/// <summary>
        /// Perform update logic related to the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Time elapsed since the last call to
        /// this method.</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (players.Count > 0)
                // If betting is possible
                if (((BlackjackCardGame)cardGame).State == BlackjackGameState.Betting &&
                    !((BlackjackPlayer)players[players.Count - 1]).IsDoneBetting)
                    int playerIndex = GetCurrentPlayer();

                    BlackjackPlayer player = (BlackjackPlayer)players[playerIndex];

                    // If the player is an AI player, have it bet
                    if (player is BlackjackAIPlayer)
                        int bet = ((BlackjackAIPlayer)player).AIBet();
                        if (bet == 0)
                            Bet_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                            AddChip(playerIndex, bet, false);
                        // Reveal the input buttons for a human player and handle input
                        // remember that buttons handle their own imput, so we only check
                        // for input on the chip buttons


                // Once all players are done betting, advance the game to the dealing stage
                if (((BlackjackPlayer)players[players.Count - 1]).IsDoneBetting)
                    BlackjackCardGame blackjackGame = ((BlackjackCardGame)cardGame);

                    if (!blackjackGame.CheckForRunningAnimations <AnimatedGameComponent>())
                        blackjackGame.State = BlackjackGameState.Dealing;

                        Enabled = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the balance of all players in light of their bets and the dealer's
        /// hand.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerPlayer">Player object representing the dealer.</param>
        public void CalculateBalance(BlackjackPlayer dealerPlayer)
            for (int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < players.Count; playerIndex++)
                BlackjackPlayer player = (BlackjackPlayer)players[playerIndex];

                // Calculate first factor, which represents the amount of the first
                // hand bet which returns to the player
                float factor = CalculateFactorForHand(dealerPlayer, player,

                if (player.IsSplit)
                    // Calculate the return factor for the second hand
                    float factor2 = CalculateFactorForHand(dealerPlayer, player,
                    // Calculate the initial bet performed by the player
                    float initialBet =
                        player.BetAmount /
                        ((player.Double ? 2f : 1f) + (player.SecondDouble ? 2f : 1f));

                    float bet1 = initialBet * (player.Double ? 2f : 1f);
                    float bet2 = initialBet * (player.SecondDouble ? 2f : 1f);

                    // Update the balance in light of the bets and results
                    player.Balance += bet1 * factor + bet2 * factor2;

                    if (player.IsInsurance && dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                        player.Balance += initialBet;
                    if (player.IsInsurance && dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                        player.Balance += player.BetAmount;

                    // Update the balance in light of the bets and results
                    player.Balance += player.BetAmount * factor;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a factor which determines how much of a bet a player should get
        /// back, according to the outcome of the round.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerPlayer">The player representing the dealer.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The player for whom we calculate the factor.</param>
        /// <param name="currentHand">The hand to calculate the factor for.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private float CalculateFactorForHand(BlackjackPlayer dealerPlayer,
                                             BlackjackPlayer player, HandTypes currentHand)
            float factor;

            bool blackjack, bust, considerAce;
            int  playerValue;


            // Get some player status information according to the desired hand
            switch (currentHand)
            case HandTypes.First:
                blackjack   = player.BlackJack;
                bust        = player.Bust;
                playerValue = player.FirstValue;
                considerAce = player.FirstValueConsiderAce;

            case HandTypes.Second:
                blackjack   = player.SecondBlackJack;
                bust        = player.SecondBust;
                playerValue = player.SecondValue;
                considerAce = player.SecondValueConsiderAce;

                throw new Exception(
                          "Player has an unsupported hand type.");

            if (considerAce)
                playerValue += 10;

            if (bust)
                factor = -1; // Bust
            else if (dealerPlayer.Bust)
                if (blackjack)
                    factor = 1.5f; // Win BlackJack
                    factor = 1; // Win
            else if (dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                if (blackjack)
                    factor = 0; // Push BlackJack
                    factor = -1; // Lose BlackJack
            else if (blackjack)
                factor = 1.5f;
                int dealerValue = dealerPlayer.FirstValue;

                if (dealerPlayer.FirstValueConsiderAce)
                    dealerValue += 10;

                if (playerValue > dealerValue)
                    factor = 1; // Win
                else if (playerValue < dealerValue)
                    factor = -1; // Lose
                    factor = 0; // Push
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a factor which determines how much of a bet a player should get 
        /// back, according to the outcome of the round.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerPlayer">The player representing the dealer.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The player for whom we calculate the factor.</param>
        /// <param name="currentHand">The hand to calculate the factor for.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private float CalculateFactorForHand(BlackjackPlayer dealerPlayer,
            BlackjackPlayer player, HandTypes currentHand)
            float factor;

            bool blackjack, bust, considerAce;
            int playerValue;

            // Get some player status information according to the desired hand
            switch (currentHand)
                case HandTypes.First:
                    blackjack = player.BlackJack;
                    bust = player.Bust;
                    playerValue = player.FirstValue;
                    considerAce = player.FirstValueConsiderAce;
                case HandTypes.Second:
                    blackjack = player.SecondBlackJack;
                    bust = player.SecondBust;
                    playerValue = player.SecondValue;
                    considerAce = player.SecondValueConsiderAce;
                    throw new Exception(
                        "Player has an unsupported hand type.");

            if (considerAce)
                playerValue += 10;

            if (bust)
                factor = -1; // Bust
            else if (dealerPlayer.Bust)
                if (blackjack)
                    factor = 1.5f; // Win BlackJack
                    factor = 1; // Win
            else if (dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                if (blackjack)
                    factor = 0; // Push BlackJack
                    factor = -1; // Lose BlackJack
            else if (blackjack)
                factor = 1.5f;
                int dealerValue = dealerPlayer.FirstValue;

                if (dealerPlayer.FirstValueConsiderAce)
                    dealerValue += 10;

                if (playerValue > dealerValue)
                    factor = 1; // Win
                else if (playerValue < dealerValue)
                    factor = -1; // Lose
                    factor = 0; // Push
            return factor;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the balance of all players in light of their bets and the dealer's
        /// hand.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dealerPlayer">Player object representing the dealer.</param>
        public void CalculateBalance(BlackjackPlayer dealerPlayer)
            for (int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < players.Count; playerIndex++)
                BlackjackPlayer player = (BlackjackPlayer)players[playerIndex];

                // Calculate first factor, which represents the amount of the first
                // hand bet which returns to the player
                float factor = CalculateFactorForHand(dealerPlayer, player,

                if (player.IsSplit)
                    // Calculate the return factor for the second hand
                    float factor2 = CalculateFactorForHand(dealerPlayer, player,
                    // Calculate the initial bet performed by the player
                    float initialBet =
                        player.BetAmount /
                        ((player.Double ? 2f : 1f) + (player.SecondDouble ? 2f : 1f));

                    float bet1 = initialBet * (player.Double ? 2f : 1f);
                    float bet2 = initialBet * (player.SecondDouble ? 2f : 1f);

                    // Update the balance in light of the bets and results
                    player.Balance += bet1 * factor + bet2 * factor2;

                    if (player.IsInsurance && dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                        player.Balance += initialBet;
                    if (player.IsInsurance && dealerPlayer.BlackJack)
                        player.Balance += player.BetAmount;

                    // Update the balance in light of the bets and results
                    player.Balance += player.BetAmount * factor;
