public void addValue(double newValue)
     if(newValue > value)
     //check if the right value is null otherwise add it at this Node
     if(rightNode == null)
       rightNode = new BinaryNode(newValue,this, avl);
     //check if the left Node is null otherwise add it at this Node
     if(leftNode == null)
       leftNode = new BinaryNode(newValue, this, avl);
       //now handle the avl desire
 //if I'm the parent of the tree
 public BinaryNode(double value, bool avl)
     this.value = value;
       this.parent = null;
       leftNode = null;
       rightNode = null;
       this.avl = avl;
       balance = 0;
 public bool SaveFileAtPath(BinaryNode saveValue)
     XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(typeof(BinaryNode));
     FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path, FileMode.Create);
     return true;
     return false;
 public double[] GetInOrder(BinaryNode current)
     if(current == null)
     //use the root as initial value
     current = root;
       double[] result = new double[0];
       double[] backup;
       if(leftNode != null)
     result = GetInOrder(leftNode);
       //add my own value
       backup = result;
       result = new double[backup.Length + 1];
       for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
     result[i] = backup[i];
       result[backup.Length] = value;
       //add the right value
       if(rightNode != null)
     double[] rightResult = GetInOrder(rightNode);
     backup = result;
     result = new double[backup.Length + rightResult.Length];
     for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
       result[i] = backup[i];
     for(int i = 0; i < rightResult.Length; i++)
       result[i + backup.Length] = rightResult[i];
       //return the result
       return result;
 public BinaryTree(BinaryNode root)
     this.root = root;
 public BinaryTree(bool avl, double startValue)
     root = new BinaryNode(startValue, avl);
 public double[] GetPreOrder(BinaryNode current)
     if(current == null)
     //use the root as initial value
     current = root;
       //add my own value
       double[] result = {value};
       double[] backup;
       if(leftNode != null)
     double[] leftResult = GetPreOrder(leftNode);
     backup = result;
     result = new double[backup.Length + leftResult.Length];
     for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
       result[i] = backup[i];
     for(int i = 0; i < leftResult.Length; i++)
       result[i + backup.Length] = leftResult[i];
       if(rightNode != null)
     double[] rightResult = GetPreOrder(rightNode);
     backup = result;
     result = new double[backup.Length + rightResult.Length];
     for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
       result[i] = backup[i];
     for(int i = 0; i < rightResult.Length; i++)
       result[i + backup.Length] = rightResult[i];
       //now return the result
       return result;
 public double[] GetPostOrder(BinaryNode current)
     //check for the first call of the method
       if(current == null)
     current = root;
       double[] result = new double[0];
       if(leftNode != null)
     double[] leftResult = GetPostOrder(leftNode);
     result = leftResult;
       if(rightNode != null)
     double[] righResult = GetPostOrder(rightNode);
     double[] backup = result;
     result = new double[backup.Length + rightResult.Length];
     for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
       result[i] = backup[i];
     for(int i = 0; i < rightResult.Length; i++)
       result[i + backup.Length] = rightResult[i];
       //now add my own value
       double[] backup = result;
       result = new double[backup.Length + 1];
       for(int i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++)
     result[i] = backup[i];
       result[backup.Length] = value;
       //return the result
       return result;
 //set Methods
 public void SetRightNode(BinaryNode newNode)
     rightNode = newNode;
 public void SetParent(BinaryNode newParent)
     parent = newParent;
 public void SetLeftNode(BinaryNode newNode)
     leftNode = newNode;
 public void RightRotation()
     //get the right Node of the current Left Node to prevent for loosing data
       BinaryNode rightOfLeft = leftNode.GetRightNode();
       //setup the leftNode to be the parent
       //setup the parent
       //check if I'm the left or the right node of the parent
       if(parent.getValue > value)
     //I'm a left node
     //I'm a right node
       //setup myself
       parent = leftNode;
       leftNode = null;
       //now look if the rightOfLeft has a value
       if(rightOfLeft != null)
 public void LeftRotation()
     //get the left Node of the current Right node to prevent loosing data
       BinaryNode leftOfRight = rightNode.GetLeftNode();
       //setup the right node
       //setup parent
       if(parent.getValue() > value)
     //I'm a left node
     //I'm a right Node
       //setup myself
       parent = leftNode;
       leftNode = null;
       //now look if the leftOfRight has a value
       if(leftOfRight != null)