/// <summary>
        /// Static method for building a binary tree with Employees and returning it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employee">Current employee(at the start the root)</param>
        /// <param name="employees">Dictionary with employees</param>
        /// <returns>Binary tree</returns>
        public static BinaryTree<Employee> recursiveTreeBuilder(Employee employee, Dictionary<Employee, List<Employee>> employees)
            BinaryTree<Employee> tree;

            //When the node is found the recursion goes deeper
            foreach (var pair in employees)
                //searching for perticular node, so it can build the tree correctly
                if (pair.Key.FirstName == employee.FirstName)
                    //taking the left and right child of this node
                    if (pair.Value.Count == 2)
                        var employeeLeftSubordinate = pair.Value[0];
                        var employeeRightSubordinate = pair.Value[1];
                        //building the tree recursively by building first the left subtree and then the right
                        tree = new BinaryTree<Employee>(employee, recursiveTreeBuilder(employeeLeftSubordinate, employees),
                                                                   recursiveTreeBuilder(employeeRightSubordinate, employees));
                        return tree;
                        var employeeLeftSubordinate = pair.Value[0];
                        //building the tree recursively by building first the left subtree and then the right
                        tree = new BinaryTree<Employee>(employee, recursiveTreeBuilder(employeeLeftSubordinate, employees),
                        return tree;

            //When it reaches a leaf(node with no children) it returns it as tree with only a root and no children
            return tree = new BinaryTree<Employee>(employee);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="employeeOne">First searched employee</param>
        /// <param name="employeeTwo">Second searched employee</param>
        /// <param name="employees">Dictionary(boss, subordinates) with all the employees</param>
        /// <param name="root">The employee without manager</param>
        public void Read(Employee employeeOne, Employee employeeTwo, IDictionary<Employee, List<Employee>> employees,ref Employee root)
            int countingTheNodes = 0;
            //Algorithm for reading boss - subordinate
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the employee tree relations: (To exit type end)");
            while (true)
                string line = Console.ReadLine();
                if (line == "end")

                //Splitting the input line and getting only the meaningfull records
                char[] splitters = {' ', ',', '-'};
                string[] words = line.Split(splitters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (words.Length == 2)
                    //The first word in the line is the boss name and the second is the subordinate ones
                    Employee boss = new Employee();
                    boss.FirstName = words[0];
                    Employee subordinate = new Employee();
                    subordinate.FirstName = words[1];
                    subordinate.HasBoss = true;

                    if (employees.ContainsKey(boss) && employees[boss].Count == 2)
                         Console.WriteLine("You cannot enter more then 2 childs for this parent");
                        //After finding a boss in the Dictionary and inserting his subordinate the flag will become 1,
                        //else there will be new boss record
                        int flagFound = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<Employee, List<Employee>> pair in employees)
                            //Checking if the subordinate is not boss in some previous input
                            if (pair.Key.FirstName == subordinate.FirstName)
                                pair.Key.HasBoss = true;

                            //If the current pair-boss has only 1 subordinate
                            if (pair.Value.Count == 1)
                                //checking if the current inputed boss isn't subordinate of someone else
                                if(pair.Value[0].FirstName == boss.FirstName)
                                    boss.HasBoss = true;

                            //If the current pair-boss has only 2 subordinates
                            if (pair.Value.Count == 2)
                                //checking if the current inputed boss isn't subordinate of someone else
                                if((pair.Value[0].FirstName == boss.FirstName) || (pair.Value[1].FirstName == boss.FirstName))
                                    boss.HasBoss = true;

                            //If the boss is already entered in the Dictionary only the subordinate is added in
                            if (pair.Key.FirstName == boss.FirstName)

                        //Entering a new record in the dictionary with 1 boss and 1 subordinate
                        if (flagFound == 0)
                            List<Employee> subordinates = new List<Employee>();
                            employees.Add(boss, subordinates);

                        //counting the entered nodes in the dictionary for the binary tree check

            if (countingTheNodes == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("You've entered non binary tree!");
                //Method that returns the root(employee without boss)
                root = SearchingForTheRoot(employees);
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //constructing the main fields
            var readFromConsole = new ReadFromConsole();
            var employeeOne = new Employee();
            var employeeTwo = new Employee();
            var root = new Employee();
            var employees = new Dictionary<Employee, List<Employee>>();

            //Filling the fields with data from the console input
            readFromConsole.Read(employeeOne, employeeTwo, employees,ref root);

            if (employees.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("You didn't enter the tree!");
                //Printing the root of Tree to check, if we entered the tree right.
                if (employees.ContainsKey(root))
                    Console.WriteLine("Name of the ROOT: " + root.FirstName);

                //Taking the subordinates of the root of the tree for building the EmployeeTree
                //Creating a tree using the recursiveTreeBuilder(root, root.left/root.right, dictianary with the employees)
                List<Employee> subordinates = employees[root];
                BinaryTree<Employee> employeeTree = new BinaryTree<Employee>(root, TreeBuilder.recursiveTreeBuilder(subordinates[0], employees),
                                                                                    TreeBuilder.recursiveTreeBuilder(subordinates[1], employees));
                //Printing the tree after the creation
                Console.WriteLine("Printing the builded tree");

                //Starting the loop for searching LeastCommonAncestor(LCA) of two employees
                string line = "";
                while (true)

                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the first name of the first employee whose boss you search:");
                    employeeOne.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the first name of the second employee whose boss you search:");
                    employeeTwo.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

                    BinaryTreeNode<Employee> employeeOneNode = new BinaryTreeNode<Employee>(employeeOne);
                    BinaryTreeNode<Employee> employeeTwoNode = new BinaryTreeNode<Employee>(employeeTwo);

                    //Calling the LCA for the builded tree with the (root, firstSearched, secondSearched) and returning their Boss
                    BinaryTreeNode<Employee> searchedBoss = employeeTree.LeastCommonAncestor(employeeOneNode, employeeTwoNode);

                    if (searchedBoss == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Your employees doesn't have common ancestor");
                        Console.WriteLine("The LCA of the two employees is: " + searchedBoss.Value.FirstName);

                    Console.WriteLine("If you want to exit the search write END, else press Enter to begin new search");
                    line = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (line == "END")


            Console.WriteLine("\nTo exit press any key!");
 /// <summary>
 /// Method for searching a Dictionary with Employees for the employee without a boss
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="employees">Dictionary(boss, subordinates) with all the employees</param>
 /// <returns>The employee without a boss</returns>
 private Employee SearchingForTheRoot(IDictionary<Employee, List<Employee>> employees)
     Employee root = new Employee();
     foreach (KeyValuePair<Employee, List<Employee>> pair in employees)
         var employee = pair.Key;
         if (employee.HasBoss == false)
             root = employee;
     return root;