public Ingredient(string name, int startingLevel, int baseCost, EffectTree[] effectTrees,
                          int[] currentEffectlevels = null, IngredientOperations operations = null)
            if (effectTrees.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("Needs to have exactly 4 effect trees.", nameof(effectTrees));

            Level      = startingLevel;
            BaseCost   = baseCost;
            Name       = name;
            Operations = operations ?? new IngredientOperations(null);

            EffectTreesPossible = effectTrees;
            for (int i = 0; i < effectTrees.Length; i++)

            // Current effects are the actual effects which this ingredient has right now.
            // At start it has the first effects from all trees.
            CurrentEffectLevels = currentEffectlevels ?? new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        public IEnumerable <Ingredient> GetPossibleImmediateUpgrades()
            for (int i = 0; i < EffectTreesPossible.Length; i++)
                Effect currentEffect = CurrentEffects[i];

                Effect possibleEffect =
                    EffectTreesPossible[i].GetEffects().Skip(CurrentEffectLevels[i] + 1).FirstOrDefault();
                // Are there any options to improve at this index?
                if (possibleEffect != null)
                    var newOperations = new IngredientOperations(Operations);

                    PositiveEffect currentPositive = currentEffect as PositiveEffect;
                    if (currentPositive != null)
                        EffectUpgradeRequirement requirement = currentPositive.Requirement;

                        // It is not known how to update this (yet).
                        if (requirement == EffectUpgradeRequirement.Unknown)

                        // We don't have the required catalyst?
                        if (requirement.Catalyst != Catalyst.None && !HasCatalyst(requirement.Catalyst))

                        int currentLevel = Level;

                        // The concentration might need a change in order to be upgraded.
                        int levelChangeUno = GetLevelChangeToAttain(currentLevel, requirement.Concentration);
                        if (levelChangeUno != 0)

                        currentLevel += levelChangeUno;

                        // The upgrade process changes the concentration.
                        int levelAfterUpgrade = requirement.Machine.ChangeLevel(currentLevel);
                        int levelChangeDos    = levelAfterUpgrade - currentLevel;
                        currentLevel = levelAfterUpgrade;
                        if (levelChangeDos != 0)
                            newOperations.Add(IngredientOperation.GetLevelChange(levelChangeDos, requirement.Machine));

                        // Update the new effect level (of the selected effect)
                        int[] newEffectLevels = CurrentEffectLevels.ToArray();

                        // UPGRADE DONE.

                        // This is an iupdated ingredient which might not have the proper concentration
                        // for the upgraded effect to be active.
                        yield return
                            (new Ingredient(Name, currentLevel, BaseCost, EffectTreesPossible,
                                            newEffectLevels, newOperations));

                        // Change the concentration to acctivate the upgraded effect.
                        int levelChangeTres = GetLevelChangeToAttain(currentLevel, possibleEffect.ActiveRange);
                        if (levelChangeTres != 0)
                            currentLevel += levelChangeTres;

                            yield return
                                (new Ingredient(Name, currentLevel, BaseCost,
                                                EffectTreesPossible, newEffectLevels, newOperations));