Exemple #1
 internal void GenericNotification_SetArtifact(On.RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.orig_SetArtifact orig, RoR2.UI.GenericNotification self, ArtifactDef artifactDef)
     if (mod.config.MiscHidePickupNotificiationsArtifacts.Value)
     orig(self, artifactDef);
Exemple #2
        internal void LoadoutPanelController_Row_AddButton(On.RoR2.UI.LoadoutPanelController.Row.orig_AddButton orig, object self, LoadoutPanelController owner, Sprite icon, string titleToken, string bodyToken, Color tooltipColor, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction callback, string unlockableName, ViewablesCatalog.Node viewableNode, bool isWIP = false)
            orig(self, owner, icon, titleToken, bodyToken, tooltipColor, callback, unlockableName, viewableNode, isWIP);

            LoadoutPanelController.Row selfRow = (LoadoutPanelController.Row)self;
            UserProfile userProfile            = selfRow.userProfile;

            if (mod.config.AdvancedIconsSkillShowProcCoefficient.Value || mod.config.AdvancedIconsSkillShowBaseCooldown.Value)
                if (userProfile != null && userProfile.HasUnlockable(unlockableName))
                    if (mod.config.AdvancedIconsSkillShowBaseCooldown.Value)
                        var skillDef = RoR2.Skills.SkillCatalog.GetSkillDef(Utils.TheREALFindSkillIndexByName(titleToken));
                        if (skillDef)
                            BetterUI.sharedStringBuilder.Append("\n\nCooldown: <style=cIsDamage>");
                            BetterUI.sharedStringBuilder.Append("</style> second");
                            if (skillDef.baseRechargeInterval != 1)

                    if (mod.config.AdvancedIconsSkillShowProcCoefficient.Value)
                        List <ProcCoefficientCatalog.ProcCoefficientInfo> procCoefficientInfos = ProcCoefficientCatalog.GetProcCoefficientInfo(titleToken);

                        if (procCoefficientInfos != null)
                            foreach (var info in procCoefficientInfos)
                                if (mod.config.AdvancedIconsSkillShowProcCoefficient.Value)
                                    BetterUI.sharedStringBuilder.Append("\n <style=cIsUtility>Proc Coefficient: ");
                    TooltipProvider tooltipProvider = selfRow.buttons[selfRow.buttons.Count - 1].GetComponent <TooltipProvider>();
                    if (tooltipProvider != null)
                        tooltipProvider.overrideBodyText = BetterUI.sharedStringBuilder.ToString();
Exemple #3
 public static void AddEffect(ItemIndex itemIndex, EffectInfo effectInfo)
     if ((effectInfo.value > 1 || effectInfo.extraStackValue > 1) && effectInfo.effectFormatter == ChanceFormatter)
         BetterUI.print("Warning: EffectInfo.value for chance is expected to be 0 to 1 based. After BetterUI v1.7.0 it will no longer be converted.");
         effectInfo.value           = effectInfo.value * 0.01f;
         effectInfo.extraStackValue = effectInfo.extraStackValue * 0.01f;
     items[itemIndex] = effectInfo;
Exemple #4
        internal void GenericNotification_SetEquipment(On.RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.orig_SetEquipment orig, RoR2.UI.GenericNotification self, EquipmentDef equipmentDef)
            if (mod.config.MiscHidePickupNotificiationsEquipements.Value)
            orig(self, equipmentDef);

            self.descriptionText.token = equipmentDef.descriptionToken;
Exemple #5
        internal void GenericNotification_SetItem(On.RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.orig_SetItem orig, RoR2.UI.GenericNotification self, ItemDef itemDef)
            if (mod.config.MiscHidePickupNotificiationsItems.Value)
            orig(self, itemDef);

            self.descriptionText.token = itemDef.descriptionToken;
Exemple #6
        public void OnEnable()
            config = new ConfigManager(this);
            if (BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.gog909.ordereditems"))
            if (config.ComponentsItemSorting.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsStatsDisplay.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsCommandImprovements.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsDPSMeter.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsBuffTimers.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsAdvancedIcons.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsItemCounters.Value)
            if (config.ComponentsMisc.Value)

            ItemStatsModIntegration = config.AdvancedIconsItemItemStatsIntegration.Value && BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("dev.ontrigger.itemstats");
            On.RoR2.UI.HUD.Awake   += HUD_Awake;

            foreach (ModComponent modComponent in modComponents)
Exemple #7
 internal override void Update()
     if (currentPanel && currentPanel.gameObject)
         if (mod.config.CommandCloseOnEscape.Value && Input.GetKeyDown("escape") ||
             mod.config.CommandCloseOnWASD.Value && (Input.GetKeyDown("w") || Input.GetKeyDown("a") || Input.GetKeyDown("s") || Input.GetKeyDown("d")) ||
             mod.config.CommandCloseOnCustom.Value != "" && Input.GetKeyDown(mod.config.CommandCloseOnCustom.Value))
             if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape"))
                 RoR2.Console.instance.SubmitCmd(null, "pause", false);
Exemple #8
 public StatsDisplay(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
     regexmap = new Dictionary <String, Func <CharacterBody, string> > {
         { "$armordmgreduction", (statBody) => ((statBody.armor >= 0 ? statBody.armor / (100 + statBody.armor) : (100 / (100 - statBody.armor) - 1)) * 100).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$exp", (statBody) => statBody.experience.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$level", (statBody) => statBody.level.ToString() },
         { "$dmg", (statBody) => statBody.damage.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$crit", (statBody) => statBody.crit.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$luckcrit", (statBody) => (100 * ((int)statBody.crit / 100) + 100 * Utils.LuckCalc(statBody.crit % 100 * 0.01f, statBody.master.luck)).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$hp", (statBody) => Math.Floor(statBody.healthComponent.health).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$maxhp", (statBody) => statBody.maxHealth.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$shield", (statBody) => Math.Floor(statBody.healthComponent.shield).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$maxshield", (statBody) => statBody.maxShield.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$barrier", (statBody) => Math.Floor(statBody.healthComponent.barrier).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$maxbarrier", (statBody) => statBody.maxBarrier.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$armor", (statBody) => statBody.armor.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$regen", (statBody) => statBody.regen.ToString("0.##") },
         { "$movespeed", (statBody) => Math.Round(statBody.moveSpeed, 1).ToString("0.##") },
         { "$jumps", (statBody) => (statBody.maxJumpCount - statBody.characterMotor.jumpCount).ToString() },
         { "$maxjumps", (statBody) => statBody.maxJumpCount.ToString() },
         { "$atkspd", (statBody) => statBody.attackSpeed.ToString() },
         { "$luck", (statBody) => statBody.master.luck.ToString() },
         { "$multikill", (statBody) => statBody.multiKillCount.ToString() },
         { "$highestmultikill", (statBody) => highestMultikill.ToString() },
         { "$killcount", (statBody) => statBody.killCountServer.ToString() },
         //{ \"$deaths", (statBody) => statBody.master.dea },
         { "$dpscharacter", (statBody) => mod.DPSMeter.CharacterDPS.ToString("N0") },
         { "$dpsminion", (statBody) => mod.DPSMeter.MinionDPS.ToString("N0") },
         { "$dps", (statBody) => mod.DPSMeter.DPS.ToString("N0") },
         { "$mountainshrines", (statBody) => TeleporterInteraction.instance ? TeleporterInteraction.instance.shrineBonusStacks.ToString() : "N/A" },
         { "$blueportal", (statBody) => TeleporterInteraction.instance ? TeleporterInteraction.instance.shouldAttemptToSpawnShopPortal.ToString() : "N/A" },
         { "$goldportal", (statBody) => TeleporterInteraction.instance ? TeleporterInteraction.instance.shouldAttemptToSpawnGoldshoresPortal.ToString() : "N/A" },
         { "$celestialportal", (statBody) => TeleporterInteraction.instance ? TeleporterInteraction.instance.shouldAttemptToSpawnMSPortal.ToString() : "N/A" },
         { "$difficulty", (statBody) => Run.instance.difficultyCoefficient.ToString("0.##") },
     regexpattern = new Regex(@"(\" + String.Join(@"|\", regexmap.Keys) + ")");
Exemple #9
 internal ItemCounters(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #10
        public ConfigManager(BetterUI mod)
            ConfigFileComponents          = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Components.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileMisc                = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Misc.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileAdvancedIcons       = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-AdvancedIcons.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileBuffs               = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Buffs.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileCommandImprovements = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-CommandImprovements.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileDPSMeter            = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-DPSMeter.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileItemCounters        = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-ItemCounters.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileStatsDisplay        = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-StatsDisplay.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileSorting             = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Sorting.cfg", true);

            // Components

            ComponentsAdvancedIcons = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "AdvanedIcons", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsBuffTimers = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "BuffTimers", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsCommandImprovements = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "CommandImprovements", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsDPSMeter = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "DPSMeter", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsItemCounters = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "ItemCounters", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsItemSorting = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "ItemSorting", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsMisc = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "Misc", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsStatsDisplay = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "StatsDisplay", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            // Misc

            MiscShowHidden = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "ShowHidden", false, "Show hidden items in the item inventory.");

            MiscAdvancedPickupNotificationsItems = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "AdvancedPickupNotificationsItems", false, "Show advanced descriptions when picking up an item.");

            MiscAdvancedPickupNotificationsEquipements = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "AdvancedPickupNotificationsEquipements", false, "Show advanced descriptions when picking up equipment.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsItems = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsItems", false, "Hide pickup notifications for items.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsEquipements = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsEquipements", false, "Hide pickup notifications for equipment.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsArtifacts = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsArtifacts", false, "Hide pickup notifications for artifacts.");

            MiscShowPickupDescription = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "ShowPickupDescription", true, "Show the item description on the interaction popup.");

            MiscPickupDescriptionAdvanced = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "PickupDescriptionAdvanced", false, "Show advanced descriptions for the interaction popup.");

            // Advanced Icons

            AdvancedIconsItemAdvancedDescriptions = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Item Improvements", "AdvancedDescriptions", true, "Show advanced descriptions when hovering over an item.");

            AdvancedIconsItemItemStatsIntegration = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Item Improvements", "ItemStatsIntegration", true, "If installed, show item stats from ItemStatsMod where applicable.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowCooldownStacks = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "ShowCooldownStacks", true, "Show the cooldown for your equipement when charging multiple stacks.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementAdvancedDescriptions = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "AdvancedDescriptions", true, "Show advanced descriptions when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowBaseCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "BaseCooldown", true, "Show the base cooldown when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowCalculatedCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "CalculatedCooldown", true, "Show the calculated cooldown based on your items when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowCooldownStacks = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "ShowCooldownStacks", true, "Show the cooldown for skills when charging multiple stacks.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowBaseCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "BaseCooldown", true, "Show the base cooldown when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowCalculatedCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "CalculatedCooldown", true, "Show the calculated cooldown based on your items when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowProcCoefficient = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "ShowProcCoefficient", true, "Show the proc coefficient when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillCalculateSkillProcEffects = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "CalculateProcEffects", true, "Show the effects of proc coefficient of a skill related to the items you are carrying.");

            // Buffs

            BuffTimers = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTimers", true, "Show buff timers (host only).");

            BuffTimersDecimal = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTimersDecimal", true, "Show 1 decimal point when timer is below 10.");

            BuffTooltips = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTooltips", true, "Show buff tooltips.");

            BuffTimersPosition = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "CountersPosition", "TopRight",
                                                      "Location of buff timer text.\n" +
                                                      "Valid options:\n" +
                                                      "TopLeft\n" +
                                                      "TopRight\n" +
                                                      "BottomLeft\n" +
                                                      "BottomRight\n" +

            BuffTimersTextAlignmentOption = (TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions), BuffTimersPosition.Value, true);

            BuffTimersFontSize = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "CountersFontSize", 23f, "Size of the buff timer text.");

            // Command / Scrapper Improvements

            CommandResizeCommandWindow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "ResizeCommandWindow", true, "Resize the command window depending on the number of items.");

            CommandRemoveBackgroundBlur = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "RemoveBackgroundBlur", true, "Remove the blur behind the command window that hides the rest of the UI.");

            CommandCloseOnEscape = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnEscape", true, "Close the command/scrapper window when you press escape.");

            CommandCloseOnWASD = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnWASD", true, "Close the command/scrapper window when you press W, A, S, or D.");

            CommandCloseOnCustom = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnCustom", "", "Close the command/scrapper window when you press the key selected here.\n" +
                                                                      "Example: space\n" +
                                                                      "Must be lowercase. Leave blank to disable.");

            CommandTooltipsShow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "TooltipsShow", true, "Show tooltips in the command and scrapper windows.");

            CommandTooltipsItemStatsBeforeAfter = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "TooltipsItemStatsBeforeAfter", true, "If ItemStatsMod is installed, show the stats before and after picking up the item.");

            CommandCountersShow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersShow", true, "Show counters in the command and scrapper windows.");

            CommandCountersHideOnZero = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersHideOnZero", false, "Hide counters when they are zero.");

            CommandCountersPosition = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersPosition", "TopRight",
                                                                         "Location of the command item counter.\n" +
                                                                         "Valid options:\n" +
                                                                         "TopLeft\n" +
                                                                         "TopRight\n" +
                                                                         "BottomLeft\n" +
                                                                         "BottomRight\n" +

            CommandCountersTextAlignmentOption = (TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions), CommandCountersPosition.Value, true);

            CommandCountersFontSize = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersFontSize", 20f, "Size of the command item counter text.");

            CommandCountersPrefix = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersPrefix", "x", "Prefix for the command item counter. Example 'x' will show x0, x1, x2, etc.\nCan be empty.");

            // DPSMeter

            DPSMeterTimespan = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "Timespan", 5f, "Calculate DPS across this many seconds.");

            DPSMeterWindowShow = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowShow", true, "Show a dedicated DPSMeter.");

            DPSMeterWindowIncludeMinions = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowIncludeMinions", true, "Include minions such as turrets and drones in the DPS meter.");

            DPSMeterWindowBackground = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowBackground", true, "Whether or not the DPS window should have a background.");

            DPSMeterWindowAnchorMin = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAnchorMin", new Vector2(0, 0),
                                                              "Screen position the lower left window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                              "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                              "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            DPSMeterWindowAnchorMax = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAnchorMax", new Vector2(0, 0f),
                                                              "Screen position the upper right window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                              "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                              "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            DPSMeterWindowPosition = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowPosition", new Vector2(120, 240), "Position of the DPSMeter window relative to the anchor.");

            DPSMeterWindowPivot = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowPivot", new Vector2(0, 1), "Pivot of the DPSMeter window.\n" +
                                                          "Window Position is from the anchor to the pivot.");

            DPSMeterWindowSize = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowSize", new Vector2(350, 45), "Size of the DPSMeter window.");

            DPSMeterWindowAngle = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAngle", new Vector3(0, -6, 0), "Angle of the DPSMeter window.");

            // ItemCounters

            ItemCountersShowItemCounters = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemCounters", true, "Enable/Disable ItemCounters entirely.");

            ItemCountersShowItemScore = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemScore", true, "Show your item score.");

            ItemCountersItemScoreFromTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemScoreFromTier", true, "Whether or not the ItemScore should be based on tier. If disabled, the per-item settings will be used.");

            ItemCountersShowItemSum = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemSum", true, "Show the how many items you have.");

            ItemCountersItemSumTiersString = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemSumTiersString", "01234", "Which tiers to include in the ItemSum.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            ItemCountersItemSumTiers = ItemCountersItemSumTiersString.Value.ToCharArray().Select(c => (ItemTier)char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToList();

            ItemCountersShowItemsByTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemsByTier", true, "Show how many items you have, by tier.");

            ItemCountersItemsByTierOrderString = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemsByTierOrderString", "43210", "Which tiers to include in the ItemsByTier, in order.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            ItemCountersItemsByTierOrder = ItemCountersItemsByTierOrderString.Value.ToCharArray().Select(c => (ItemTier)char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToList();

            ItemCountersTierScoreTier1  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier1", 1, "Score for Tier 1 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreTier2  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier2", 3, "Score for Tier 2 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreTier3  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier3", 12, "Score for Tier 3 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreLunar  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Lunar", 0, "Score for Lunar items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreBoss   = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Boss", 4, "Score for Boss items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreNoTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "NoTier", 0, "Score for items without a tier.");

            ItemCountersTierScores = new int[]

            ItemCountersItemScores = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // StatsDisplay

            StatsDisplayEnable = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "Enable", true, "Enable/Disable the StatsDisplay entirely.");

            StatsDisplayStatString = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "StatString",
                                                                 "<color=#FFFFFF>" +
                                                                 "<size=18><b>Stats</b></size>\n" +
                                                                 "<size=14>Luck: $luck\n" +
                                                                 "Base Damage: $dmg\n" +
                                                                 "Crit Chance: $luckcrit%\n" +
                                                                 "Attack Speed: $atkspd\n" +
                                                                 "Armor: $armor | $armordmgreduction%\n" +
                                                                 "Regen: $regen\n" +
                                                                 "Speed: $movespeed\n" +
                                                                 "Jumps: $jumps/$maxjumps\n" +
                                                                 "Kills: $killcount\n" +
                                                                 "Mountain Shrines: $mountainshrines\n",
                                                                 "You may format the StatString using formatting tags such as color, size, bold, underline, italics. See Readme for more.\n" +
                                                                 "Valid Parameters:\n" +
                                                                 "$exp $level $luck\n" +
                                                                 "$dmg $crit $luckcrit $atkspd\n" +
                                                                 "$hp $maxhp $shield $maxshield $barrier $maxbarrier\n" +
                                                                 "$armor $armordmgreduction $regen\n" +
                                                                 "$movespeed $jumps $maxjumps\n" +
                                                                 "$killcount $multikill $highestmultikill\n" +
                                                                 "$dps $dpscharacter $dpsminions\n" +
                                                                 "$mountainshrines\n" +
                                                                 "$blueportal $goldportal $celestialportal");

            StatsDisplayStatStringCustomBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "StatStringCustomBind",
                                                                           "<color=#FFFFFF>" +
                                                                           "<size=18><b>Stats</b></size>\n" +
                                                                           "<size=14>Luck: $luck\n" +
                                                                           "Base Damage: $dmg\n" +
                                                                           "Crit Chance: $crit%\n" +
                                                                           "Crit w/ Luck: $luckcrit%\n" +
                                                                           "Attack Speed: $atkspd\n" +
                                                                           "Armor: $armor | $armordmgreduction%\n" +
                                                                           "Regen: $regen\n" +
                                                                           "Speed: $movespeed\n" +
                                                                           "Jumps: $jumps/$maxjumps\n" +
                                                                           "Kills: $killcount\n" +
                                                                           "Mountain Shrines: $mountainshrines\n" +
                                                                           "Difficulty: $difficulty\n" +
                                                                           "Blue Portal: $blueportal\n" +
                                                                           "Gold Portal: $goldportal\n" +
                                                                           "Celestial Portal: $celestialportal\n",
                                                                           "StatDisplay string to show when the custom bind is being pressed. This can be the same or different from the normal StatString.");

            StatsDisplayCustomBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "CustomBind", "tab", "Bind to show secondary StatsDisplay string.\n" +
                                                                 "Example: space\n" +
                                                                 "Must be lowercase. Leave blank to disable.");

            StatsDisplayShowCustomBindOnly = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "ShowCustomBindOnly", false, "Only show the StatsDisplay when the scoreboard is open.");

            StatsDisplayToggleOnBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "ToggleOnBind", false, "Toggle the StatsDisplay when the bind is pressed rather than showing it when it is held.");

            StatsDisplayPanelBackground = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "PanelBackground", true, "Whether or not the StatsDisplay panel should have a background.");

            StatsDisplayAttachToObjectivePanel = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "AttachToObjectivePanel", true, "Whether to attach the stats display to the objective panel.\n" +
                                                                             "If not, it will be a free-floating window that can be moved with the options below.");

            StatsDisplayWindowAnchorMin = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAnchorMin", new Vector2(1, 0.5f),
                                                                      "Screen position the lower left window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                                      "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                                      "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            StatsDisplayWindowAnchorMax = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAnchorMax", new Vector2(1, 0.5f),
                                                                      "Screen position the upper right window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                                      "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                                      "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            StatsDisplayWindowPosition = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowPosition", new Vector2(-210, 100), "Position of the StatsDisplay window relative to the anchor.");

            StatsDisplayWindowPivot = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowPivot", new Vector2(0, 0.5f), "Pivot of the StatsDisplay window.\n" +
                                                                  "Window Position is from the anchor to the pivot.");

            StatsDisplayWindowSize = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowSize", new Vector2(200, 600), "Size of the StatsDisplay window.");

            StatsDisplayWindowAngle = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAngle", new Vector3(0, 6, 0), "Angle of the StatsDisplay window.");

            // Sorting

            SortingSortItemsInventory = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsInventory", true, "Sort items in the inventory and scoreboard.");

            SortingSortItemsCommand = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsCommand", true, "Sort items in the command window.");

            SortingSortItemsScrapper = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsScrapper", true, "Sort items in the scrapper window.");

            SortingTierOrderString = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "TierOrder", "012345", "Tiers in ascending order, left to right.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            SortingTierOrder = new int[]

            SortingSortOrder = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrder", "S134",
                                                      "What to sort the items by, most important to least important.\n" +
                                                      "Find the full details and an example in the Readme on Thunderstore/Github.\n" +
                                                      "0 = Tier Ascending\n" +
                                                      "1 = Tier Descending\n" +
                                                      "2 = Stack Size Ascending\n" +
                                                      "3 = Stack Size Descending\n" +
                                                      "4 = Pickup Order\n" +
                                                      "5 = Pickup Order Reversed\n" +
                                                      "6 = Alphabetical\n" +
                                                      "7 = Alphabetical Reversed\n" +
                                                      "8 = Random\n" +
                                                      "i = ItemIndex\n" +
                                                      "I = ItemIndex Descending\n" +
                                                      "\n" +
                                                      "Tag Based:\n" +
                                                      "s = Scrap First\n" +
                                                      "S = Scrap Last\n" +
                                                      "d = Damage First\n" +
                                                      "D = Damage Last\n" +
                                                      "h = Healing First\n" +
                                                      "H = Healing Last\n" +
                                                      "u = Utility First\n" +
                                                      "U = Utility Last\n" +
                                                      "o = On Kill Effect First\n" +
                                                      "O = On Kill Effect Last\n" +
                                                      "e = Equipment Related First\n" +
                                                      "E = Equipment Related Last\n" +
                                                      "p = Sprint Related First\n" +
                                                      "P = Sprint Related Last");

            SortingSortOrderCommand = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrderCommand", "6",
                                                             "Sort order for the command window.\n" +
                                                             "The command window has a special sort option \"C\" which will place the last selected item in the middle.\n" +
                                                             "Note: This option must be the last one in the SortOrderCommand option.");

            SortingSortOrderScrapper = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrderScrapper", "134",
                                                              "Sort order for the scrapper window.");
Exemple #11
 public ModComponent(BetterUI mod)
     this.mod = mod;
Exemple #12
 public CommandImprovements(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #13
 public BuffTimers(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #14
 public DPSMeter(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #15
 public AdvancedIcons(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #16
 internal Misc(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)
Exemple #17
 public ItemSorting(BetterUI mod) : base(mod)