Exemple #1
        public override Stream Load(Context context)
            var doc = new XmlDocument();
            context.LogInfo("Loading file: {0}", FilePath);

            if (null != UpdateXml)
                foreach (var xpath in UpdateXml)
                    context.LogInfo("Selecting node in document, description: {0}, XPath: {1}", xpath.Description, xpath.XPath);
                    XPathNavigator xpn = doc.CreateNavigator();
                    XPathNavigator node = xpn.SelectSingleNode(xpath.XPath);

                    if (null == node)
                        context.LogError("XPath expression failed to find node");
                        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Node not found: {0}", xpath.Description));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xpath.ContextKey))
                        context.LogInfo("Updating XmlNode with value from context key: {0}", xpath.ContextKey);
                        context.LogInfo("Updating XmlNode with value: {0}", xpath.Value);

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return ms;
        private void ValidateXPathExpressions(XmlDocument doc, Context context)
            foreach (XPathDefinition validation in _xPathValidations)
                var xpathExp = validation.XPath;
                var expectedValue = validation.Value;

                if (null != validation.Description)
                    context.LogInfo("XPath: {0}", validation.Description);
                context.LogInfo("Evaluting XPath {0} equals \"{1}\"", xpathExp, expectedValue);

                XPathNavigator xpn = doc.CreateNavigator();
                object result = xpn.Evaluate(xpathExp);
                string actualValue = null;
                if (result.GetType().Name == "XPathSelectionIterator")
                    var xpi = result as XPathNodeIterator;
                    xpi.MoveNext(); // BUGBUG!
                    actualValue = xpi.Current.ToString();
                    actualValue = result.ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(validation.ContextKey))
                    context.Add(validation.ContextKey, actualValue);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedValue))

                    if (0 != expectedValue.CompareTo(actualValue))
                        context.LogError("XPath evaluation failed. Expected:<{0}>. Actual:<{1}>.", expectedValue, actualValue);

                        throw new ApplicationException(
                            string.Format("XmlValidationStep failed, compare {0} != {1}, xpath query used: {2}",
                                          expectedValue, actualValue, xpathExp));

                    context.LogInfo("XPath evaluation succeeded. Expected:<{0}>. Actual:<{1}>.", expectedValue, actualValue);