Exemple #1
        Filters.BaseFilter CreateCoreScreenControl()
            if (Global.Emulator is MelonDS nds)
                //TODO: need to pipe layout settings into here now
                var filter = new Filters.ScreenControlNDS(nds);

Exemple #2
        private FilterProgram UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)
            //no drawing actually happens. it's important not to begin drawing on a control
            if (!job.Simulate && !job.Offscreen)

                if (job.ChainOutsize.Width == 0 || job.ChainOutsize.Height == 0)
                    // this has to be a NOP, because lots of stuff will malfunction on a 0-sized viewport
                    if (_currentFilterProgram != null)
                        UpdateSourceDrawingWork(job);                         //but we still need to do this, because of vsync


            IVideoProvider videoProvider = job.VideoProvider;
            bool           simulate      = job.Simulate;
            Size           chainOutsize  = job.ChainOutsize;

            //simulate = true;

            int[] videoBuffer            = videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer();
            int   bufferWidth            = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
            int   bufferHeight           = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
            int   presenterTextureWidth  = bufferWidth;
            int   presenterTextureHeight = bufferHeight;
            bool  isGlTextureId          = videoBuffer.Length == 1;

            int vw = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
            int vh = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;

            //TODO: it is bad that this is happening outside the filter chain
            //the filter chain has the ability to add padding...
            //for now, we have to have some hacks. this could be improved by refactoring the filter setup hacks to be in one place only though
            //could the PADDING be done as filters too? that would be nice.
            var fCoreScreenControl = CreateCoreScreenControl();

            if (fCoreScreenControl != null)
                var sz = fCoreScreenControl.PresizeInput("default", new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight));
                presenterTextureWidth  = vw = sz.Width;
                presenterTextureHeight = vh = sz.Height;

            if (Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio)
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == EDispManagerAR.System)
                    //Already set
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == EDispManagerAR.Custom)
                    //not clear what any of these other options mean for "screen controlled" systems
                    vw = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
                    vh = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == EDispManagerAR.CustomRatio)
                    //not clear what any of these other options mean for "screen controlled" systems
                    FixRatio(Global.Config.DispCustomUserArx, Global.Config.DispCustomUserAry, videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, out vw, out vh);

            var padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, false);

            vw += padding.Horizontal;
            vh += padding.Vertical;

            BitmapBuffer bb           = null;
            Texture2d    videoTexture = null;

            if (!simulate)
                if (isGlTextureId)
                    //FYI: this is a million years from happening on n64, since it's all geriatric non-FBO code
                    //is it workable for saturn?
                    videoTexture = GL.WrapGLTexture2d(new IntPtr(videoBuffer[0]), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
                    //wrap the VideoProvider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVideoProviders)
                    bb = new BitmapBuffer(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, videoBuffer);

                    //now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
                    videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);

                    // lets not use this. lets define BizwareGL to make clamp by default (TBD: check opengl)
                    //GL.SetTextureWrapMode(videoTexture, true);

            // record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
            currEmuWidth  = bufferWidth;
            currEmuHeight = bufferHeight;

            //build the default filter chain and set it up with services filters will need
            Size chainInsize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);

            var filterProgram = BuildDefaultChain(chainInsize, chainOutsize, job.IncludeOSD, job.IncludeUserFilters);

            filterProgram.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
            filterProgram.GL          = GL;

            //setup the source image filter
            Filters.SourceImage fInput = filterProgram["input"] as Filters.SourceImage;
            fInput.Texture = videoTexture;

            //setup the final presentation filter
            Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = filterProgram["presentation"] as Filters.FinalPresentation;
            fPresent.VirtualTextureSize = new Size(vw, vh);
            fPresent.TextureSize        = new Size(presenterTextureWidth, presenterTextureHeight);
            fPresent.BackgroundColor    = videoProvider.BackgroundColor;
            fPresent.GuiRenderer        = Renderer;
            fPresent.Flip = isGlTextureId;
            fPresent.Config_FixAspectRatio  = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
            fPresent.Config_FixScaleInteger = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;
            fPresent.Padding      = ClientExtraPadding;
            fPresent.AutoPrescale = Global.Config.DispAutoPrescale;

            fPresent.GL = GL;

            //POOPY. why are we delivering the GL context this way? such bad
            Filters.ScreenControlNDS fNDS = filterProgram["CoreScreenControl"] as Filters.ScreenControlNDS;
            if (fNDS != null)
                fNDS.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
                fNDS.GL          = GL;

            filterProgram.Compile("default", chainInsize, chainOutsize, !job.Offscreen);

            if (simulate)
                _currentFilterProgram = filterProgram;

            // cleanup:
