public void Add(Statline statline)
     _db.Insert(new StatlineDTO
         Date = statline.Date,
         FaceoffWinPercentage = statline.FaceoffWinPercentage,
         GamesPlayed = statline.GamesPlayed,
         GoalsAgainst = statline.GoalsAgainst,
         GoalsAgainstPerGame = statline.GoalsAgainstPerGame,
         GoalsFor = statline.GoalsFor,
         GoalsForPerGame = statline.GoalsForPerGame,
         Points = statline.Points,
         Losses = statline.Losses,
         Wins = statline.Wins,
         OvertimeLosses = statline.OvertimeLosses,
         RegularPlusOvertimeWins = statline.RegularPlusOvertimeWins,
         PowerPlayPercentage = statline.PowerPlayPercentage,
         PenaltyKillPercentage = statline.PenaltyKillPercentage,
         PointPercentage = statline.PointPercentage,
         SeasonId = statline.SeasonId,
         ShotsForPerGame = statline.ShotsForPerGame,
         ShotsAgainstPerGame = statline.ShotsAgainstPerGame,
         Team = (int)statline.Team,
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Discover what is relevant by retroactively predicting and measuring, rather than using correlation
        /// </summary>
        private static void CrystalBall()
            var lastGames = _gameRepository.GetLastResultedGames(100);
            var predictions = new List<Prediction>();
            var homeAwayPredictions = new List<Prediction>();
            var positiveStats = new Statline().PositiveStats;
            var negativeStats = new Statline().NegativeStats;

            foreach (var game in lastGames)
                // get team statlines for date before game date
                var gameStatlines = _statlineRepository.GetStatlinesForGame(game);

                Game game1 = game;
                var home = gameStatlines.Single(s => s.Team == game1.HomeTeam);
                var away = gameStatlines.Single(s => s.Team == game1.AwayTeam);
                var actualWinner = game1.HomeScore > game1.AwayScore ? home.Team : away.Team;

                // REVISIT: Extend variables to have positive/negative. Write a comparison function that checks these
                foreach (var variable in positiveStats)
                    predictions.Add(new Prediction
                        GameId = game.Id,
                        PredictedWinner = home.GetByName(variable.Name) > away.GetByName(variable.Name) ? home.Team : away.Team,
                        ActualWinner = actualWinner,

                foreach (var variable in negativeStats)
                    predictions.Add(new Prediction
                        GameId = game.Id,
                        PredictedWinner = home.GetByName(variable.Name) < away.GetByName(variable.Name) ? home.Team : away.Team,
                        ActualWinner = actualWinner,

                var homeAwayPrediction = new Prediction
                    GameId = game.Id,
                    PredictedWinner = home.HomeWins > away.AwayWins ? home.Team : away.Team,
                    ActualWinner = actualWinner,


            Console.WriteLine("Crystal ball performance: {0}/{1} = {2}%",
                predictions.Count(p => p.PredictedWinner == p.ActualWinner),
                Math.Round((double) (predictions.Count(p => p.PredictedWinner == p.ActualWinner) / predictions.Count * 100), 2)

            Console.WriteLine("Crystal ball home & away performance: {0}/{1} = {2}%",
                homeAwayPredictions.Count(p => p.PredictedWinner == p.ActualWinner),
                Math.Round((double)(homeAwayPredictions.Count(p => p.PredictedWinner == p.ActualWinner) / homeAwayPredictions.Count * 100), 2)
        public void Update(Statline statline)
            var dto = _db.SingleOrDefault<StatlineDTO>("where Team = @0 and Date = @1", (int)statline.Team, statline.Date);

            if (dto != null)
                dto.Date = statline.Date;
                dto.FaceoffWinPercentage = statline.FaceoffWinPercentage;
                dto.GamesPlayed = statline.GamesPlayed;
                dto.GoalsAgainst = statline.GoalsAgainst;
                dto.GoalsAgainstPerGame = statline.GoalsAgainstPerGame;
                dto.GoalsFor = statline.GoalsFor;
                dto.GoalsForPerGame = statline.GoalsForPerGame;
                dto.Points = statline.Points;
                dto.Losses = statline.Losses;
                dto.Wins = statline.Wins;
                dto.OvertimeLosses = statline.OvertimeLosses;
                dto.RegularPlusOvertimeWins = statline.RegularPlusOvertimeWins;
                dto.PowerPlayPercentage = statline.PowerPlayPercentage;
                dto.PenaltyKillPercentage = statline.PenaltyKillPercentage;
                dto.PointPercentage = statline.PointPercentage;
                dto.SeasonId = statline.SeasonId;
                dto.ShotsForPerGame = statline.ShotsForPerGame;
                dto.ShotsAgainstPerGame = statline.ShotsAgainstPerGame;
                dto.Team = (int) statline.Team;

                // REVISIT: Turn these fields into nullable fields
                if (statline.Rank > 0)
                    dto.Rank = statline.Rank;
                    dto.PlusMinus = statline.PlusMinus;
                    dto.HomeWins = statline.HomeWins;
                    dto.HomeLosses = statline.HomeLosses;
                    dto.HomeOvertimeLosses = statline.HomeOvertimeLosses;
                    dto.AwayWins = statline.AwayWins;
                    dto.AwayLosses = statline.AwayLosses;
                    dto.AwayOvertimeLosses = statline.AwayOvertimeLosses;
                    dto.ShootoutWins = statline.ShootoutWins;
                    dto.ShootoutLosses = statline.ShootoutLosses;
                    dto.WinsInLast10 = statline.WinsInLast10;
                    dto.LossesInLast10 = statline.LossesInLast10;
                    dto.OvertimeLossesInLast10 = statline.OvertimeLossesInLast10;
                    dto.StreakType = (int) statline.StreakType;
                    dto.StreakLength = statline.StreakLength;