public void AddVertex(Vector V)
				VVertexA = V;
			else if(VVertexB==Fortune.VVUnkown)
				VVertexB = V;
			else throw new Exception("Tried to add third vertex!");
        internal static Vector CircumCircleCenter(Vector A, Vector B, Vector C)
            if(A==B || B==C || A==C)
                throw new Exception("Need three different points!");
            double tx = (A[0] + C[0])/2;
            double ty = (A[1] + C[1])/2;

            double vx = (B[0] + C[0])/2;
            double vy = (B[1] + C[1])/2;

            double ux,uy,wx,wy;

            if(A[0] == C[0])
                ux = 1;
                uy = 0;
                ux = (C[1] - A[1])/(A[0] - C[0]);
                uy = 1;

            if(B[0] == C[0])
                wx = -1;
                wy = 0;
                wx = (B[1] - C[1])/(B[0] - C[0]);
                wy = -1;

            double alpha = (wy*(vx-tx)-wx*(vy - ty))/(ux*wy-wx*uy);

            return new Vector(tx+alpha*ux,ty+alpha*uy);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Add another vector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="V">V</param>
 public void Add(Vector V)
     int i;
         this[i] += V[i];
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the distance of two vectors
 /// </summary>
 public static double Dist(Vector V1, Vector V2)
     if(V1.Dim != V2.Dim)
         return -1;
     int i;
     double E = 0,D;
     return E;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Subtract two vectors
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector operator -(Vector A, Vector B)
         throw new Exception("Vectors of different dimension!");
     Vector Erg = new Vector(A.Dim);
     int i;
     return Erg;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Scale one vector
 /// </summary>
 public static Vector operator *(Vector A, double B)
     Vector Erg = new Vector(A.Dim);
     int i;
     return Erg;
        public void Reset()
            //		GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest);
            Matrix4 modelview = Matrix4.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY);
            GL.LoadMatrix(ref modelview);

            int seeds = 1280;
            int extraSeeds = 512;
            Vector[] points = new Vector[seeds + extraSeeds];

            double thetaOffset = Tau / 4;
            for (int i = 0; i < seeds + extraSeeds; i++) {
                double theta = (double)(i + 1) * Tau / Phi;
                double r = Math.Sqrt(i+1);
                double x = (r) * Math.Cos(theta + thetaOffset);
                double y = (r) * Math.Sin(theta + thetaOffset);

                points[i] = new Vector(new double[] { x, y });

            VoronoiGraph graph = Fortune.ComputeVoronoiGraph(points);

            cells = new SortedDictionary<Vector, List<VoronoiEdge>>();
            foreach (VoronoiEdge edge in graph.Edges) {
                if (double.IsNaN(edge.VVertexA.X) ||
                    double.IsNaN(edge.VVertexA.Y) ||
                    double.IsNaN(edge.VVertexB.X) ||

                if (!cells.ContainsKey(edge.LeftData))
                    cells[edge.LeftData] = new List<VoronoiEdge>();


                if (!cells.ContainsKey(edge.RightData))
                    cells[edge.RightData] = new List<VoronoiEdge>();


                Complex pA = new Complex(edge.VVertexA.X, edge.VVertexA.Y);
                Complex pB = new Complex(edge.VVertexB.X, edge.VVertexB.Y);

                int sampleCount = 2;
                Complex[] samples = new Complex[sampleCount];
                samples[0] = pA;
                samples[sampleCount - 1] = pB;
                for (int i = 1; i < sampleCount - 1; i++) {
                    double ratio = (double)i / sampleCount;
                    samples[i] = pA * (1 - ratio) + pB * ratio;


            for (int i = 0; i < seeds; i++) {
                Queue<VoronoiEdge> edges = new Queue<VoronoiEdge>(cells.Values.ElementAt(i));
                var firstEdge = edges.Dequeue();
                List<Complex> polygonPoints = new List<Complex>();
                polygonPoints.Add(new Complex(firstEdge.VVertexA.X * scale, firstEdge.VVertexA.Y * scale));
                polygonPoints.Add(new Complex(firstEdge.VVertexB.X * scale, firstEdge.VVertexB.Y * scale));
                while (edges.Count > 0) {
                    var edge = edges.Dequeue();
                    Complex pA = new Complex(edge.VVertexA.X * scale, edge.VVertexA.Y * scale);
                    Complex pB = new Complex(edge.VVertexB.X * scale, edge.VVertexB.Y * scale);

                    if (polygonPoints[0] == pA) {
                        polygonPoints.Insert(0, pB);
                    if (polygonPoints[0] == pB) {
                        polygonPoints.Insert(0, pA);

                    if (polygonPoints[polygonPoints.Count - 1] == pA) {
                    if (polygonPoints[polygonPoints.Count - 1] == pB) {



            for (int i = 0; i <= ModuloActor.MaxMod; i++)
                ModuloActor.Maps[i] = CreateIndexMap(i, cells);

            actors[0] = new ModuloActor(21, 0 / 3, new Color4(1f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f));
            actors[1] = new ModuloActor(13, 1 / 3, new Color4(0.5f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f));
            actors[2] = new ModuloActor(0, 2 / 3, new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f));

Exemple #8
				public Vector[] GenerateRandom (int seed, double numPoints, double min, double max)
						//Debug.Log ("Starting to Generate Random Numbers, Max is: " + max);
						List<Vector> tempList = new List<Vector> ();
						UnityEngine.Random.seed = seed;
						Vector p;
						while (tempList.Count < numPoints) {
								p = new Vector (UnityEngine.Random.Range ((int)min, (int)max), UnityEngine.Random.Range ((int)min, (int)max));
								if (!tempList.Contains (p)) {
										tempList.Add (p);
						return tempList.ToArray ();
				public static VoronoiGraph ComputeVoronoiGraph (Vector[] Datapoints)
						BinaryPriorityQueue PQ = new BinaryPriorityQueue ();
						Hashtable CurrentCircles = new Hashtable ();
						VoronoiGraph VG = new VoronoiGraph ();
						VNode RootNode = null;
						foreach (Vector V in Datapoints) {
								PQ.Push (new VDataEvent (V));
						Profiler.BeginSample ("Fortune Compute VoronoiGraph While PQ.Count > 0");
						while (PQ.Count>0) {
								VEvent VE = PQ.Pop () as VEvent;
								VDataNode[] CircleCheckList;
								if (VE is VDataEvent) {
										RootNode = VNode.ProcessDataEvent (VE as VDataEvent, RootNode, VG, VE.Y, out CircleCheckList);
								} else if (VE is VCircleEvent) {
										CurrentCircles.Remove (((VCircleEvent)VE).NodeN);
										if (!((VCircleEvent)VE).Valid)
										RootNode = VNode.ProcessCircleEvent (VE as VCircleEvent, RootNode, VG, VE.Y, out CircleCheckList);
								} else
										throw new Exception ("Got event of type " + VE.GetType ().ToString () + "!");
								foreach (VDataNode VD in CircleCheckList) {
										if (CurrentCircles.ContainsKey (VD)) {
												((VCircleEvent)CurrentCircles [VD]).Valid = false;
												CurrentCircles.Remove (VD);
										VCircleEvent VCE = VNode.CircleCheckDataNode (VD, VE.Y);
										if (VCE != null) {
												PQ.Push (VCE);
												CurrentCircles [VD] = VCE;
								if (VE is VDataEvent) {
										Vector DP = ((VDataEvent)VE).DataPoint;
										Profiler.BeginSample ("DIST Function");
										foreach (VCircleEvent VCE in CurrentCircles.Values) {
												if (MathTools.Dist (DP [0], DP [1], VCE.Center [0], VCE.Center [1]) < VCE.Y - VCE.Center [1] && Math.Abs (MathTools.Dist (DP [0], DP [1], VCE.Center [0], VCE.Center [1]) - (VCE.Y - VCE.Center [1])) > 1e-10)
														VCE.Valid = false;
										Profiler.EndSample ();
						Profiler.EndSample ();
						VNode.CleanUpTree (RootNode);
						foreach (VoronoiEdge VE in VG.Edges) {
								if (VE.Done)
								if (VE.VVertexB == Fortune.VVUnkown) {
										VE.AddVertex (Fortune.VVInfinite);
										Profiler.BeginSample ("Infinite Function");
										if (Math.Abs (VE.LeftData [1] - VE.RightData [1]) < 1e-10 && VE.LeftData [0] < VE.RightData [0]) {
												Vector T = VE.LeftData;
												VE.LeftData = VE.RightData;
												VE.RightData = T;
										Profiler.EndSample ();
						ArrayList MinuteEdges = new ArrayList ();
						foreach (VoronoiEdge VE in VG.Edges) {
								if (!VE.IsPartlyInfinite && VE.VVertexA.Equals (VE.VVertexB)) {
										MinuteEdges.Add (VE);
										// prevent rounding errors from expanding to holes
										foreach (VoronoiEdge VE2 in VG.Edges) {
												if (VE2.VVertexA.Equals (VE.VVertexA))
														VE2.VVertexA = VE.VVertexA;
												if (VE2.VVertexB.Equals (VE.VVertexA))
														VE2.VVertexB = VE.VVertexA;
						foreach (VoronoiEdge VE in MinuteEdges)
								VG.Edges.Remove (VE);

						return VG;
		public VDataEvent(Vector DP)
			this.DataPoint = DP;
		public VDataNode(Vector DP)
			this.DataPoint = DP;
		public static VNode ProcessCircleEvent(VCircleEvent e, VNode Root, VoronoiGraph VG, double ys, out VDataNode[] CircleCheckList)
			VDataNode a,b,c;
			VEdgeNode eu,eo;
			b = e.NodeN;
			a = VNode.LeftDataNode(b);
			c = VNode.RightDataNode(b);
			if(a==null || b.Parent==null || c==null || !a.DataPoint.Equals(e.NodeL.DataPoint) || !c.DataPoint.Equals(e.NodeR.DataPoint))
				CircleCheckList = new VDataNode[]{};
				return Root; // Abbruch da sich der Graph verändert hat
			eu = (VEdgeNode)b.Parent;
			CircleCheckList = new VDataNode[] {a,c};
			//1. Create the new Vertex
			Vector VNew = new Vector(e.Center[0],e.Center[1]);
//			VNew[0] = Fortune.ParabolicCut(a.DataPoint[0],a.DataPoint[1],c.DataPoint[0],c.DataPoint[1],ys);
//			VNew[1] = (ys + a.DataPoint[1])/2 - 1/(2*(ys-a.DataPoint[1]))*(VNew[0]-a.DataPoint[0])*(VNew[0]-a.DataPoint[0]);
			//2. Find out if a or c are in a distand part of the tree (the other is then b's sibling) and assign the new vertex
			if(eu.Left==b) // c is sibling
				eo = VNode.EdgeToRightDataNode(a);

				// replace eu by eu's Right
			else // a is sibling
				eo = VNode.EdgeToRightDataNode(b);

				// replace eu by eu's Left
//			///////////////////// uncertain
//			if(eo==eu)
//				return Root;
//			/////////////////////
			//complete & cleanup eo
			//while(eo.Edge.VVertexB == Fortune.VVUnkown)
			//    eo.Flipped = !eo.Flipped;
			//    eo.Edge.AddVertex(Fortune.VVInfinite);
			//    Vector T = eo.Edge.LeftData;
			//    eo.Edge.LeftData = eo.Edge.RightData;
			//    eo.Edge.RightData = T;

			//2. Replace eo by new Edge
			VoronoiEdge VE = new VoronoiEdge();
			VE.LeftData = a.DataPoint;
			VE.RightData = c.DataPoint;

			VEdgeNode VEN = new VEdgeNode(VE, false);
			VEN.Left = eo.Left;
			VEN.Right = eo.Right;
			if(eo.Parent == null)
				return VEN;
			return Root;
Exemple #13
				public Cell (Vector Site)
						site = Site;
						Reset ();
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Reset all elements with ransom values from the given range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="MinMax">MinMax[0] - Min
 /// MinMax[1] - Max</param>
 public void Randomize(Vector[] MinMax)
     int i;
         this[i] = MinMax[0][i] + (MinMax[1][i]-MinMax[0][i])*MathTools.R.NextDouble();
Exemple #15
				// Lloyd Relax the points here to get more even distribution.
				// First we need to know the N number of Voronoi Verts that make up each cell.
				// Then we can find the centroid of each of those cells, and move the Site that created this cell to that centroid.
				public Vector[] LloydRelax (Vector[] sites, VoronoiGraph graph)
						List<Vector> RelaxedSites = new List<Vector> ();
						for (int s =0; s < sites.Length; s++) {
								List<Vector> cellVerts = new List<Vector> ();

								foreach (VoronoiEdge edge in graph.Edges) {
										if (edge.LeftData == sites [s]) {
												// Check if one or more of the edge verts is infinity
												if (edge.IsPartlyInfinite) {
														if (edge.VVertexA == Fortune.VVInfinite) {
																edge.VVertexA = (edge.FixedPoint + (edge.DirectionVector * InfinityLength));
														if (edge.VVertexB == Fortune.VVInfinite) {
																edge.VVertexB = (edge.FixedPoint + (edge.DirectionVector * InfinityLength));
												edge.Clamp (Border, Max - Border);
												cellVerts.Add (edge.VVertexA);
												cellVerts.Add (edge.VVertexB);

										// If we didn't find a LeftData for this edge just put that site back uncentered.
										Vector centroid = sites [s];
										if (cellVerts.Count > 0) {
												centroid = math_utilities.Compute2DPolygonCentroid (cellVerts);
												centroid.Clamp (Border, Max - Border);// lets hope this works better.
										if (!RelaxedSites.Contains (centroid)) {
												RelaxedSites.Add (centroid);
						return RelaxedSites.ToArray ();
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Build a new vector as a copy of an existing one
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="O">The existing vector</param>
 public Vector(Vector O)
     : this(
Exemple #17
		public static Vector operator / (Vector A, double B)
			Vector Erg = new Vector(A.Dim);
			for (int i = 0; i < A.Dim; i++)
				Erg[i] = A[i] / B;
			return Erg;