public void ButtonDeleteDictionary() { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "Are you sure you want to delete the following dictionary?\n" + m_FilePath, "Confirm (No turning back!)", "Cancel")) { if (BackupDictionary()) { FileUtils.DeleteFile(m_FilePath, true); m_GeneratedDictionary = null; } else { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Could not backup dictionary, aborting deletion!"); } } }
public static bool WriteToFile(string path, string content, bool needLogs = false, bool createFile = true) { if (File.Exists(path) || createFile) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, content); if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogSuccess(null, "FileUtils.WriteToFile: successfully wrote file " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path) + "."); } return(true); } else if (createFile) { DebugUtils.LogError(null, "FileUtils.WriteToFile: File " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path) + " does not exists."); } return(false); }
//MONOBEHAVIOUR protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); if (m_DictionaryData != null) { TextAsset dictionary = m_DictionaryData.GetGeneratedDictionary(); if (dictionary != null) { m_RuntimeDictionary.LoadFromText(dictionary.text); } else { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Dictionary datas have not been generated!"); } } else { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "No dictionary data!"); } }
public static bool DeleteFolder(string path, bool recursive = true, bool needLogs = false) { bool success = true; try { Directory.Delete(path, recursive); if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogSuccess(null, "FileUtils.DeleteFolder: successfully deleted folder " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path)); } } catch { success = false; if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogError(null, "FileUtils.DeleteFolder: Could not delete folder " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path)); } } return(success); }
public static bool CreateFolder(string path, bool needLogs = false) { bool success = true; try { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogSuccess(null, "FileUtils.CreateFolder: successfully created folder " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path)); } } catch { success = false; if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogError(null, "FileUtils.CreateFolder: Could not create folder " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(path)); } } return(success); }
public static bool CopyFile(string fromPath, string toPath, bool needLogs = false) { bool success = true; try { File.Copy(fromPath, toPath); if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogSuccess(null, "FileUtils.CopyFile: Successfully copied file " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(fromPath) + " to " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(toPath)); } } catch { success = false; if (needLogs) { DebugUtils.LogError(null, "FileUtils.CopyFile: Could not copy file " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(fromPath) + " to " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(toPath)); } } return(success); }
private void GenerateDictionary(bool safeMode = true) { if (m_SupportedLanguages.Length == 0) { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "No supported languages, aborting generation!"); return; } if (HasDuplicatedLanguages(out string duplicatedLanguage)) { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Found a duplicated language ID: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(duplicatedLanguage) + " in supported languages, aborting generation!"); return; } if (HasDuplicatedStrings(out string duplicatedString)) { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Found a duplicated string ID: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(duplicatedString) + " in registered strings, aborting generation!"); return; } if (JSONUtils.TryLoadFromPath(m_FilePath, out JSONObject dictionary, true)) { //Start by parsing existing content from file if (LocalizationUtils.TryGetLocalizedEntriesFromJSONObject(dictionary, out LocalizedEntries dictionaryEntries, safeMode)) { //Adding new languages for existing strings List <string> stringIDsToRemove = new List <string>(); foreach (string stringID in dictionaryEntries.Keys) { //Remove unsupported strings if needed if (!IsStringSupported(stringID)) { if (safeMode) { DebugUtils.LogWarning(this, "Found a non supported string ID: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(stringID) + ". Please consider removing this entry."); } else { stringIDsToRemove.Add(stringID); break; } } List <string> missingLanguages = new List <string>(); foreach (LocalizedLanguage language in m_SupportedLanguages) { missingLanguages.Add(language.GetID()); } List <string> languagesToRemove = new List <string>(); foreach (string languageID in dictionaryEntries[stringID].Keys) { if (IsLanguageSupported(languageID)) { missingLanguages.Remove(languageID); } else { if (safeMode) { DebugUtils.LogWarning(this, "Found a non supported language ID: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(languageID) + " for string " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(stringID) + ". Please consider removing this entry."); } else { languagesToRemove.Add(languageID); } } } //Remove unsupported languages if needed foreach (string languageID in languagesToRemove) { dictionaryEntries[stringID].Remove(languageID); DebugUtils.Log(this, "Removed a non supported language entry: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(languageID) + " for string " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(stringID) + "."); } //Adding missing language entries foreach (string languageID in missingLanguages) { if (!dictionaryEntries[stringID].ContainsKey(languageID)) { dictionaryEntries[stringID][languageID] = ""; } } } //Remove unsupported string Ids if needed foreach (string stringID in stringIDsToRemove) { dictionaryEntries.Remove(stringID); DebugUtils.Log(this, "Removed a non supported entry: " + DebugUtils.ToQuote(stringID) + "."); } //Adding missing entries foreach (LocalizedStringData stringData in m_Strings) { if (!dictionaryEntries.ContainsKey(stringData.GetID())) { if (stringData.GetID() != "") { Dictionary <string, string> valuesByLanguage = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (LocalizedLanguage language in m_SupportedLanguages) { valuesByLanguage[language.GetID()] = ""; } dictionaryEntries[stringData.GetID()] = valuesByLanguage; } else { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Localized string \"" + + "\" has no defined ID, aborting generation!"); return; } } } //Write dictionary back to file if (BackupDictionary()) { JSONUtils.WriteToPath(m_FilePath, LocalizationUtils.GetJSONObjectFromLocalizedEntries(dictionaryEntries), true); ObjectUtils.TryCast(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(m_FilePath, typeof(TextAsset)), out m_GeneratedDictionary); } else { DebugUtils.LogError(this, "Could not backup dictionary, aborting generation!"); } }