsfnames.Contains(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    string fullpathfilename = saveasFileDialog.FileName;
                    string filenameonly     = Path.GetFileName(saveasFileDialog.FileName);
                    //The filenameonly dataset (fullpathfilename) is already open in the datagrid. Close the dataset first and then try Save-As again.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.The + " \'" + filenameonly + "\' " +
                                    BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Dtaset +
                                    " (" + fullpathfilename + ") " +
                                    MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);

                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                                             "|R Object (*.RData)|*.RData";//"Excel 2003 (*.xls)|*.xls " +

        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$"+controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension.ToLower();
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;
            string filter    = null;

            switch (extension)
            case "csv": filter = "Comma Seperated (*.csv)|*.csv"; break;

            case "xls": filter = "Excel 2003 (*.xls)|*.xls"; break;

            case "xlsx": filter = "Excel 2007-2010 (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; break;

            case "dbf": filter = "DBF (*.dbf)|*.dbf"; break;

            case "rdata": filter = "R Object (*.RData)|*.RData"; break;

            default: filter = "All Files(*.*)|*.*"; break;

            if (extension.Equals("sav") || extension.Trim().Length == 0)//show save-as dialog if current loaded file is SPSS file or memory dataframe(RData file)
                SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
                Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
                bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
                if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                    service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                    if (saveasFileDialog.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("sav"))                   //12Feb2018 we dont want to open SaveAs-ed SAV files.
                        MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsSucces + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.Saved, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                    else if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                        //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                        FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                        //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                        FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                        fo.FileOpen(saveasFileDialog.FileName, true);
                        MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
            else if (extension.Equals("xls"))//we are using write.xlsx() from openxlsx package so we can save to XLSX format only and not to XLS.
                MessageBoxResult mbr = MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.CantSaveAsExcel,
                                                       BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveToOtherFormat, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                if (mbr == MessageBoxResult.OK)
                    SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                    saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
                    Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
                    bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);
                    if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                        service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                        controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                            //Close current Dataset on which Save As was run
                            FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                            //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                            FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                            MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);
                service.SaveAs(filename, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;           //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving
            BSkyMouseBusyHandler.HideMouseBusy();                         //HideProgressbar_old();
Exemple #7
        protected override void OnExecute(object param)
            IUnityContainer container  = LifetimeService.Instance.Container;
            IDataService    service    = container.Resolve <IDataService>();
            IUIController   controller = container.Resolve <IUIController>();

            if (controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed)
                NewDatasetProcessor procDS = new NewDatasetProcessor();
                bool isProcessed           = procDS.ProcessNewDataset("", true);
                if (isProcessed)//true:empty rows cols removed successfully. False: whole dataset was empty and nothing was removed.
                    controller.GetActiveDocument().isUnprocessed = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("The dataset is empty. Please populate the dataset and save the file.", "Empty Dataset", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            //Get current filetype from loaded dataset. This is file extension and Filter
            DataSource actds = controller.GetActiveDocument();//06Nov2012

            if (actds == null)
            string datasetName = "" + actds.Name;//uadatasets$lst$
            //string datasetName = "uadatasets$lst$" + controller.GetActiveDocument().Name;
            //Also try to get the filename of currently loaded file. This is FileName.
            string extension = controller.GetActiveDocument().Extension;
            string filename  = controller.GetActiveDocument().FileName;

            SaveFileDialog saveasFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveasFileDialog.Filter = FileNameFilter;
            //CheckBox cbox = new CheckBox();

            //saveasFileDialog.FileName = filename;//////
            Window1 appwin = LifetimeService.Instance.Container.Resolve <Window1>();
            bool?   output = saveasFileDialog.ShowDialog(appwin);//Application.Current.MainWindow);

            if (output.HasValue && output.Value)
                service.SaveAs(saveasFileDialog.FileName, controller.GetActiveDocument()); // #0
                controller.GetActiveDocument().Changed = false;                            //21Mar2014 during close it should not prompt again for saving

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveasFileDialog.FileName))
                    //Close current Dataset on whic Save As was run
                    FileCloseCommand fcc = new FileCloseCommand();

                    //Open Dataset that was SaveAs-ed.
                    FileOpenCommand fo = new FileOpenCommand();
                    MessageBox.Show(BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.SaveAsFailed + saveasFileDialog.FileName, BSky.GlobalResources.Properties.Resources.InternalError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk);