Exemple #1
        protected override Component BuildComponent(Entity entity)
            PosComponent result = new PosComponent();
              Random random = new Random();
              result.X = random.Next(80);
              result.Y = random.Next(80);

              return result;
Exemple #2
        public void TestEntitySetup()
            // Create some components.
              Component stats = new StatsComponent();
              Component pos = new PosComponent();

              Assert.AreEqual(null, stats.Entity);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, pos.Entity);

              // Create an entity, it starts with nothing but an id.
              Entity ent = new Entity("1")
            // Give it some components (using a handly fluent interface idiom).

              // Read the components back. Thanks to generic magic, we don't need to
              // refer to component families explicitly at all.
              StatsComponent stats2;
              Assert.IsTrue(ent.TryGet(out stats2));
              Assert.AreEqual(stats, stats2);

              PosComponent pos2;
              Assert.IsTrue(ent.TryGet(out pos2));
              Assert.AreEqual(pos, pos2);

              Assert.AreEqual(ent, stats.Entity);
              Assert.AreEqual(ent, pos.Entity);

              // Now for a somewhat subtle pitfall from the generic magic:
            // We declare something as just a Component and try to get it.
            Component comp;
            ent.TryGet(out comp);
            Assert.Fail("Exception didn't happen.");
            // The base component class doesn't have a valid family. Trying to get
            // a variable without a subcomponent type that has a specified family
            // causes a runtime exception.

              // Another bad thing to do is to add a Component without a proper
              // GetFamily method:
            ent.Set(new BadComponent());
            Assert.Fail("Exception didn't happen.");
            // This also crashes, since the component type fails to describe
            // itself properly.

              // Checking for null components.
            Assert.Fail("Exception didn't happen.");

              // Removing a component.

              Assert.IsTrue(ent.TryGet(out stats2));

              Assert.IsFalse(ent.TryGet(out pos2));

              Assert.AreEqual(ent, stats.Entity);
              Assert.AreEqual(null, pos.Entity);