public GameplayScreen(BesmashScreen parent) : base(parent) { MainContainer.PercentWidth = 100; MainContainer.PercentHeight = 100; // MainContainer.Color = Color.Black; }
public SaveMenuScreen(BesmashScreen parent) : base(parent) { tiNewGame = new TextItem("+ New Game", "fonts/menu_font1"); backKey = GameManager.Configuration.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_cancel"].TriggerKeys[0]; backButton = GameManager.Configuration.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_cancel"].TriggerButtons[0]; deleteKey = GameManager.Configuration.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_option"].TriggerKeys[0]; deleteButton = GameManager.Configuration.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_option"].TriggerButtons[0]; Dictionary <Keys, string> keyInfoMap = new Dictionary <Keys, string>(); Dictionary <Buttons, string> buttonInfoMap = new Dictionary <Buttons, string>(); inputInfoPane = new InputInfoPane(keyInfoMap, buttonInfoMap); inputInfoPane.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; inputInfoPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; // TODO // config.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_option"].TriggerKeys // .ForEach(key => keyInfoMap.Add(key, "Delete Savegame")); // config.KeyMaps["menu"]["menu_option"].TriggerButtons // .ForEach(btn => buttonInfoMap.Add(btn, "Delete Savegame")); // temp solution keyInfoMap.Add(deleteKey, "Delete Savegame"); keyInfoMap.Add(backKey, "Return to Main Menu"); buttonInfoMap.Add(deleteButton, "Delete Savegame"); buttonInfoMap.Add(backButton, "Return to Main Menu"); initMainContainer(); }
public ConfirmDialog(BesmashScreen parent, Callback onConfirm, params string[] messageLines) : base(parent) { VPane vpMessage = new VPane(); foreach (string line in messageLines) { vpMessage.add(new TextItem(line, "fonts/menu_font1")); } HList hlAnswers = new HList( new TextItem("Yes", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("No", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Cancel", "fonts/menu_font1") ); hlAnswers.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { onConfirm(args.SelectedIndex); Alpha = 0; ExitScreen(); }; VPane vpMain = new VPane(vpMessage, hlAnswers); vpMain.Color = Color.Black; vpMain.PercentWidth = 100; vpMain.Alpha = 0.7f;; hlAnswers.IsFocused = true; MainContainer.Alpha = 0.5f; MainContainer.Color = Color.Black; MainContainer.add(vpMain); }
public BesmashScreen(BesmashScreen parent, GameManager gameManager) : base(new VPane()) { MainContainer.PercentWidth = 100; MainContainer.PercentHeight = 100; ParentScreen = parent; Alpha = 1; GameManager = gameManager == null && parent != null ? parent.GameManager : gameManager; }
public MessagePane(BesmashScreen parent, string message) { Color = Color.Gray; EffectAlpha = 0.5f; add(new TextItem(parent.GameManager .Configuration.Language .translate(message), "fonts/menu_font1")); // TODO (test) PixelPerSecond = -1; Children[0].PixelPerSecond = -1; }
public InputDialog(BesmashScreen parent, UserInput input, string message, int time, Callback callback) : base(parent) { this.time = time; this.input = input; this.message = message; this.callback = callback; tiTime = new TextItem(time + "", "fonts/menu_font1"); tiMessage = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"); // TODO make this somehow accessible from outside VPane vpMain = new VPane(tiMessage, tiTime); vpMain.Color = Color.Black; vpMain.PercentWidth = 100; vpMain.Alpha = 0.7f; MainContainer.Color = Color.Black; MainContainer.Alpha = 0.5f; MainContainer.add(vpMain); }
public SettingsScreen(BesmashScreen parent) : base(parent) { IsPopup = true; // TODO test VList vlItems = new VList( new TextItem("Video", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Audio", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Controls", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Gameplay", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Back", PRIMARY_FONT) ); Config = new GameConfig(GameManager.Configuration); VideoSettingsPane vsPane = new VideoSettingsPane(Config); AudioSettingsPane asPane = new AudioSettingsPane(Config); ControlSettingsPane csPane = new ControlSettingsPane(Config); GameplaySettingsPane gsPane = new GameplaySettingsPane(Config); MessagePane msPane = new MessagePane(this, "Return to Main Menu"); StackPane spSettings = new StackPane(vsPane, asPane, csPane, gsPane, msPane); HPane hpMain = new HPane(vlItems, spSettings); hpMain.PercentWidth = 100; hpMain.PercentHeight = 100; spSettings.PercentWidth = 100; spSettings.PercentHeight = 100; spSettings.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlItems.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { showPane(vlItems.SelectedIndex, vsPane, asPane, csPane, gsPane); vlItems.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 4; if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) { close(); } }; vsPane.PercentWidth = 80; vsPane.PercentHeight = 100; vsPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vsPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; asPane.PercentWidth = 80; asPane.PercentHeight = 100; asPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; asPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; gsPane.PercentWidth = 80; gsPane.PercentHeight = 100; gsPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; gsPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; csPane.PercentWidth = 80; csPane.PercentHeight = 100; csPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; csPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; msPane.PercentWidth = 80; msPane.PercentHeight = 100; msPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlItems.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (args.SelectedIndex == 0) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 1) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 2) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 3) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) {, 0.5f); } }; vlItems.DeselectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (args.SelectedIndex == 0) { vsPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 1) { asPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 2) { csPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 3) { gsPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) { msPane.hide(false); } }; vlItems.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => close(); vlItems.Color = Color.DarkSlateBlue; vlItems.Alpha = 0.3f; vlItems.IsFocused = true; vlItems.IsStatic = true; vlItems.PercentHeight = 100; vlItems.PercentWidth = 20; vlItems.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; asPane.hide(); csPane.hide(); gsPane.hide(); msPane.hide();; MainContainer.add(hpMain); }
public InputDialog(BesmashScreen parent, UserInput input, string message, int time) : this(parent, input, message, time, a => {}) { }
public InputDialog(BesmashScreen parent, UserInput input, string message) : this(parent, input, message, 4) { }
private int ignTime = 500; // time in millis any input // will be ignored initially public InputDialog(BesmashScreen parent, UserInput input) : this(parent, input, "Press a new Key or Button") { }
public BesmashDialog(BesmashScreen parent, GameManager gameManager) : base(parent, gameManager) { IsPopup = true; HideParent = false; }
public BesmashDialog(BesmashScreen parent) : this(parent, null) { }