public WebReply DocumentSearch() { Section Search = Sys.RenderSection("Document Search", "Documents", 1, this, SystemObject.SectionMode.Search); GodEdit geBtnB = Search.AddButton("btnSearch", "Search"); return(Search.Render(this, true)); }
public WebReply TicketSearch() { Section TicketSearch = Sys.RenderSection("Ticket Search", "Ticket", 1, this, SystemObject.SectionMode.Search); GodEdit geBtnB = TicketSearch.AddButton("btnSearch", "Search"); return(TicketSearch.Render(this, true)); }
public GodEdit AddButton(string sButtonName, string sButtonCaption) { GodEdit b = new GodEdit(Name, GodEdit.GEType.Button, sButtonName, sButtonCaption, Sys); this.AddControl(b); return(b); }
public WebReply TicketList_AddNew() { Section TicketAdd = Sys.RenderSection("Ticket View", "Ticket", 1, this, SystemObject.SectionMode.Add); GodEdit geBtnB = TicketAdd.AddButton("btnSave", "Save"); WebReply ta = TicketAdd.Render(this, true); return(ta); }
public WebReply MainMenu() { Section s1 = new Section("Admin", 1, Sys, this); GodEdit geLink1 = new GodEdit("Admin", GodEdit.GEType.Anchor, "LinkSettings", "Settings", Sys); s1.AddControl(geLink1); return(s1.Render(this, false)); }
public GodEdit AddTextbox(string sTextBoxName, string sCaption) { GodEdit geText = new GodEdit(Name, sTextBoxName, Sys); geText.CaptionText = sCaption; this.AddControl(geText); return(geText); }
public WebReply DocumentAdd() { Section Add = Sys.RenderSection("Document Add", "Documents", 1, this, SystemObject.SectionMode.Edit); GodEdit ctlUpload = new GodEdit("Document Add", GodEdit.GEType.UploadControl, "btnSave", "Save", Sys); ctlUpload.Id = this.ViewGuid; ctlUpload.ParentGuid = this.ParentID; Add.AddControl(ctlUpload); return(Add.Render(this, true)); }
public void AddControl(Object o) { GodEdit ge = (GodEdit)o; if (_controls.ContainsKey(ge.Name)) { return; } _controls.Add(ge.Name, ge); }
public WebReply Phase3() { Section s = new Section("Phase3", 3, Sys, this); if (Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount") == "") { Sys.SetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount", "1"); } int iConditionCount = Convert.ToInt32(Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "ConditionCount")); for (int x = 0; x < iConditionCount; x++) { GodEdit ddFields = new GodEdit("Phase3", "Fields" + x.ToString(), Sys); ddFields.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddFields.CaptionText = "Field:"; ddFields.LookupValues = ddFields.ConvertStringToLookupList("Address;City;State;Zip;Phone"); s.AddControl(ddFields); string sValueOfFieldsControl = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "Fields" + x.ToString()); GodEdit ddConditions = new GodEdit("Phase3", "Conditions" + x.ToString(), Sys); ddConditions.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddConditions.CaptionText = "Conditions:"; ddConditions.LookupValues = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); SystemObject.LookupValue i1 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i1.ID = "Underlying ID"; i1.Value = "DisplayValue"; i1.Caption = "Caption"; string sValueOfLookup = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "Conditions" + x.ToString()); ddConditions.LookupValues.Add(i1); SystemObject.LookupValue i2 = new SystemObject.LookupValue(); i2.ID = "Underlying ID2"; i2.Value = "DisplayValueTwo"; i2.Caption = "CaptionTwo"; ddConditions.LookupValues.Add(i2); s.AddControl(ddConditions); GodEdit txtValue = new GodEdit("Phase3", "SelectedValue" + x.ToString(), Sys); txtValue.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Text; txtValue.CaptionText = "Selected Value:"; string sValueOfSelected = Sys.GetObjectValue("Phase3", "SelectedValue" + x.ToString()); s.AddControl(txtValue); } s.AddButton("btnAddCondition", "Add Condition"); WebReply wr1 = s.Render(this, true); return(wr1); }
public WebReply btnLightbox_Click() { Section s = new Section("Lightbox", 1, Sys, this); GodEdit g = new GodEdit("Lightbox", GodEdit.GEType.Lightbox, Sys); g.Name = "Lightbox"; g.CaptionText = "Open"; g.URL = "images/Data.png"; s.AddControl(g); WebReply wr1 = s.Render(this, true); return(wr1); }
public WebReply PictureGallery() { string sql = "Select ID from Picture where Picture.Organization='" + Sys.Organization.ToString() + "' and Picture.Deleted=0"; DataTable dt = Sys._data.GetDataTable(sql); string html = "<DIV>"; for (int iRows = 0; iRows < dt.Rows.Count; iRows++) { string sURL = Sys.GetPictureURL(dt.Rows[iRows]["id"].ToString()); string cell = "<a id=PV name=PV data-featherlight='" + sURL + "'><img width=150 height=150 src='" + sURL + "' /></a> "; html += cell; } html += "</DIV>"; Section s = new Section("Picture Gallery", 1, Sys, this); GodEdit g = new GodEdit("PictureGallery", GodEdit.GEType.HTML, Sys); g.Name = "pg1"; g.HTML = html; s.AddControl(g); return(s.Render(this, false)); }
public WebReply CreateYesNoDialog(string sSectionName, string sDialogID, string sYesID, string sNoID, string Title, string Body, object Caller) { GodEdit btnYes = new GodEdit(sSectionName, GodEdit.GEType.Button, sYesID, "Yes", Sys); btnYes.IsInDialog = true; btnYes.DialogName = sDialogID; string sBtnYes = btnYes.Render(Caller).Packages[0].HTML; GodEdit btnNo = new GodEdit(sSectionName, GodEdit.GEType.Button, sNoID, "No", Sys); btnNo.IsInDialog = true; btnNo.DialogName = sDialogID; string sBtnNo = btnNo.Render(Caller).Packages[0].HTML; string sButtons = "<table><tr><td>" + sBtnYes + "</td><td>" + sBtnNo + "</td></tr></table>"; string sHidden = "<input type='hidden' id='hdialog' name='hdialog' value='hdialog'>"; string sHTML = "<div id='" + sDialogID + "' title='" + Title + "'>" + "<p><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check' style='float:left; margin:0 7px 50px 0;'></span>" + Body + " </p><p>" + sButtons + "</p>" + sHidden + "<p></div>"; string sOpt = "var opt = { autoOpen: false, modal: true, width: 550, height:350, title: '" + sDialogID + "' };"; string sJavascript = sOpt + " var theDialog = $('#" + sDialogID + "').dialog(opt); theDialog.dialog('open');"; WebReply wr = new WebReply(sHTML, sJavascript, sSectionName, true); return(wr); }
public WebReply LinkSettings_Click() { Section s1 = new Section("SettingsEdit", 2, Sys, this); GodEdit ddContext = new GodEdit("SettingsEdit", "Context", Sys); ddContext.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddContext.CaptionText = "Context:"; ddContext.LookupValues = Sys.BindColumn("Setting", "Context", ""); s1.AddControl(ddContext); GodEdit ddName = new GodEdit("SettingsEdit", "Name", Sys); ddName.Type = GodEdit.GEType.Lookup; ddName.CaptionText = "Name:"; string sSelectedContext = Sys.GetObjectValue("SettingsEdit", "Context"); string sWhere = "Context='" + sSelectedContext + "'"; ddName.LookupValues = Sys.BindColumn("Setting", "Name", sWhere); s1.AddControl(ddName); string sSelectedName = Sys.GetObjectValue("SettingsEdit", "Name"); string sSql = "Select Value from Setting where Context='" + sSelectedContext + "' and Name='" + sSelectedName + "'"; System.Data.DataTable dt1 = Sys._data.GetDataTable(sSql); string sValue = ""; if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { sValue = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } GodEdit txtValue = new GodEdit("SettingsEdit", "Value", Sys); txtValue.CaptionText = "Value:"; txtValue.TextBoxValue = sValue; s1.AddControl(txtValue); return(s1.Render(this, true)); }
public WebReply btnRegister_Click() { Section Reg = new Section("Register", 1, Sys, this); GodEdit geUsername = new GodEdit("Register", "Username", Sys); geUsername.CaptionText = "User Name:"; Reg.AddControl(geUsername); GodEdit gePassword = new GodEdit("AccountEdit", GodEdit.GEType.Password, "Password", "Password:"******"AccountEdit", "Caption1") == String.Empty) { gePassword.ErrorText = "Invalid Username or Password"; } GodEdit geEmail = new GodEdit("AccountEdit", "Email", Sys); geEmail.CaptionText = "Email:"; Reg.AddControl(geEmail); GodEdit geBtnReg = new GodEdit("Register", GodEdit.GEType.Button, "btnRegisterSave", "Register", Sys); Reg.AddControl(geBtnReg); return(Reg.Render(this, true)); }
public WebReply Render(object caller, bool ClearScreen) { string myClass = caller.GetType().ToString(); StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(); StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); StackFrame callingFrame = stackFrames[1]; MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)callingFrame.GetMethod(); string sMyMethod = method.Name; // Button for Expand-Collapse string sExpandedClass = Expanded ? "icon-minus" : "icon-plus"; sExpandedClass = Expanded ? "icon-chevron-up" : "icon-chevron-down"; string sExpandButton = GetHeaderButton("expand", myClass, sMyMethod, sExpandedClass); string sEditButton = ""; if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.View) { sEditButton = GetHeaderButton("edit", myClass, sMyMethod + "_EditClick", "icon-pencil"); } string sButtons = sExpandButton + sEditButton; // Button for Edit string divname = this.Name; string sNarrative = ""; string sBorderStyle = ""; string sFrameStyle = ""; if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.View) { sNarrative = "View"; } else if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Add) { sNarrative = "Add"; } else if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Edit) { sNarrative = "Edit"; } else if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Customize) { sNarrative = "Customize"; } string FriendlyName = this.Name; if (!this.MaskSectionMode) { FriendlyName += " <font size=1>[" + sNarrative + "]</font>"; } string sDivClass = "class='dragContent'"; if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Customize) { sBorderStyle = "style='border-top: solid 1px; border-bottom:solid 1px; border-left: solid 1px; border-right:solid 1px;'"; } else { sFrameStyle = "frame=box"; } // CONTEXT MENU AddContextMenuitem("Customize", "Customize", "Customize"); string htmlCMI = ""; foreach (Weblist.ContextMenuItem cm1 in listContextMenuItems) { string sRow = ""; sRow = " \"" + cm1.Name + "\": {name: \"" + cm1.Caption + "\", icon: \"" + cm1.Caption + "\"},"; htmlCMI += sRow; } string sContextMenuCssClass = "context-menu-" + CleanName(divname); string sOut = "<div id='" + divname + "' " + sDivClass + " name='" + divname + "'><table " + sBorderStyle + " class='" + sContextMenuCssClass + "' " + sFrameStyle + " cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5 width=100%>" + "<tr><th colspan=10 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border-bottom: grey thin solid' class='ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all ui-widget-header'>" + "<span class='ui-dialog-title'>" + FriendlyName + "</span>" + sButtons + "</th></tr>"; string javascript = ""; if (htmlCMI.Length > 0) { htmlCMI = htmlCMI.Substring(0, htmlCMI.Length - 1); } string sContextEvent = " onclick=postdiv(this,'contextmenu','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "_ContextMenu_'+key,'');"; string sContextMenu = " $(function() { $.contextMenu({ selector: '." + sContextMenuCssClass + "', callback: function(key, options) { " + " " + sContextEvent + " }," + " items: { " + htmlCMI + " } });" + " $('." + sContextMenuCssClass + "').on('click', function(e){ console.log('clicked', this); }) });"; javascript += sContextMenu; int iCurCol = 0; int iCurCellCount = 0; int iCurRowCount = 0; if (Expanded) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in _controls) { GodEdit ge = (GodEdit)entry.Value; if (iCurCol == 0) { sOut += "<TR>"; } WebReply wr = ge.Render(caller); string sDivWrapper = "divWrapper" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Customize) { string sObject = ge.CaptionText + ": " + ge.TextBoxValue; string susgdid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string sCoords = "coords" + iCurCol.ToString() + "-" + iCurRowCount.ToString(); sOut += "<td " + sBorderStyle + "><span usgdid='z" + susgdid + "' usgdname='" + sCoords + "' usgdcaption='" + sCoords + "'></span><div class='drag1'>" + "<span usgdcaption='" + ge.CaptionText + "' usgdname='" + ge.Name + "' usgdid='" + susgdid + "' usgdvalue='" + ge.TextBoxValue + "' >" + sObject + " </span></div></td>"; } else { sOut += "<td>" + wr.Packages[0].HTML + "</td>"; } javascript += wr.Packages[0].Javascript; iCurCol++; iCurCellCount++; if (iCurCol == ColumnCount) { if (iCurRowCount == 0) { if (DisplayPictureHTML != null) { sOut += "<td rowspan=5>" + DisplayPictureHTML + "</TD>"; } } iCurRowCount++; sOut += "</TR>"; iCurCol = 0; } } } sOut += "</TR>"; sOut += "</table></div><p>"; WebReply wr1 = new WebReply(); string sIdentifier = "USGDrag"; string sEvent = "alert('test');"; string sJavaEventAfterDrop = " var sOut=''; $(this).closest('table').find('span').each(function (index) " + " { var sUSGDID = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdid'); " + " var sUSGDValue = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdvalue'); " + " var sUSGDCaption = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdcaption'); " + " var sUSGDName = $(this)[0].getAttribute('usgdname'); " + " var s = $(this)[0].name + '[COL]' + $(this)[0].value + '[COL]' + sUSGDID + '[COL]' + sUSGDValue + '[COL]' + sUSGDCaption + '[COL]' + sUSGDName + '[ROW]';" + " if (sUSGDID != null) { if (sUSGDID.length > 0) sOut += s; } }); "; string sDropEvent = sJavaEventAfterDrop + "postdiv(this,'dropevent','" + myClass + "','" + sMyMethod + "','[DROPPABLE]" + divname + "[/DROPPABLE][DATA]' + sOut + '[/DATA]');"; string DraggableJavascript = " $('.drag1').draggable({ " + " helper: 'clone', start: function(event, ui)" + " { = this; c.helper = ui.helper; } });" + " $('.drag1').droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { " + " " + " $(c.helper).remove(); } });"; DraggableJavascript = " var myDraggedObject = null; $(function() { $( '.drag1' ).draggable({containment:parent}); }); "; DraggableJavascript = "var myDraggedObject = null; var myOriginalHTML = null; $('.drag1').draggable( " + "{ revert: function(droppableContainer) { if(droppableContainer) { var thisisvalid='valid'; } else { myDraggedObject.innerHTML=myOriginalHTML; } } ," + " helper: 'clone', " + " containment: '.dragContent', cursor:'move', snap: true, snapMode: 'inner'," + " start: function(event, ui) { myDraggedObject = this; this.setAttribute('usgdname','test'); " + " myOriginalHTML = myDraggedObject.innerHTML; myDraggedObject.setAttribute('usgdname','bye3'); " + " myDraggedObject.innerHTML =' '; } }); " + " $('.drag1').droppable( {drop: function(event, ui) { ui.helper[0].innerHTML='bye'; myDraggedObject.innerHTML = myOriginalHTML; ui.draggable.detach().appendTo($(this)); " + sDropEvent + " } }); "; if (SecMode == SystemObject.SectionMode.Customize) { javascript += DraggableJavascript; } wr1.AddWebReply(sOut, javascript, Name, false); WebReplyPackage wrp1 = wr1.Packages[0]; wrp1.ClearScreen = ClearScreen; wr1.Packages[0] = wrp1; return(wr1); }
public WebReply LoginSection() { // BIBLEPAY ACCOUNTABILITY if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("ACCOUNTABILITY")) { Login l = new Login(Sys); bool bAuth = l.VerifyUser("guest", "guest", ref Sys, false); // Start at the expense View Page when coming in from the Wallet accountability button Home h = new Home(Sys); return(h.ExpenseList()); } Section Login = new Section("Login", 3, Sys, this); GodEdit geUserName = new GodEdit("Login", "Username", Sys); geUserName.CaptionText = "Username:"******"width=140px"; Login.AddControl(geUserName); GodEdit geBR1 = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.HTML, "br1", "br1", Sys); Login.AddControl(geBR1); GodEdit geBR2 = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.HTML, "br2", "br2", Sys); Login.AddControl(geBR2); Login.AddControl(geBR1); GodEdit gePassword = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.Password, "Password", "Password:"******"Login", "Caption1") == String.Empty) { gePassword.ErrorText = "Invalid Username or Password"; } GodEdit geBR3 = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.HTML, "br3", "br3", Sys); Login.AddControl(geBR3); GodEdit geBR4 = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.HTML, "br4", "br4", Sys); Login.AddControl(geBR4); GodEdit geBtnLogin = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.DoubleButton, "btnLogin", "Login", Sys); geBtnLogin.Name2 = "btnLogout"; geBtnLogin.CaptionText2 = "Logout"; Login.AddControl(geBtnLogin); GodEdit geBtnRegister = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.DoubleButton, "btnRegister", "Register", Sys); geBtnRegister.MaskBeginTD = true; geBtnRegister.MaskEndTD = true; geBtnRegister.Name2 = "btnResetPassword"; geBtnRegister.CaptionText2 = "Reset Password"; Login.AddControl(geBtnRegister); // New Row, and global caption: GodEdit geTR3 = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.TableRow, "Tr3", "", Sys); Login.AddControl(geTR3); GodEdit geSpan = new GodEdit("Login", GodEdit.GEType.Caption, "Caption1", "", Sys); Login.AddControl(geSpan); Sys.SetObjectValue("", "ApplicationMessage", "Login"); return(Login.Render(this, true)); }