protected void Awake() { Debug.Log("Container awake", this); BloxGlobal.Create(this.bloxGlobalPrefab); this.customEvents = new Dictionary <string, List <BloxEvent> >(); this.bloxVarCache = new Dictionary <string, BloxVariables>(); Debug.Log("生成事件和变量缓存"); for (int i = 0; i < this.bloxVars.Count; i++) { Debug.Log("添加变量缓存" + this.bloxVars[i].bloxIdent + " 值 " + this.bloxVars[i]); this.bloxVarCache.Add(this.bloxVars[i].bloxIdent, this.bloxVars[i]); this.CheckVariables(this.bloxVars[i], BloxGlobal.Instance.FindBloxDef(this.bloxIdents[i])); this.bloxVars[i].BuildCache(); } for (int j = 0; j < this.bloxIdents.Count; j++) { Blox blox = BloxGlobal.Instance.FindBloxDef(this.bloxIdents[j]); if (!((UnityEngine.Object)blox == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { if (!this.bloxVarCache.ContainsKey(this.bloxIdents[j])) { BloxVariables bloxVariables = new BloxVariables(); bloxVariables.bloxIdent = this.bloxIdents[j]; this.bloxVars.Add(bloxVariables); this.bloxVarCache.Add(bloxVariables.bloxIdent, bloxVariables); this.CheckVariables(bloxVariables, blox); bloxVariables.BuildCache(); } this.AttachComponents(blox); } } }
public void CopyTo(Blox def) { def.scriptDirty = true; def.variables = this.variables.Copy(); = new BloxEvent[]; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i] =[i].Copy(); } }
public Blox FindBloxDef(string ident) { Blox result = null; if (BloxGlobal.bloxDefCache.TryGetValue(ident, out result)) { return(result); } return(null); }
public string FindBloxIdentByName(string bloxName) { Blox blox = this.FindBloxDefByName(bloxName); if ((object)blox == null) { return(null); } return(blox.ident); }
private void AttachComponents(Blox b) { if (b.scriptDirty || b.scriptType == null) { this.AttachEventHandlers(b); } else { base.gameObject.AddComponent(b.scriptType); } }
private void CheckVariables(BloxVariables v, Blox b) { Debug.Log("CheckVariables " + " BloxVariables: " + v + "Blox: " + b); if (v != null && !((UnityEngine.Object)b == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { if (v.varDefs.Count > 0) { for (int num = v.varDefs.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { plyVar plyVar = v.varDefs[num]; bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < b.variables.varDefs.Count; i++) { plyVar plyVar2 = b.variables.varDefs[i]; if (plyVar.ident == plyVar2.ident) { =; if (plyVar.variableType != plyVar2.variableType) { plyVar2.CopyTo(plyVar); } flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { v.varDefs.RemoveAt(num); } } } for (int j = 0; j < b.variables.varDefs.Count; j++) { plyVar plyVar3 = b.variables.varDefs[j]; bool flag2 = false; int num2 = 0; while (num2 < v.varDefs.Count) { if (plyVar3.ident != v.varDefs[num2].ident) { num2++; continue; } flag2 = true; break; } if (!flag2) { v.varDefs.Add(plyVar3.Copy()); } } } }
public BloxVariables GetBloxVariables(string bloxIdent, Blox b = null) { BloxVariables bloxVariables = null; if ((UnityEngine.Object)b == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { if (this.bloxVarCache == null) { this.BuildVarCache(); } if (this.bloxVarCache.TryGetValue(bloxIdent, out bloxVariables)) { return(bloxVariables); } Debug.LogError("This Blox Container does not contain variables for a Blox with ident: " + bloxIdent, base.gameObject); } else { if (this.bloxVars.Count > 0) { for (int num = this.bloxVars.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { if (!this.bloxIdents.Contains(this.bloxVars[num].bloxIdent)) { this.bloxVars.RemoveAt(num); } } } if (this.bloxVarCache == null) { this.bloxVarCache = new Dictionary <string, BloxVariables>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.bloxVars.Count; i++) { this.bloxVarCache.Add(this.bloxVars[i].bloxIdent, this.bloxVars[i]); } } this.bloxVarCache.TryGetValue(bloxIdent, out bloxVariables); if (bloxVariables == null) { bloxVariables = new BloxVariables(); bloxVariables.bloxIdent = bloxIdent; this.bloxVars.Add(bloxVariables); this.bloxVarCache.Add(bloxIdent, bloxVariables); } else if (!Application.isPlaying) { bloxVariables.Deserialize(false); } this._CheckVariables(bloxVariables, b); } return(bloxVariables); }
private void AttachEventHandlers(Blox b) { if (!b.bloxLoaded) { b.Deserialize(); } Common_BloxEventHandler common_BloxEventHandler = null; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i].active) {[i].Init(this); if ([i].ident.Equals("Custom")) { if (!this.customEvents.ContainsKey([i].screenName)) { this.customEvents.Add([i].screenName, new List <BloxEvent>()); } this.customEvents[[i].screenName].Add([i]); } else { Type type = BloxGlobal.FindEventHandlerType([i].ident); if (type == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a handler for: " +[i].ident, base.gameObject); } else { BloxEventHandler bloxEventHandler = (BloxEventHandler)base.gameObject.GetComponent(type); if ((UnityEngine.Object)bloxEventHandler == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { bloxEventHandler = (BloxEventHandler)base.gameObject.AddComponent(type); bloxEventHandler.container = this; if (bloxEventHandler.GetType() == typeof(Common_BloxEventHandler)) { common_BloxEventHandler = (Common_BloxEventHandler)bloxEventHandler; } } bloxEventHandler.AddEvent([i]); } } } } if ((UnityEngine.Object)common_BloxEventHandler != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { common_BloxEventHandler.Awake(); common_BloxEventHandler.OnEnable(); } }
public BloxEvent Init(BloxContainer container, Blox blox) { Debug.Log("Init", "BloxEvent", Color.yellow); if (! { return(null); } BloxEvent bloxEvent = new BloxEvent(); bloxEvent.ident = this.ident; bloxEvent.screenName = this.screenName; =; bloxEvent.yieldAllowed = this.yieldAllowed; bloxEvent.container = container; =; bloxEvent.storedBlocksIdx = this.storedBlocksIdx; bloxEvent.Deserialize(blox); = null; bloxEvent.storedBlocksIdx = null; for (BloxBlock next = bloxEvent.firstBlock; next != null; next = { next.owningEvent = bloxEvent; if ( != null) { = next; } next.Init(); if (next.selfOrChildCanYield) { if (bloxEvent.yieldAllowed) { bloxEvent.canYield = true; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("You should not use Flow Blocks related to Waiting in this Event [{0}]. The Wait Block will be ignored.", this.ident); } } } return(bloxEvent); }
protected void Awake() { BloxGlobal.Create(this.bloxGlobalPrefab); this.customEvents = new Dictionary <string, List <BloxEvent> >(); this.BuildVarCache(); for (int i = 0; i < this.bloxIdents.Count; i++) { Blox blox = BloxGlobal.Instance.FindBloxDef(this.bloxIdents[i]); if (!((UnityEngine.Object)blox == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { if (!this.bloxVarCache.ContainsKey(this.bloxIdents[i])) { BloxVariables bloxVariables = new BloxVariables(); bloxVariables.bloxIdent = this.bloxIdents[i]; this.bloxVars.Add(bloxVariables); this.bloxVarCache.Add(bloxVariables.bloxIdent, bloxVariables); this._CheckVariables(bloxVariables, blox); bloxVariables.BuildCache(); } this.AttachComponents(blox); } } }
public void Deserialize(Blox owningBlox) { this.owningBlox = owningBlox; if (this._isDirty) { this.Serialize(); } if ( != null) { this.firstBlock = null; this.unlinkedBlocks.Clear(); List <BloxBlock> list = new List <BloxBlock>(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { BloxBlock item =[i].CreateBlock(); list.Add(item); } for (int j = 0; j <; j++) { if ([j].next >= 0) { list[j].next = list[[j].next]; } if ([j].firstChild >= 0) { list[j].firstChild = list[[j].firstChild]; } if ([j].contextBlock >= 0) { list[j].contextBlock = list[[j].contextBlock]; } if ([j].paramBlocks.Length != 0) { list[j].paramBlocks = new BloxBlock[[j].paramBlocks.Length]; for (int k = 0; k <[j].paramBlocks.Length; k++) { if ([j].paramBlocks[k] >= 0) { list[j].paramBlocks[k] = list[[j].paramBlocks[k]]; } } } } if (this.storedBlocksIdx != null) { if (this.storedBlocksIdx.Count > 0 && this.storedBlocksIdx[0] >= 0) { this.firstBlock = list[this.storedBlocksIdx[0]]; } if (this.storedBlocksIdx.Count > 1) { for (int l = 1; l < this.storedBlocksIdx.Count; l++) { if (this.storedBlocksIdx[l] >= 0 && this.storedBlocksIdx[l] < list.Count) { BloxBlock bloxBlock = list[this.storedBlocksIdx[l]]; if (bloxBlock != null) { this.unlinkedBlocks.Add(bloxBlock); } } } } } if (Application.isPlaying && !Application.isEditor) { = null; this.storedBlocksIdx = null; } } }