public static string GetLevelID(Song song) { string[] values = new string[] { song.hash, song.songName, song.songSubName, song.authorName, song.beatsPerMinute }; return(string.Join("∎", values) + "∎"); }
public IEnumerator DownloadSongCoroutine(Song songInfo) { songInfo.songQueueState = SongQueueState.Downloading; UnityWebRequest www; bool timeout = false; float time = 0f; UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation asyncRequest; try { www = UnityWebRequest.Get(songInfo.downloadUrl); asyncRequest = www.SendWebRequest(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e); songInfo.songQueueState = SongQueueState.Error; songInfo.downloadingProgress = 1f; yield break; } while ((!asyncRequest.isDone || songInfo.downloadingProgress != 1f) && songInfo.songQueueState != SongQueueState.Error) { yield return(null); time += Time.deltaTime; if ((time >= 5f && asyncRequest.progress == 0f) || songInfo.songQueueState == SongQueueState.Error) { www.Abort(); timeout = true; Logger.Error("Connection timed out!"); } songInfo.downloadingProgress = asyncRequest.progress; } if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError || timeout || songInfo.songQueueState == SongQueueState.Error) { songInfo.songQueueState = SongQueueState.Error; Logger.Error("Unable to download song! " + (www.isNetworkError ? $"Network error: {www.error}" : (www.isHttpError ? $"HTTP error: {www.error}" : "Unknown error"))); } else { Logger.Log("Received response from"); string docPath = ""; string customSongsPath = ""; byte[] data =; Stream zipStream = null; try { docPath = Application.dataPath; docPath = docPath.Substring(0, docPath.Length - 5); docPath = docPath.Substring(0, docPath.LastIndexOf("/")); customSongsPath = docPath + "/CustomSongs/" + + "/"; if (!Directory.Exists(customSongsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(customSongsPath); } zipStream = new MemoryStream(data); Logger.Log("Downloaded zip!"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception(e); songInfo.songQueueState = SongQueueState.Error; yield break; } yield return(new WaitWhile(() => _extractingZip)); //because extracting several songs at once sometimes hangs the game Task extract = ExtractZipAsync(songInfo, zipStream, customSongsPath); yield return(new WaitWhile(() => !extract.IsCompleted)); songDownloaded?.Invoke(songInfo); } }
public bool DeleteSong(Song song) { bool zippedSong = false; string path = ""; CustomLevel level = SongLoader.CustomLevels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.levelID.StartsWith(song.hash)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(song.path)) { if (level != null) { path = level.customSongInfo.path; } } else { path = song.path; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(false); } if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { return(false); } if (path.Contains("/.cache/")) { zippedSong = true; } if (zippedSong) { Logger.Log("Deleting \"" + path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('/')) + "\"..."); if (PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin) { FileOperationAPIWrapper.MoveToRecycleBin(path); } else { Directory.Delete(path, true); } string songHash = Directory.GetParent(path).Name; try { if (Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/'))).Length == 0) { Logger.Log("Deleting empty folder \"" + path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')) + "\"..."); Directory.Delete(path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')), false); } } catch { Logger.Warning("Can't find or delete empty folder!"); } string docPath = Application.dataPath; docPath = docPath.Substring(0, docPath.Length - 5); docPath = docPath.Substring(0, docPath.LastIndexOf("/")); string customSongsPath = docPath + "/CustomSongs/"; string hash = ""; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(customSongsPath, "*.zip")) { if (CreateMD5FromFile(file, out hash)) { if (hash == songHash) { File.Delete(file); break; } } } } else { Logger.Log("Deleting \"" + path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('/')) + "\"..."); if (PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin) { FileOperationAPIWrapper.MoveToRecycleBin(path); } else { Directory.Delete(path, true); } try { if (Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/'))).Length == 0) { Logger.Log("Deleting empty folder \"" + path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')) + "\"..."); Directory.Delete(path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')), false); } } catch { Logger.Warning("Unable to delete empty folder!"); } } if (level != null) { SongLoader.Instance.RemoveSongWithLevelID(level.levelID); } Logger.Log($"{_alreadyDownloadedSongs.RemoveAll(x => x.Compare(song))} song removed"); return(true); }