public void BruteSpecialAttack(Captain self, Brute Target) { Target.Health = self.SpecAttack - Target.SpecDefence; Target.SpecDefence = Target.SpecDefence - 1; }
public void HostileSpecialAttack(Captain self, hostile Target) { Target.Health = Target.Health - self.SpecAttack * 2 - Target.Defence; Target.Defence = Target.Defence - 1; }
public void CaptainSpecialAttack(Brute self, Captain Target) { Target.Health = self.SpecAttack - Target.SpecDefence; Target.SpecDefence = Target.SpecDefence - 1; }
static void Main(string[] args) { unit grunt = new Battle_Arena.unit(); grunt.isAlive = true; grunt.Print(); Console.WriteLine("Grunt watches as Soldier is trained"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); friendly Soldier = new friendly(); = "Soldier"; Soldier.isAlive = true; Soldier.Health = 100; Soldier.Attack = 20; Soldier.Defence = 5; Soldier.FriendStat(); Console.WriteLine("Soldier notices Commander is walking by"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Captain Commander = new Captain(); = "Commander"; Commander.isAlive = true; Commander.Health = 200; Commander.Attack = 50; Commander.Defence = 20; Commander.SpecAttack = 40; Commander.SpecDefence = 20; Commander.CaptainStat(); Console.WriteLine("Commander notices that there is a Hostile near by"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); hostile Zombie = new hostile(); = "Zombie"; Zombie.isAlive = true; Zombie.Health = 100; Zombie.Attack = 20; Zombie.Defence = 5; Zombie.HostileStat(); Console.WriteLine( + "wanders around"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Commander.HostileSpecialAttack(Commander, Zombie); Console.WriteLine("Commander special attacks " +; Zombie.HealthUpdate(); while (Zombie.isAlive == true) { Soldier.HostileAttack(Soldier, Zombie); Console.WriteLine("Soldier attacks " +; Zombie.HealthUpdate(); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("--WARNING, DETECTING MULTIPLE BRUTE CLASS LIFE FORMS IN THE REGION--"); Brute Reaper = new Brute(); = "Reaper"; Reaper.isAlive = true; Reaper.Health = 600; Reaper.Attack = 60; Reaper.Defence = 30; Reaper.SpecAttack = 40; Reaper.SpecDefence = 20; Reaper.HostileBoss(); Console.WriteLine(""); Brute Ghost = new Brute(); = "Ghost"; Ghost.isAlive = true; Ghost.Health = 400; Ghost.Attack = 30; Ghost.Defence = 20; Ghost.SpecAttack = 60; Ghost.SpecDefence = 50; Ghost.HostileBoss(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Ghost.SoldierAttack(Ghost, Soldier); Soldier.HealthUpdate(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Soldier calls for backup"); Soldier.BruteAttack(Soldier, Ghost); Ghost.HealthUpdate(); friendly Soldier2 = new friendly(); = "Soldier"; Soldier.isAlive = true; Soldier.Health = 100; Soldier.Attack = 20; Soldier.Defence = 5; Soldier2.FriendStat(); friendly FootSoldier = new friendly(); = "FootSoldier"; Soldier.isAlive = true; Soldier.Health = 100; Soldier.Attack = 20; Soldier.Defence = 5; FootSoldier.FriendStat(); Captain Captain = new Captain(); = "Captain"; Commander.isAlive = true; Commander.Health = 200; Commander.Attack = 50; Commander.Defence = 20; Commander.SpecAttack = 40; Commander.SpecDefence = 20; Captain.CaptainStat(); friendly Swordsman = new friendly(); = "Swordsman"; Swordsman.isAlive = true; Swordsman.Health = 100; Swordsman.Attack = 20; Swordsman.Defence = 5; Swordsman.FriendStat(); friendly Knight = new friendly(); = "Knight"; Soldier.isAlive = true; Soldier.Health = 100; Soldier.Attack = 20; Soldier.Defence = 5; Soldier2.FriendStat(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void CaptianAttack(hostile self, Captain Target) { Target.Health = self.Attack / 2 - Target.Defence; Target.Defence = Target.Defence - 1; }