static Right()
            // Initialize the various dictionaries to their starting state.

            var flagType = typeof(Rights);
            rightFlagValues = Enum.GetValues(flagType).Cast<Rights>().ToList().AsReadOnly();

            var adminRole = BlogEngine.Core.BlogConfig.AdministratorRole;

            var allRights = new List<Right>();

            // Create a Right instance for each value in the Rights enum.
            foreach (var flag in rightFlagValues)
                Rights curFlag = (Rights)flag;
                var flagName = Enum.GetName(flagType, curFlag); // TODO: use Enum.GetName as key for as labels for multilingual stuff, if not available fall back on Enum.GetName
                var curRight = new Right(curFlag, flagName);


                // Use the Add function so if there are multiple flags with the same
                // value they can be caught quickly at runtime.
                rightsByFlag.Add(curFlag, curRight);

                rightsByName.Add(flagName, curRight);

            allRightInstances = allRights.AsReadOnly();


            Blog.Saved += (s, e) =>
                if (e.Action == SaveAction.Delete)
                    Blog blog = s as Blog;
                    if (blog != null)
                        // remove deleted blog from static 'rightsByRole'

                        if (rightsByRole != null && rightsByRole.ContainsKey(blog.Id))

                        // remove deleted blog from _readOnlyRoles/_rolesWithRight from
                        // each of the Right instances.
                        for (int i = 0; i < allRightInstances.Count; i++)
                            if (allRightInstances[i]._readOnlyRoles.ContainsKey(blog.Id))

                            if (allRightInstances[i]._rolesWithRight.ContainsKey(blog.Id))
Exemple #2
        static Right()
            // Initialize the various dictionaries to their starting state.

            var flagType = typeof(Rights);
            rightFlagValues = Enum.GetValues(flagType).Cast<Rights>().ToList().AsReadOnly();

            var adminRole = BlogEngine.Core.BlogSettings.Instance.AdministratorRole;

            var allRights = new List<Right>();

            // Create a Right instance for each value in the Rights enum.
            foreach (var flag in rightFlagValues)
                Rights curFlag = (Rights)flag;
                var flagName = Enum.GetName(flagType, curFlag);
                var curRight = new Right(curFlag, flagName);


                // Use the Add function so if there are multiple flags with the same
                // value they can be caught quickly at runtime.
                rightsByFlag.Add(curFlag, curRight);

                rightsByName.Add(flagName, curRight);

                // This check is for autocreating the rights for the Administrator role.
                if (curFlag != Rights.None)


            allRightInstances = allRights.AsReadOnly();

            // Make sure the Administrator role exists with the Role provider.
            if (!System.Web.Security.Roles.RoleExists(BlogSettings.Instance.AdministratorRole))

                // if no one is in the admin role, and there is a user named "admin", add that user
                // to the role.
                if (System.Web.Security.Roles.GetUsersInRole(BlogSettings.Instance.AdministratorRole).Length == 0)
                    System.Web.Security.MembershipUser membershipUser = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser("Admin");
                    if (membershipUser != null)
                        System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUsersToRoles(new string[] { membershipUser.UserName }, new string[] { BlogSettings.Instance.AdministratorRole });

            // Make sure the Anonymous role exists with the Role provider.
            if (!System.Web.Security.Roles.RoleExists(BlogSettings.Instance.AnonymousRole))
                // Users shouldn't actually be in the anonymous role, since the role is specifically for people who aren't users.

            // Make sure the Editors role exists with the Role provider.
            if (!System.Web.Security.Roles.RoleExists(BlogSettings.Instance.EditorsRole))

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether or not the current user has the passed in Right.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="right"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsAuthorizedTo(Rights right)
     return(Right.HasRight(right, Security.GetCurrentUserRoles()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an IEnumerable of Rights that belong to the ecurrent user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <Right> CurrentUserRights()